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It's been a year almost since the first time I have gotten rejected. I liked the guy for four years prior to telling him since I was so shy. He told me to call him, led me on in a way and then got his girlfriend to answer when I called when he asked. I found out that they recently had separated, but then got back together not too long ago. You would think It would be over by now - the pain of rejection I feel. I thought it had ended as well...until I dreamt about him a few nights ago, and all of these feelings started to surface. I know I may seem immature and all, I am only eighteen and will be nineteen in June. I've never had a boyfriend so in a way, this is the closest thing for me to one. I work with children on weekdays, 8-5. I've lost contact with all my friends since graduation, the relationships were withering anyhow.


I have no one to bring my spirits up and reassure me that I am a wonderful person and that someone would soon find me. I feel like I should be all over this now. ADVICE?

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Hun he sounds like a jerk. Don't waste anymore time thinking about him. You deserve much better.


The only thing is, you want wait for someone to find you. You need to put yourself out there. I know it's hard since you work full-time. Maybe you can sign up for a class or join a gym. Do things that will put you in contact with others your age. Even if you meet some new girlfriends, they'll know guys to introduce you too. Have you met any people at work that you could be friends with?

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Thank you so much for your replies.


The thing killing me the most is that - I knew he liked me. He would ask me out ALL the time. In class - but he would make it so obvious in front of everyone and I just was afraid. He asked me out numerous times throughout three to four years. Now I am afraid. Afraid that there will be no other guy that I can feel as strongly about. And I'm afraid there will never be another guy that likes me and wants me as much as when he did that I too like. OR - maybe this was just a little experience for the real thing. That if there ever is someone you really like, that likes you - don't be afraid to voice it.


anymore advice?

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If there is one, then there'll be more. He's not the only guy out there. If you get yourself out to meet people, then it'll be easier to find more guys. Every experience we have is a learning experience. So instead of dwelling on it and regretting the past, take what you can learn from it so you can apply it in the future.

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It's really just about getting out of the house and socializing. You can't meet new guys if you don't interact with people. That's why I suggested signing up for a class on the weekend or joining a gym. Or if you've made friends at work, suggest going out with a big group of people. Or even let them know that you're looking, so if they have someone they could set you up with that'd be great. Don't expect anything to happen immediately. Just go live your life.

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