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So I have posted about this before but something new has came into the situation.


Last Friday, my sister, brother, sister -in-law and I went out to eat at a restaraunt. We had a male waiter and I smiled at him frequently and he would smile also at me. When he first came to our table, I was the first to notice him and when I looked up at him he was staring at me and I smiled at him, he didn't do anything and kept staring at me...then I looked over and in the corner of my eye he smiled and so I smiled again. When we were done eating he gave all of us our checks and as I gave him the payment, I locked eyes with him, smiled and said - "You can keep the change." He also did the same and said "Thanks a lot."


WELL. Fast Forward to tonight -

We all went back and my brother and sister and sister -in-law knew I liked him. I told them that night, well, we went to the same place to eat and my brother told the hostess "Can we have [waiters name]? My sister has a thing for him." and sooo. we got him. we were waiting for our seats and here he comes out into the lobby looking around...I believe the hostess had told him. and anyway, we get our seats, sit down and...he wasn't as talkative as he was. He was with my brother and his wife but, not with me or my sister. we made eye contact a bit, but he shyed away a bit. Afterwards I gave him my payment with money in it and five extra dollars for a tip and I said. "You can keep the change." He said softly - "Thank you so much."


****I left my number on the receipt. With my name by it.


What do you think of this situation? Do you think that when he found out I liked him, maybe he was shy or felt akward? I feel so stupid. I've never had a BF and have only had one REAL crush my whole life. He was all smiles last week! What happened?


Thank you for any advice!


Also - what do guys usually do with numbers?

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Hokay...Sounds like he was really into you but was just a bit awkward cos of the situation. remember, he was at work and kinda needed to remain professional, waiters chatting up customers is not really done i think. especially is his colleagues were watching


He has your number so thats good. Calling a girl you've never chatted to socially is a daunting thing so if he's shy he may not call through fear (or maybe didn't see your number on the bill)


If he calls GREAT, if not leave it a while then go back and eat again in the future but let him do the work this time.

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You don't know much about him, it makes it nearly impossible to say if it will work or not he may have a girlfriend or not, but don't give up if you really like him, next time you go and eat you could always ask one of the other waiters for a bit more info on him.

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Did you just leave your number and name on the paper or did you write anything else like 'call me'? I doubt I would call someone if it just had a number on and nothing else - even if it was from a cute guy. I would want to know for sure it was for me and they really wanted me to call them. I need that 'call me' to be there. I also need to know it WAS specifically for me. Did you put his name on it?

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Did you just leave your number and name on the paper or did you write anything else like 'call me'? I doubt I would call someone if it just had a number on and nothing else - even if it was from a cute guy. I would want to know for sure it was for me and they really wanted me to call them. I need that 'call me' to be there. I also need to know it WAS specifically for me. Did you put his name on it?


Of course he's going to know who the number is from. I agree that a little note saying "call me" is a little better than just a name and phone number, but not really important.


Hopefully he calls you.


Good luck

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Of course he's going to know who the number is from. I agree that a little note saying "call me" is a little better than just a name and phone number, but not really important.


Hopefully he calls you.


Good luck



Well, I'm only eighteen and haven't had much experience in this category so I didn't think of putting "Call me."


What do you think his reason for not being as talkative/smiley was? Maybe he knew I liked him since my brother told the hostess I had a thing for him? Or could it be that he just isn't interested???


Thank you.

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Of course he's going to know who the number is from. I agree that a little note saying "call me" is a little better than just a name and phone number, but not really important.


Hopefully he calls you.


Good luck


Well if it was me I wouldn't have been so sure. If I was a waitress, even if someone I served was really nice to me and acted like they liked me, I wouldn't guarantee that a name and number was from that person. I might even think the person wrote the number down to give someone else, and accidentally left it. I would never assume a number and name was for me unless it was put right into my hand or had my name on. Ok, I might think it could have been for me, but I guess I'm insecure so I wouldn't be 100% sure, and I wouldn't call a number. If I liked that person I would just hope they came in again.

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You just need to wait it out. That is ALL you can do, there is no other option unless you go back there. Maybe in a few days if he hasn't called you could go with some friends or something, and jokingly say to him something along the lines of "hey, I take it you didn't want to call me! you heartbreaker!" If you said something like that with a big smile on your face, he may then tell you the reason why he didn't call. But of course that could put everyone in an akward situation. It really depends on how badly you want him I guess. But don't get your hopes up too high - he could already be with someone and was just flirty, or could be the flirty type that flirts with everyone! Don't mean to end it on a downer..just a reality check. Goodluck though.

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