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skipping your period on ortho tri cylen.

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I'm, in a dilema. I wanted to start ortho tri cyclen to regulate my period before my wedding. Because I am currently getting my period on or a few days within my wedding/honeymoon (I'm very irregualr) So I was hoping to start taking BC to change the date, so it would strat nowhere near my wedding, but the doc said I couldn't. They said I had to either start the BC the day of my period or the sunday after, or else I will mess up my whole cycle and bleed all the time.


So then my backup plan was just to take the pills straight through for the month I'm getting married and skipping my period that month. Then they said I couldn't do that on ortho either!!! (like you can with other pills) is this true? has anyone ever tried it? I really want to try ortho because I haven't had luck with other pills and this one is supposed to have way less side effects. But I wanna do whatever possible to not have it on my wedding/honeymoon.

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I know that you do have to start taking it on a specific day or it won't work for that cycle...can't just start it whenever.


As for your plan to take them straight through...i tried that a long time ago (with a different BC) and it worked great...tried agian while on a holiday in Portugal with another different BC, and i bled just like normal...doesn't always work...but i havent tried that specific pill.

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I have heard that you can start a new pack right after finishing your old one, skipping the sugar pills, without problems.


I can only say that I tried that once with Ortho-Tri and it didn't work. I did it because I was in the middle of a big move and didn't want to have to worry about my period. I ended up bleeding and spotting the whole month making it a horrible pain given my situation. Guess my body just didn't like it, I don't know.


If you start the pills now, it will regulate your period so that you can plan, but I guess it's too late for you to work around that?

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I have heard that you can start a new pack right after finishing your old one, skipping the sugar pills, without problems.


I can only say that I tried that once with Ortho-Tri and it didn't work. I did it because I was in the middle of a big move and didn't want to have to worry about my period. I ended up bleeding and spotting the whole month making it a horrible pain given my situation. Guess my body just didn't like it, I don't know.


If you start the pills now, it will regulate your period so that you can plan, but I guess it's too late for you to work around that?

yeah, we have the date set already and made all the plans. When I made the plans my period wasn't on that date, but since it's so irregualr, it now is.

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You can do that with other pills but check whether the typical side effects are enhanced if you skip the sugar pills. Also consider if, like many brides, you lose weight before the wedding and/or are very stressed/not eating regularly, it may throw off your period anyway.

can it throw it off even if your on BC? This alone is stressing me out. It's like, I waited 24 years for my wedding day AND to have sex. We rented out this beautiful, expensive bed and breakfast. I don't wanna spend it watching tv

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Here's the thing - it depends how long before your wedding you start the bc pill. Also, I have a vague memory of being a bit late or "off" even when on the BC if I had just had a bad cold or travelled, etc. But not by much so you are right.


I think you mentioned in another thread that you were uncomfortable doing "it" if you had your period. Without TMI, if it's not your heaviest day than, um, with the lights off and a towel ready, he doesn't have to "know" about it and as long as you don't have bad cramps it should still be enjoyable.


Good luck.

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ew. sorry but that gorsses me out. I think he'd notice blood on his ..um...ya know. And since I am a virgin, I'm going to need a TON of foreplay before he goes in. Inlcuding oral, so I think he'd know. ugh. I would assume starting the pills now instead of waiting for closer to the wedding is the rght thing to do. Do you agree?

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You can "clean up" - him too - before he sees any trace of, you know. As far as foreplay, lubricant can help, too. but, I do understand the gross factor!


I think you should start now for two reasons - first, to get on a regular routine and cycle and second, in case the pill you try has uncomfortable side effects, you still have time to try alternatives.

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Most triphasic pills (three different levels of hormones per month) like Ortho Tri-Cyclen don't work well for this as you cut back on hormones when you go from last pill of last pack to first week of new pack which can cause spotting and bleeding.


Other pills - mostly monophasic - do allow for you to skip periods (Seasonale is specifically designed for this) but there is no guarantee and spotting or breakthrough bleeding can still occur.


When I was on the pill, my periods were always so light and short anyway I never bothered skipping but I know a few friends whom tried with mixed success.

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Not sure when wedding is, but even if you start according to requirements, you may find your period does change it's length/starting date by time of wedding anyway.


I think you can start at another point in cycle, but you just won't be protected for that month and it may be a bit whacky on your body for you - like lots of spotting, hormonal fluctuations - so I don't really recommend it.

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