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I have decided to break up with my gf...a month from now...


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a month from now university classes will be over...not that I am happy, because that means I will have to go home, and when I am home the family is WWIII...my parents and I do not get along AT ALL...


well, it is also the best and smartest time to dump my gf, since we are going to be separated the next day...I know, call me weak all you want, but I'd rather be called that than break up with her now and have to deal with CRAZY psycho fights i've already had too many doses of...


just now I was cleaning my room because my parents are coming over later today (it is 5 AM heh...I got class in 3 hrs...guess i am not sleeping for the thirg night in a row)...


my room is FILLED with things from my gf...because I am a resident assistant and have my own room, and because she feels the need to be attached to my hip 24/7, she is ALWAYS over day and night and has made this her living place, even though she has a room in her own dorm which she hasnt been in in weeks...


a huge pile of dirty laundry, dirty underwear, dirty bras...ewww...a LOT of girly stuff...many many girly movies, dresses, shoes...how am I supposed to hide all this from my parents...the girl literally lives here...I feel suffocated sometimes and when I ask for her to take some things to her place, a HUGE FIGHT ERUPTS..."OK OK dont YOU WORRY...I will take EVERYTHING NOW...U WILL BE VERY VERY HAPPY WONT YOU???!!!' at the top of her freaking lungs at any time of the day or night...mind you, I am a resident assistant, I need to set an example to my residents...by having a psycho gf fighting wit me at any nhour and break the quiet hour rules I am not showing a god example...


she cant see past herself it seems...also, some habits are REALLY scaring me...how much she resembles her mother is INSANE, and I have a feeling her mother has more than a few loose screws in her head...


her wonderful husband, bless his heart, works 10+ hrs a day, only to come home to a woman SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER about everything...she does not work...her child is away at college...I am almost positive she literally has NOTHING to do or no worries...everything is handed to her...she fights, throws objects accross the house, breaks things, neighbors call the cops...it is crazy...


well, when my said gf gets in an annoyed mood, which seems to be 24/7 the pst few months about ANYTHING...(ARGH I hate this cafeteria...i hate this class...i hate being in this campus all the time bla blah blah) and when she gets angry she does the same freaky/creepy facial expressions her mom makes, does the same behaviour, screamin, throwing things...this is not good...i have finally woken up it seems and i wanna be FREE...much rather be a coward and save my skin and reputation than do it now and have to deal with a war...

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So what are you trying to achieve by posting about all of this? LoL.


How to get her crap out of your dorm?


Go get a few garbage bags. Put all of her junk in them. Tell her to TAKE them back to her dorm, or else they'll end up in the DUMPSTER.


I'm glad you're breaking up with her. All that you wrote about her . . . she really seems like a drag. Like baggage. You shouldn't even wait to do it. Do it now. Good luck.

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If you are that miserable, time to man up and ditch her now...you have to stand up for yourself and not let her walk all over you. Breaking up with her once you are back home is taking the cowards way out. You do not want to spend your life taking crap from people because you are too afraid to stand up to them. Use the situation with your girlfriend as a first step in reclaiming your life and standing up to bullies. Stand up to her and dump her now and deal with the fallout...it will toughen you up and allow you to start sticking up for yourself when people try to walk all over you.

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already gave my reasons...in my opinion doing it the day before we leave and be away from the fireworks is a lot better than doing it anywhere on campus, and then have her embarrass me by creating a huge deal while eveyrone that walks by stares...OR, if I do it in my room, have her make it a 4 hour or more ordeal by getting violent, trying to hit me, trying to get me to hit her, breaking everything I own, yealling and screaming at 5 AM just like her mother while my residents are trying to sleep, and in general just have me give up with the breaking up because I want the lunatic behaviour to stop otherwise I will get fired from my job...


works a lot better this way imo...will just stick it up for a month now...

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the fact she is just like her mother disgusts me...I dont know why her father is still with her...but I have realized I am becoming just as spineless as he is now...maybe it is the gift of the women of that family, to be horrible partners and cause men to simply give up?


and imo, they are not even worth settling over...

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You should just pack up all her stuff and drop it in her room, break up with her there so it doesn't have to happen in your room. You could get her banned from your dorm if you really wanted -- it's happened in my dorm.


Seriously, this is unacceptable, I don't care how horrible she is, you are being just as immature IMO. Just get it over with!

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already gave my reasons...in my opinion doing it the day before we leave and be away from the fireworks is a lot better than doing it anywhere on campus, and then have her embarrass me by creating a huge deal while eveyrone that walks by stares...OR, if I do it in my room, have her make it a 4 hour or more ordeal by getting violent, trying to hit me, trying to get me to hit her, breaking everything I own, yealling and screaming at 5 AM just like her mother while my residents are trying to sleep, and in general just have me give up with the breaking up because I want the lunatic behaviour to stop otherwise I will get fired from my job...


works a lot better this way imo...will just stick it up for a month now...



If she is that bad then you should be getting out of this situation immediately and if she starts going on a rampage, call the police. You have to stand up to people like that. If she is that bad, she can still find ways to harass you even if you wait until before you leave. You can't avoid the inevitable...you have to stand your ground and not let her make you fearful of reprisals.

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