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physical: I'm a sucker for a pretty face. I like a trim body on a girl but she doesn't have to have an amazing anything. Her personality will always be above the physical.


non-physical: how she treats other people. I love a woman that's very caring and aware of the feelings of others. A selfless woman is one that I can't resist giving my attention to because they bring out the sentimental/giving/gushy side of me and make me want to give back some of the love they've given to the world. I can be quite selfish and pessimistic by nature so having someone like that around really brings a simple perspective to things that I tend to make complex.

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Physical: She has to have something cute about her. Anyone is a sucker for a girl with a nice body and a pretty face, but cute is a whole different game. A girl that might just rate an "average" with really cute bangs (yes, I have someone in mind as I write this) can do it for me


Non-Physical: Above all, an honest girl. A girl that's accepting and caring. A girl that isn't afraid to speak her mind and mean what she says. She doesn't have to brilliant, but she has to be able to hold an intelligent conversation. A girl that generally has the above is perfect (and there are a number of girls out there like this, it's just hard to find available ones, and even harder, ones that are interested in me too


On a side note, I think a lot of guys and girls have unrealistic expectations for partners, and try to find someone who's as close to perfect as possible (either physically or in personality). It's my personal belief that everyone has some personal flaws; we all have things about ourselves we can improve, and it's best to look for the good in people and try to be supportive of them as they try to improve any personal... "flaws."

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Physical: Face




For it to work, she needs to be affable and intelligent. By affable I am pretty much saying upbeat personality, not argumentative, easy to live with, probably a little reserved and humble, easy going, chill...that sort of thing. Without intelligence, I can't really make any progress or overcome issues in a relationship with a woman. So that is a must. I am really laid back and it is important for me to live in that kind of world at home. If she isn't it won't work. Opposites don't attract for me.

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Physical: hygiene, long waist, pale or non sundamaged skin, lips, shapely legs, carriage/walk/posture, interesting nose, slight stomach (no six pack), natural or nearly natural hair of any color, stylish dress, nice nails, pretty much in that order.


Non-physical: integrity, consistency, emotional health, giving nature, good family and friend relations, worldly/well socialized, lack of substance issues, patience, wit, playfulness/flirtatiousness, sexual enjoyment, flexibility, intelligence, accomplishment in some area, pretty much in that order.


Would settle for much less in the physical, but not in the non-physical. Not finding it out there, still looking...

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Physical: Cute face, nice hair, shape more important than weight, ie; nicely proportioned, not obese, non-smoker.


Spiritual: Funny, intelligent, intellectual, adventurous, down to earth, non-materialistic, kind, atheist, agnostic, or other non-devout.


A lot of guys I've dated said that before they met me and I'm very religious. Not to be random, but its probably good to stick with that since those relationships eventually became strained despite a mutual respect for one another.

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