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Book Talk

Is It Possible to Read a 225 page book in one day?


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I put off my summer reading. i have 2 days to read 2 books. i know it's my fault, but i didn't realize how close school was....both books are about 250 pages each...i would say about size 8 font....pretty small font...if i sat down all day and just read and really concentrated, i could finish right? advice?


i don't wanna sparknote it.

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I put off my summer reading. i have 2 days to read 2 books. i know it's my fault, but i didn't realize how close school was....both books are about 250 pages each...i would say about size 8 font....pretty small font...if i sat down all day and just read and really concentrated, i could finish right? advice?


i don't wanna sparknote it.


LOL. 225 pages is not much at all, especially if you are captivated by the story in the book. During my novel addiction days I could read a 600 page paperback in 10 hours.


Wait a minute...are the books novels or school study books? If they are study books then yes you can read 250 pages in one day but you will most probably not understand anything . Do you really have to finish before school starts?

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