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how can i get him to ask me out?


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I have a huge crush on someone, we speak most days several times(work related) but our convos always drift off track and we end up chatting about silly stuff for ages. He makes me laugh loads and we have loads in common. We live pretty close and we're both single.


He came over to my work a few weeks ago, the first (and only!) time i have met him, a courtesey visit, as he works for one of our suppliers. We chatted and had a giggle and a cuppa, and surprise surprise, i fancied him. I have no idea though if the feelings mutual.


Havent seen him since but we've spoken load through work and he said it was nice meeting me. Our phone convos havent changed they're still long and flirty and he added me as a friend on facebook (not that that means anything) I really want to go out with this man, he's my dream date lol


I dont know if he's interested in me though or just sees me as a friend, how can i test the waters and throw him some hints?


haha dont tell me to just ask him out...im too shy...i'd die if he said no!

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Well your dieing either way so I suggest a quick death or a blast off romance. At least you have an answer and don't have to think about endlessly. I know the former isn't what your wanting but it sure beats not knowing and the other is far more daring but a lot more fun.


Is there anyway you can find out if he is available? That should be your first objective?

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how do you know he is single? could he be concerned about the work relationship? I would drop hints about activities and places and movies you like to go to and see and see how he reacts, for starters. also, I would end the conversations earlier - to leave him wanting more and to make him see that in order to continue the conversations he needs to figure out an alternative - i.e. spending time in person.


my sense is that while he might be interested in you right now he is not interested in dating you but that could change as things develop unless the work relationship is an obstacle for him.

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Get beyond your fear and ask him out. There is no harm or social stigma in asking a guy out... in fact I think most men would agree that it's pretty darn sexy when a woman asks out a guy. I'm speaking from direct experience here too... the woman I'm with now asked me out first

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I agree with Batya. Definitely don't ask him out point-blank. Don't worry, this is in a man's biology... If he wants to date you, HE WILL FIND A WAY. Give the guy credit. Unfortunately this also means that if he's not finding a way... Well.... You know?

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