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Humor my Freaking Out


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I'm freaking out a bit; I'm not normally this hypochondriac (and hell, I'll often avoid doctors if I can) but this is really concerning me. I'm sorry if this is stupid.


So I woke up this morning with my right ear buzzing like crazy, and it still hasn't stopped. Online hearing tests show that my right ear seems to have diminished hearing in the 4khz to 5khz range (while my left ear is unaffected). I can still hear things in the right ear, but the upper ranges much less than my left. This hasn't happened to me before. When I was sleeping last night, my pillows were uncovered because the pillow covers were in the wash; I don't know if that would affect anything but I have heard of dust mites before. It could just be ear wax, I guess, but would that cause me to not be able to hear a specific range of frequencies in this ear?


I'm heading home in a bit to try some wax dissolving drops my parents have, hopefully that'll solve it. If not, any idea what I should do after that?


Any advice is greatly appreciated. I think the main reason I'm concerned is an article I saw that if it's a viral thing, there's a limited amount of time one has until the loss is permanent. Thanks.

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