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Ok, heres the geist of the situation. My high school girlfriend (whom I date during my senior year) WILL NOT LEAVE ME ALONE! Lets start at the beginning. We were always having fights (when we were together), and she was always the one to start them, and then she turns around and act like an angel, like nothing has happened. We broke up after Christmas (first time), assuming that its all my fault, but however, it was not my fault, she was the one acting like a heartless witch, etc. Now being the kind hearted person that I am, I took her back, we contiune to fight. Now here is where the nail into the coffin comes in. My sweet mother decided to pay for us to go to the prom together. She brought us $80 prom tickets ($40 each), she brough her $80 dress shoes and a $100 dress. What did she do to show just how grateful she is of my mother genrosity, she stands me up, AT MY OWN PROM! We broke up finally after that, and everything was peaceful for a while, I went to college, and she couldn't get into anything, not the army, not college nothing, so she goes to live with her mom, and get a job as shoe girl. She basically pushes shoe at some crappy factory. She calls every once in a while, still being a witch. Everytime she calls, another nail into the coffin. Until finally she drives the two final nails into the coffin. At the beginning of my 2nd year of college, she decides to call me up, to brag about her new boyfriend, who lives in a trailer and works at Mc. Donald, and to say she still has that dress and shoe. If that wasn't bad enough, last night she now says she has another boyfriend from Harvard (now the problem with this is that we both live in North Carolina, and Harvard is in Mass), and yet he is able to visit her every single night! Wow! She accues me of having no life, no friend (which is not true because I have many friends) and no girlfriend, because quote "No one will date my sorry a$$, and that Im too ugly), now I admit I may not be Ricky Martin beautiful, but I'm not that bad. So bascially she has not changed in over two years. Now heres the question, how do I get her to leave me alone, remember this girl WILL NOT LISTEIN TO REASON, and what is the perfect revenge?

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I don't know how easy this would be, but wait until a bigname star starts going out with a no name guy. Then what you do is get a picture of this star and impose your picture in it using a picture of you. then take it and make it a postcard. mail it to the chick. I knew a guy who did this, the onlty thing is it was Demi Moore, and he was found out after she started going out with that 70's show guy. it may work for a little while. say you met over the internet. Good luck!

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I just thought it was funny that the ad for this book was on the same page as your post:

maybe it would help you with your problem.


I think the girl is lying to you and getting you jealous, just dont pick up the phone or whatever when she tries to talk to you. She is a sorry part of your past and was a mistake, dont let her put you down anymore!

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No, I'm not giving you a self-help line. The absolute best revenge:


Work hard in school, do your best and focus on performing every task you undertake with perfection. Keep your mind on what's ahead of you, not behind you and lead a good and honest life. This will make you successful.


Don't be rude. Don't be mean. Don't be spiteful. Avoid talking to her.


She will kick herself for being a witch to you when she grows up but by that time, you'll have so much going for you that what she thinks will be insignificant. You're on the right track. Don't let her distract you from YOUR dreams. Know what your dreams are and go out there and get it. It's a big world out there and college is only the beginning. I know this because I've been through it myself. In a few years, she will mean absolutely nothing to you.


You might've taken her back because she's pretty now. But wait a few years and focus on improving yourself. Your happiness with yourself is the best revenge.

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I agree with Phgnome. You should change your phone number and maybe even change your email address. You should avoid talking to this bitch at all costs. If you do answer the phone and it is her then ask her to stop calling and say you have something important to do and hang up. That will piss her off that she cannot make you feel bad. I think she is doing this because she is not happy with anything that is happening in her life. Just ignore her.


You are a better person and don't sink to her level.


Stand up and be strong.


Good luck,


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  • 2 months later...

Well heres an update. I've cut off ALL contact with her, and everything has been great. I had 2 A's and 3 B's in my last report card, and my relationship with my new girl has been going on great I'm a happy camper. Welllll My girl and I were shopping today, and we were looking at jeans for her. She came up and saw me, and tried to talk to me. I ignored her and so did my girl. She got angry that I wasn't being a "friend" and talking to her, she decided to scream out "Fine, but at least I don't have to date a Jap to get some!" Well, now here I am, just got my girl to sleep after holding her while she cry. Apparently I either need to sue her sorry ass or file a restraining order.

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