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This is so embaressing!!!!!

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Money is such a problem. That is why it is taking a long time to get my bachelor's degree. I don't know what I want to do yet. It's embaressing. The man in my life, he has a sister who is an attorney. His dad is a representative. His mom is a teacher. His brother who is my age is getting close to getting his degree. How close am I??? NOT very close! I have a beautiful daughter. In the first year of entering college, I met him. He was all I wanted. Now, I realized that I should have graduated by now. My bestfriend is a few credits away from getting her psychology degree. I am ashamed. I want to get my Bachelor's degree but I don't know what I want. I wanted to make my parents proud. They haven't gone far as h.s. It's hard to deal with the "real world" My family has very low income and my boyfriend's family gives him checks to pay for his university tuition. It makes me wish I had that. It is very depressing! I hate to see people succeed and not me! Every day, I worry about money situations. Especially, my educational finances. I'm embaressed because he and I hang out with these successful teachers, attorneys, legislative workers, and I am this un-successful person. I love my daughter very much. My bestfriend is also the one who has her degree. I want mine! Money is a problem!!! and still I don't know what I want to do with my life. I'm confused...Do I want to be a teacher, lawyer, dentist, doctor...who knows...once I know, I want to get it 100%...It is so embaressing!!!! Does it have to be?????????

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why do you let that bother you, think about this..there are a LOT of young adults out in this world who would love to have the chance to attend college, And learn to get a better education in whatever, including myself....i would love to attend a university dealing with conservation, fish and game, wildlife, anything really with Fish...biologist especially, but back to what your saying about feeling bad about not having your bachelors degree, you can and will pull threw that...there are services that help young struggling people go threw college, student loans, are always an option...i wish i were in your shoes, at least getting an education in something would be an honor, Your so Lucky...

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allstarsassyone, I know how you feel. I have a money problem right now. I'm in college and luckily my mom has been kind enough to pay ofr my college and my rent each month by sending it to me. I don't have a job down here cuz I need to concentrate on my studies while I'm here. Don't be ashamed that you haven't graduated college or have gotten your degree yet. I felt the same way you did when all of my friends were graduating from 2 year colleges and I was still back home working everyday and I knew what I wanted to do, but I had to wait 2 years to get into the college that I'm at now and now I have 4 months left of school. You'll gradute and get your degree, just keep pluggin away. I have a friend back home who has no idea what he wants to do and he's in his 3rd year of college. You'll be okay.



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  • 6 months later...

People make choices, some choices are better, some are worst :


I have a friend who is older (around 45). He went to the very best private school and went to law school. But now he is always broke, he never owned his own home, he never had a car (in fact, he does not drive).


WHAT HAPPENED ? He made wrong choices.


He got married when he was 25 yrs old with the wrong person. He married an older uneducated woman who had already 2 kids. She started sleeping with him when he was still in high school and she was already divorced. She trapped him and he fell in the trap.


He married her against his parents wishes, he does not talk to them since. This woman is uneducated, not very attracted and envious of his privileged education. thereforeeee, in order to make sure he stays with her, they got 3 extra kids together. She is very jealous and makes the home very unstable emotionally, she cannot really give him any support because of her emotional problems. He always had to take on low paying jobs, because he could not afford to wait to find a good job. With all the stress at home, he could not get forward in his career.


Now, he complains all the time he owns no house, no car, etc... Generally people marry only after they have completed a career or when they have some security they will complete one. They then work, save, buy a house and then have kids. This is the traditional way.


If he had been more responsible with respect to his own future kids, he would have chosen a good mother for his kids (a balanced and supportive person) and would have followed the traditional path. But he choose not to listen to his parents, nor his friends. He allowed someone who was dreaming with marrying a lawyer at any cost to trespass upon him and now he has to bear the consequences of his choices.


He keeps blaming the whole world, especially the rich, but he is the only responsible for his own actions. He had a privileged education, and now he even has to support his grand-children.


People have to make responsible choices and teach their chidren to do the same.

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You should not feel bad about not having your degree. It is never too late to get an education and the fact that you are doing it says alot. Getting an education requires much effort and time. You are committed to this and that in itself is an accomplishment. Be proud of where you are in your life, you are setting a good example for your daughter! Do not feel inferior to the other people who have already reached their goals, remember they were once students too. Keep going and do not look down on yourself.

I know, three children and a divorce later- I went back to college at 30- and this year I obtained my degree. Good luck to you !


Money comes and goes but nobody can take away your education.

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