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Height and dominant vs submissive


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Hmm, height and dominance in my opinion are not congruent. My ex is 6'1. I am 4'11 (female obviously). I was far more dominant than him. He was extremely passive and submissive. Current SO is 5'6. He is more my equal in the dominance factor and probably slightly more than I am.


To answer your question, I can't speak for other women but I certainly never expect a shorter man to be less dominant. My father is 5'4 and very much was the dominant one in my parents relationship. IF women DO expect passiveness and submissiveness out of a shorter guy she could be very surprised. Height has nothing to do with it, it's all one's personality.


I am not submissive at all either and as mentioned barely five feet tall.

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That's your theory. Height could also likely be an indicator of health and "good genes".


NOt sure what good genes have to do with it. Being short is not a flaw IMO. I love being little. I also have leaned towards a preference of shorter men, altho I don't make the physical my goal in choosing a mate, has to be a good personality.


I would not want to be a tall woman. It is all personal preference. Good genes have nothing to do with it, just genes in general. I have known tall women who hated what hand they were dealt. Some loved it. It is all personal preference.


I also would have pitied any guy who would have insulted my dad in any manner. LOL At 5'4 he was solid muscle and not one to try to intimidate.

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And good environment. Genes can only do so much, food and health care contribute.


Good point. I remember a UN report stating that people in Vietnam were very low not just because of their genes, but also because of malnutrition and diseases due to bad hygiene (both malnutrition and hygiene obviously due to poverty). Probably lack of proper healthcare also (but I don't remember).

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LOL. This is hilarious. Some people are just small and not from malnutrition.


I know poor people who are homeless and who certainly don't eat well who are huge!


None of these statements are helping the OP with his problem. Telling him he is unhealthy or from bad stock isn't doing much to help his dilemma.

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To the OP, no. I don't personally think that way.


And for the gals who do think that way, and prefer tall guy who is submissive, why bother anyways? You aren't a tall submissive person, so those gals aren't for you.


Just to give the flip side of this coin, while sometimes shortness can indicate poor nutrition and environment, so can height.


I see all these 6 foot 2+ folks walking around at such a young age, and sometimes wonder if part of this isn't due to all the hormones in our foods.


Height simply isn't a good indicator of health.

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NOt sure what good genes have to do with it. Being short is not a flaw IMO. I love being little.


I meant "good genes" as an indicator of being able to generate physically healthy offsprings. I am certainly not suggesting that height is an indicator of being a good person (indirectly via the genes).


Behaviour has with much else than genes to do (the importance of genes is IMHO often overstated). I am not very tall btw. ;-)

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Because you assume women want to be submissive?


Maybe you should just drop the gender roll ideals of the 50's and see if you can find a woman from this decade that doesn't mind guys that aren't tall.


wow you pretty much jumped on me for no reason... when did i ever say i embraced the gender roles of the 50's... i have no problem finding women "from this decade" who don't mind my height, but I consider myself a good looking guy. the reason for my post is i don't consider myself a submissive person, and i was wondering if women have previously formed judgments on tall vs short guys in terms of their personalities. now chill lol.

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LOL. This is hilarious. Some people are just small and not from malnutrition.


I know poor people who are homeless and who certainly don't eat well who are huge!


None of these statements are helping the OP with his problem. Telling him he is unhealthy or from bad stock isn't doing much to help his dilemma.


While I am not dating JS's husband - and she is not dating my bf -- I am in a similar situation and have similar views about height. I am 5"2 by the way, bf is 5"5 (or 5"6 on a good day....)

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I meant "good genes" as an indicator of being able to generate physically healthy offsprings. I am certainly not suggesting that height is an indicator of being a good person (indirectly via the genes).


Behaviour has with much else than genes to do (the importance of genes is IMHO often overstated). I am not very tall btw. ;-)


Okay, perhaps your statements were misunderstood....because I was grasping at trying to figure out how a shorter person could indicate poor health or bad genes. LOL


I do think, however, that ones personality or predisposition might depend upon the genes they inherit.

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Many of the shorter guys I've dated have been very dominant... my boyfriend is tall (a foot taller than me) and not particularly dominant. I really like it when he's bossy and kind of aggressive (not mean or anything), but he usually isn't. It really has nothing to do with height. I've only dated one short guy who was kind of quiet and submissive... the most forceful/dominant guys I've dated have been the shortest. For the most part, the most dominant men I know are very short - my mother calls it a Napoleon complex.

