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so whats the deal with loosing your boobs after having a baby?


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I was a D before getting pregnant and ballooned uncomfortably to a E-F sized bra when I was pregnant.


This may not be the popular opinion, but among other reasons, I chose not to breastfeed because I feared what might happen to my breasts (even if the fear is unfounded, I was not risking it)


When my milk "came in" I chased it away quickly with ice packs and by wrapping my chest very tightly with an ace bandage for 2 days. It's also important not to let any hot water hit your breasts in the shower if you want the milk to dry up quickly- and you cannot let them move. I was uncomfortable binding myself like that but it worked for me and paid off well


My son is 3 months old now and to my relief, my chest is exactly the way it was before I got pregnant.


I also tried to minimize the weight gain and stayed in shape throughout the pregnancy and practically immersed myself in cocoa butter so I'm not sure if that helped me bounce back well.

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I chose not to breastfeed for many reasons- and yes one of them was that I did worry about my own body and self (and fear of my boobs sagging to my ankles) My boobs were around long before I got pregnant. So I did choose to care about them/myself. I don't see the need to totally abandon one's self-concept or freedom of choice, to become a mother.


I applaud women who do breastfeed, but I chose not to. My son is healthy and happy and so am I. At 3 months he has not so much as experienced a sniffle, has gained weight beautifully and is thriving. So "not breastfeeding" has not damaged or compromised his health in any way. I did not have to choose between his health and my happiness with my appearance. We have both. They can exist together.




you cared more about your boobs then your babies health?



It's not so black and white.


"Good" moms can use forumla and care about how they look. It is possible.


Breastfeeding certainly has it's benefits. A baby also benefits from being cared for by a mother who is not stressed,depressed, or resentful about the way she looks. It is possible to love your child and yourself.

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Yes, if you're not going to be breastfeeding and you want your milk to dry up quickly, don't let the hot water hit you in the back. My childbirthing instructor was telling us how it could relieve engorgement (your milk will spill to your feet I guess) but of course; you'll produce more and more and more. A vicious cycle for those who want to dry up their supply.


I want to breastfeed and I am going to. Formula is too expensive and yes, breastmilk is the golden nectar for babies. But I also don't want saggy boobs so I can see where BellaDonna is coming from. I fear getting saggy boobs. Also I'd rather pump. Because honestly, the thought of a baby sucking on my boob (where grown men have been before) is rather creepy. So if I constantly pump and then bottlefeed him my milk, we're missing out on that 'bonding' time they say you can only get from having a child firmly attached to your boob. But it's not selfish, it's just that I find it creepy, honestly. Is that wrong?

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When my mother had me (in the 1960s) most women did not breastfeed - it just wasn't the trend and there wasn't the research that we have now. If I were to have a baby I would do my best to breastfeed because of the health benefits.


To the OP - I wish for you that the biggest problem you have from conception to pregnancy to childbirth to being a mother is deflation ;-). If that is your biggest problem you will be a lucky woman and mother indeed!

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I too worried about losing boobs, but i figure, i'm petite and small chested to begin with...so the boobs are a treat being pregnant, for me and my spouse, but they have a purpose and it's my body's way of preparing for nourishing my lil baby. I hate to be selfish, but i'd probably lose them anyway if i don't breastfeed. I think i just need to get implants after the baby's born...ha!

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