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So I am wondering...and this might be a DUH question but...my boyfriend calls and doesn't leave messages. Does that mean he wants me to call him back? Do you call your SO back when they don't leave you a message? I usually don't call anyone back who doesn't leave a message because I'm a really busy person anyway. Its just always how I've been. Anyway what do you all think?

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I sometimes don't leave messages. Really depends on who I call. Usually I am calling someones cell phone so they see the number and they call back. If it goes straight to voice mail then I'll leave a message but if I call and it rings and they don't answer then I dont leave a message.


I know many ppl who wont leave a voice mail. I even work with ppl who wont page someone on the pa. When I ask all these ppl why they don't they tell me "leaving voicemail's/paging is not my thing"

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lol 'not my thing.' well, calling you back is not my thing!


i once had a breakup precipitated by this issue. i had a cell phone that did not record who called while it was off. the only way i would know you had called while my phone was off was if you left a message. i was dating a guy who called several times while my phone was off, didn't leave a single message, thought i was blowing him off when i never called him back. he was pissed and called off the relationship. i explained to him what happened, but by that time, it was too late.


seriously people, if you want to be called back, leave a message!

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This may sound odd, but..sometimes it's "nerve wracking" to leave a message. If you mess up or something, there it is on tape, for everyone to hear. I feel weird leaving a message sometimes, I bet that might be why some folks just hangup rather than take that breath and let it all spill out onto an unforgiving answering machine.


any time i've left a message it has an option to re-record. and what kind of long drawn out messages are you leaving? usually i say call me back.

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