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A shy girl in class


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A quick summary: I've been pretty bad at my social life for a long time now. I'm 24 and the most I've done is dated a girl for a few months before it dwindled into nothing. Lately I have been working on my confidence and my external image and trying to get out to public gatherings more (bars, clubs, etc).


However, there is a girl that has been in several of my classes in the past, and I've always thought that she's cute. She's a small person, some people might call her nerdy, and she's really shy.


Curiously, I've never noticed her actually looking at me, which at first I interpreted as no interest at all, but lately I'm wondering if she is attracted to me but afraid to show it.


She is in two of my classes this semester. One of them is a big lecture class, and the first day she came and sat down in a set directly behind me.


Now, I commend myself for not putting too much stock in this, but like I said she's cute and I wouldn't mind getting to know her, and I think this semester I've really come accross to my classmates as a "high value" person, so I figure it is worth a try and she might be interested.


So, I've heard a lot about approaching the average "hot babe", but not so much about approaching shy girls. Any suggestions?


P.S. Her and I have never directly spoken despite having 3-4 classes together now.

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Increment kino-gradients to test her reaction to you. For example, when you approach her to introduce yourself or say hi, make sure you touch her shoulder at least once, and escalate to her back (on a future date) to guage her reaction to you. If she freaks out or resists then she's probably not interested. If she appears to show more interest after light touching, then she's probably interested to some degree.

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maybe you could sit next to her next time and make comments about the lecture, ask her what her major is, what other classes, etc. since she's shy she might answer in one word answers so maybe you can have a bunch of questions ready to ask her.

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Increment kino-gradients to test her reaction to you. For example, when you approach her to introduce yourself or say hi, make sure you touch her shoulder at least once, and escalate to her back (on a future date) to guage her reaction to you. If she freaks out or resists then she's probably not interested. If she appears to show more interest after light touching, then she's probably interested to some degree.


that works, but its worrying too much in my opinion. A shy girl is more likely to simply turn you down flat if she's not interested, or hide (or hell, drop the class).


In my opinion, the best bet is to sit down beside her before class, make some friendly chat, and then ask her to coffee later. Something non-intense that will keep her from bolting. Then he can continue to chat and work on her with some flirting. Eventually she won't be so shy anymore and will open up, and then it'll be pretty much like any other relationship. Shy girls just take longer to break the ice with and are more likely to bolt.


"Gauging" a reaction is pretty much pointless. Either a girl is interested in you (in which case she says yes to a date) or she isn't, and you move on to someone else. The most important aspect is yourself, and whether you want to pursue her. Don't bother worrying about what other people are thinking of you.

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