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I Ruined Chritsmas


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Everything was perfect.


I checked my final grades online and found out that I passed calculus. I haven't been doing well in the class and when I received a grade sheet right before the final it said 70.6%. Just .6% down and I would have to take the class again. But I managed to stay above.

I bought my parents a GPS as a Christmas gift. Well, actually, it was supposed to be a present for everyone. I thought it would be useful since at least once every couple of months someone in my house gets lost somewhere. Including me.

I didn't know what to get my sister. I kept procrastinating and finally I went to a local grocery store and got her a $50 gift card.

Everything was good. I passed my classes, got everyone something for Christmas, and, overall, everything was finally peaceful.


Until yesterday night.


I called a friend to ask him what he was doing. He said he didn't have any plans, and asked me if I wanted to go to the movies. I said yeah, and so we went.

At the theater the whole parking lot was full. I wanted to go but my friend had something different on his mind. He didn't want to go in because he thought we would end up sitting in the front row and waste our money.

I said nothing. We ended up driving to his house. He called his friend and asked him if he had any weed. He said yeah and told my friend he would be right over.

I smoked. I didn't think much about the last time I smoked. Nothing good came out of it. I came home that night half-passed out. But no one, no one saw me. I slept and that was the end of it.

But I had to try again. My Christmas break was about to start, I was done with school, and everything played along nicely. Except for weed.

I came back home after 12. To my surprise, everyone was still awake. I couldn't fake being straight.

My mom followed me to my bed. She looked at me and asked what happened. I don't remember what I said to that. She started crying.


I woke up. Everything was like I dream. I went upstairs. But it was all real. All real. My mom woke up with her eyes bloodshot. My sister mad at me. My dad just asked me if I was ok.


My mom's crying. My sister's mad at me. My dad's trying to fix things. But he can't.


I made a promise before that I was never going to smoke. I broke that promise. I ruined Christmas.

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No you haven't ruined Christmas.


First, congrats for passing conquering dy/dx!


Now, I would recommend writing a letter to your parents. In it, say what you've said here - that you had promised yourself you would never smoke, and you broke that promise to yourself, and you feel awful. Tell them you didn't enjoy it one bit and you've only been MORE turned off the drug. Tell them you'd hate for this to ruin Christmas and ask if you can wait until after Christmas to finish discussing your punishment and steps forward.

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You have not ruined Christmas. Your parents are just disappointed at this moment. Your parents love you and are concerned about you. Although, your parents do love you this is one of those things that you have to decide not to do for yourself. Apologize, for breaking your promise and get back on the wagon. Christmas is tomorrow and you can still have a happy holiday!

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