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Now that I asked, what does it look like now?


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I was in the same boat as you a month back. Asked her out, she said no, we still talk though (that sweetie she is) and just because I asked, I have confidence out the wazoo. Ghost and Diggity helped me, and ghost helped you mostly, and I couldn't have helped you without help from ghost, so I think we both owe one to ghost!

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Why were you relieved when she said no, with your girl? Because your work was over?



I think I was relieved, because she didnt make a huge deal about it, when she said no. She didnt make me feel like a loser, because I asked out someone as gorgeous as her. I thought her and her friend in the class would have been all over it, but its like nothing ever happened. We text in class for 3 hrs straight now she sits 2 rows ahead of me (she always starts the texts) we rip on kids in the class, the teacher, etc. (I know its terrible) Light hearted neutral convo's, and Im not moving in on her, not pursuing her more than once, and she sees that, and respects me for it. So because she didnt make me feel like garbage, I guess I was "relieved"


Oh and Thanks Ghost.

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Life is funny. I felt for sure this girl was going to turn me down, because when I talked to her, she just didn't act in to me, but I tried anyway, so I guess this was just practice. What a practice it was.


I still don't think you should ask any and every girl out at random though. That to me just seems way too much. It's the end of the semester, so I feel like a little break from women for now. LoL HaHa. Women can give guys a headache just by us worrying about them, LoL.


I was a little tiny bit sad today that I got turned down, but then I said, oh f*** it, I asked her out and I did a damn good job doing it. Who the f*** cares if she turned me down.


She actually musta been a nice girl, because she didn't go like, "Hell no" or even really "no". She was more like, "I hope he gets the message no, but I will not say no".


I'm just happy, for my nervous sake, that she wasn't like, ewww later on to me, she was always polite to me even afterwards, as I have already told all of you.


I believe DiggityDogg's guide on how to get women mostly, but I don't know if I want to walk up to any girl and be like, hey, let's go out. I still think I need to talk to her at least a minute, LoL.


"You're hot, let's go out" - For The Win#%!#@!@!@%#$#@$#@


EDIT: SuperSport I think you were right. I think she did respect me after asking her out. Even though she did turn me down, I think she loved how I asked her out, like how even ghost69 hinted at. That's probably why she is still so darn friendly and nice and polite me now. HeHe. She never was all this thank you a lot and all that just because I handed her a book to return. LoL.


EDIT: Anyway, I saw this girl on FaceBook, same one, and figured, would she like an add instead of a soda/drink? As a funny joke. I'm still waiting to see what happens. I figured, might as well, talk to her, cause I ran in to her profile, while looking on Facebook. She maybe did have a bf, but who knows. It looks like she will be graduated and out of the school next semester, so I will defiantly not see her. So I don't have to worry about that drink anymore. It says she's gone in 08, which goes with what she said.


This other girl, that I find cute, is also on Facebook. She used to always be taken, and I was always like damn she seems so cute and friendly. So I figured, heck message her, since she's single now and I don't see her anymore with her boyfriend in school, it's worth a try. The worst I can end up with probably is another friend on Facebook and more practice talking to women. This girl is a cutie. It's funny because I kept being like, s*** she's so cute, I wish she wasn't taken. Now she's actually single. Life is funny, LoL.

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Yea of course ya gotta talk to a girl a while first. But I think what DiggityDogg means is that you don't talk too long and to a point where you become close pals.. almost like a lil' brother. Ya gotta keep that flirting/sexual attraction going on while still being friendly and yourself.


Oh and honestly... I gotta say, I think from your past experiences with girls, they where all just b****es. I mean hardly anyone I know turns guys down in a really mean way unless he was being fresh or overly nasty. I'm sure the ones you asked out you where completely polite to, so I dunno..

What I mean is don't think it too big of a deal that this girl let you down gently. Sometimes that can be worse, cause some girls just half let you down, so your left wondering: "okkkk... so she wants me to still chase her then? Oh wait wait! She didn't say yes... but she didn't say noooo!


But basically well, a girl who turns a guy down in a rude way, just is so not worth it.. People/girls like that and guys too are people I hate associating with no matter how hot they are. I just stay away from em anyway, cause I do know a few guys who just think highly of themself and then will laugh behind a girls back after she is gone cause she showed them interest..