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LOL. This is hilarious. Some people are just small and not from malnutrition.


I know poor people who are homeless and who certainly don't eat well who are huge!


None of these statements are helping the OP with his problem. Telling him he is unhealthy or from bad stock isn't doing much to help his dilemma.


The point was not that genes does not have an influence on height. It certainly does. The point was that malnutrition CAN affect height also.


As for the OP's "dilemma" I just think he has a wrong theory about womens preferences for tall dominant men.

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NOt sure what good genes have to do with it. Being short is not a flaw IMO. I love being little. I also have leaned towards a preference of shorter men, altho I don't make the physical my goal in choosing a mate, has to be a good personality.


I would not want to be a tall woman. It is all personal preference. Good genes have nothing to do with it, just genes in general. I have known tall women who hated what hand they were dealt. Some loved it. It is all personal preference.


I also would have pitied any guy who would have insulted my dad in any manner. LOL At 5'4 he was solid muscle and not one to try to intimidate.


I'm happy at my height and I'm the shortest person in my family. My Mom likes to tease me, but its so funny to me because I see no point in wanting to be taller.

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I'm a short guy, 5'6. I know most girls go for tall guys because they like the whole dominant factor... What I'm wondering is if girls who go for short guys expect them to be a more submissive type?


Well... IMO 5'6 isn't that short. Maybe for some girls, but alot of girls like guys their height as you know.

No girls don't expect short guys to be more submissive.. That's like saying a certain body part of a girl (for instance boobs) make her a certain way (for instance a less sexual person).

I think overall girls expect most guys to be a bit dominant regardless of height. A bit of submissiveness at the right moments is perfect.

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wow you pretty much jumped on me for no reason... when did i ever say i embraced the gender roles of the 50's... i have no problem finding women "from this decade" who don't mind my height, but I consider myself a good looking guy. the reason for my post is i don't consider myself a submissive person, and i was wondering if women have previously formed judgments on tall vs short guys in terms of their personalities. now chill lol.


You were the one that made the gender dominate/submissive assertion.

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I'm happy at my height and I'm the shortest person in my family. My Mom likes to tease me, but its so funny to me because I see no point in wanting to be taller.


Some people can't fathom that some people enjoy the physical hand they were dealt.


My family was different than yours tho. We were all very tiny....the one cuosin i had who was born tall was teased her entire life....probably a big reason why i was glad to be born the way i was.


I think back now and realize how awful it was for family members to tease her over her height (she was 6'1 in a family where the men were 5'4 to 5'6 and the women 5').

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The point was not that genes does not have an influence on height. It certainly does. The point was that malnutrition CAN affect height also.


As for the OP's "dilemma" I just think he has a wrong theory about womens preferences for tall dominant men.


no dilemma. i'm rated 9.1 on HotorNot lol... i didn't really have a theory, I was just curious if women associated height with dominance and submissiveness, just based on some girls I have dated in the past... but it seems pretty apparent based on most of the posts so far that thats not really the case.


and carnelian, i didn't make the male/female dominance/submissiveness assertion... i asked about a height relationship.

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I'm a short guy, 5'6. I know most girls go for tall guys because they like the whole dominant factor... What I'm wondering is if girls who go for short guys expect them to be a more submissive type?


I am also short 5'3 and yes most girls do like tall guys. Do you have a gf? And do you go on dates?

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no dilemma. i'm rated 9.1 on HotorNot lol... i didn't really have a theory, I was just curious if women associated height with dominance and submissiveness, just based on some girls I have dated in the past... but it seems pretty apparent based on most of the posts so far that thats not really the case.


and carnelian, i didn't make the male/female dominance/submissiveness assertion... i asked about a height relationship.


I think you'll be fine. I don't think most women make this assumption. And if you are rated 9.1 on hot or not then you'll likely have many options (even tho i disagree with those kind of sites but anyhoo)!

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It's really sad when people feel comfortable generalizing about short men - i.e. the napoleon complex - because obviously if they made the same generalizations about Black or Asian people they'd be called "racist." Somehow it's considered acceptable to make such ignorant comments about shorter men.

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I think you'll be fine. I don't think most women make this assumption. And if you are rated 9.1 on hot or not then you'll likely have many options (even tho i disagree with those kind of sites but anyhoo)!


I agree with that. Not to inflate your ego lol but you posted a pic and your a good looking kid so you really don't have to worry much about height. 5'6 is fine.

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