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Will i always feel like something is missing in my life?

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I'm sorry to hear about your situation. You are currently going through the grieving process. It's normal that you feel this way.


For some people, greiving could take years, or monthes. It really depends on the person, but yes, the pain will go away. It takes time...


Death is a part of life. Unfortunately, someday, we will all have to witness our loved ones dying someday. It's inevitable.


What keeps me moving on in life is remembering the words of wisdom that the person once said, and treasuring all of the memories that were spent together.


Your grandfather will live with you in spirit, as long as you treasure those memories. He will live on in your heart forever. Never forget those memories so that you can carry on through life and possibly share it with your potential children.


I hope that this helps. Take care!

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Hi there and welcome to enotalone.


I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather's passing. Its never easy to lose people we love. And for awhile, the pain can be unbearable.


Eventually, it gets better. But it takes time. Sometimes a year or more. And you will always miss him, it just won't tear your heart out like it is doing right now.


I, for one, believe that a person is never really gone as long as there is someone who still loves them. Their memory lives on, and their spirit is watching. You will carry a piece of him with you for the rest of your life, and hopefully you can take some comfort in that. I carry around my father's memory everywhere that I go. And the best compliment someone can pay me now is when they say I am just like him.


Hang in there, it will get better. I wish you peace and comfort.

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The loss of someone close causes terrible pain and I feel for you.


The pain will get less as times goes on. Its important not to see it as something missing but more remember what he added to your life. I lost my cousin a few years ago to bone cancer, he was like a little brother to me. When I think of him I feel sad but also remember the good things and things we did together.


How long it takes depends on the individual. It is important to not bottle your feelings up but to share them with others if possible with your family or close friends. I have a close friend who lost her father a few years ago and on fathers day the whole family get together to provide support for each other and to celebrate his life. They find this helps were as others like to be alone at difficult times. It is important you take your time and do what is right to help you heal. Talk to people and tell them how you are feeling.


Feel free to pm if you want to say more but dont feel like posting your feeling.



Take care



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sorry that your grandfather died of lung cancer, I know how it feels ciz my uncle died of lung cancer back in 7 years ago and yes it will take sometime for the pain to heal, as did mine...just remember all of the good, fun things that he did or that you guys did together.



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I also lost my grandfather a few years back also to lung cancer so I can really relate to what you are feeling, this will sound like a cliche but time is a great healer everyone is different in the way that they grieve there is no right or wrong way and it will take as long as it takes, try to focus on the positive memories that you have of him and I bet there are many! take time to just sit and remember him talk to other people if you find it helps-they cannot help you unless they know how you are feeling. You will feel better and I imagine he would hate to think of you being so sad, try to find some positives from this situation , life is precious and as you are painfully aware so very short make the best of your time here

Good luck

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