A simple "thanks, I'm flattered, but ..." is a good way to let someone down, no need to bruise ego's.

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Sometimes that can be worse, cause some girls just half let you down, so your left wondering: "okkkk... so she wants me to still chase her then? Oh wait wait! She didn't say yes... but she didn't say noooo!


A simple "thanks, I'm flattered, but ..." is a good way to let someone down, no need to bruise ego's.


I wish this girl would have just done that. She left me with a tad bit of confusion. She gave me her email, which almost sounds like, dude I'm still interested, if you first look at it. She never said yes or no, which makes me somewhat confused, even though I'm thinking it's probably no. Maybe when we talk a little online, I will probably find out she had a boyfriend or something, cause it's weird. I don't know why she didn't just turn-turn me down. It was confusing, because it was like she couldn't think.


I don't know if she has a boyfriend, but here's how she acted. I swear she acted like a girl who would be interested in going with a guy somewhere but had a boyfriend so she can't. I just find it weird how she just didn't go, no thanks but...... like you said.

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She probably was wondering how can I turn this guy down as nicely as possible.


Well either she's a nice girl or she feels I'm completely worth not turning down like an a**hole or both. LoL HaHa


I just thought it was interesting that she gave the email then. But she is nice.


SuperSport, do you think she just gave her email to be nice and to not really respond?

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Well, we are talking on Facebook, so we will see what's going on. She added me and I'm talking to her about hey, what's up and stuff like that.


Her profile doesn't say if she is single or taken, so who knows on that part.


Well, guys, I figured it out. She's actually just dated someone twice and just wants to be friends. I guess that's ok. It kinda hurts a little bit. But I understand it completely.

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You know, I wonder if I am just a picky guy.


I swear, I see tons of girls every day, yet, I never seem to find ones that I'm truly attracted to.


I see tons of girls that are hott yet I swear I always see some reason that I am not attracted to them, usually because of somehow they act.


Is any other guy here like that? Or do most of you just go and hit on all of the the hotties?


I swear, my mind is like this:


"Boy, she's cute, maybe she's worth it."


She acts


"Ehhh, maybe not."


I do this to so many girls, you would not believe it. I guess I'm a judger by first impressions.


Is it wrong or just trying to find the right girl?

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Interesting how you feel comfortable making those snap judgments but from your previous posts it sounds like you want people to give you more of a chance. I would not pursue someone whose behavior is a true turn off but you might want to consider that it's easier to make snap judgments than to leave your comfort zone (which you did with this particular girl - good for you!)

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act like you moved on now. don't show her so much attention. you tried, and it seems she isn't interested. be ready for the next girl man. i've done this with many women i've tried to get a number from. i used to frequent clubs/bars and started to notice some of the same women. some of them i thought were attractive and asked them to go out sometime. yes, i had a general conversation with them first. some of them probably realized i wasn't there type and said no. some of them said they were seeing someone, which told me they weren't interested as well. but every time i'd run into them, they try and come up to me and start talking to me. not trying to ruin my chances with other women and have them think i'm with those girls, so a simple hi or a quick 'how you doin?' and walk off worked for me. why would i want another female friend like that? not needed.


this girl pretty much declined your invitation and interest, so show her nil praise. you tried. that's all that matters.

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if you are interested in a girl and you pursue with negative results, brush it off and move on. that is all you need to know. you can take the experience with you and try and figure out a better approach. analyze how you talked to her.


if she says she has a bf, move on immediately. if a girl tells you in words like this 'i'm not looking for a boyfriend, cause i already have one' - that sounds like a nice way to let you down for uninterest. move on from that type of girl too. don't beat yourself up so much about this man.

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if you are interested in a girl and you pursue with negative results, brush it off and move on. that is all you need to know. you can take the experience with you and try and figure out a better approach. analyze how you talked to her.


if she says she has a bf, move on immediately. if a girl tells you in words like this 'i'm not looking for a boyfriend, cause i already have one' - that sounds like a nice way to let you down for uninterest. move on from that type of girl too. don't beat yourself up so much about this man.


That's what I thought. I figured might as well ask for the heck of it, just to see if anyone else had the same opinion and appearntly you do.

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