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Has anyone ever had a masturbating addiction? Need help ending mine...

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This is not about marriage it's about a private sexual vice. I need to do experiments and see how life is like without masturbating, and how it's like with it masturbating. In order to have controlled experiments it's necessary that in times where I"m making a non-masturbating contrast that I totally abstain from it, or at least regulate it so that is just stops.


Once I see that a lifestyle without masturbation is happier, blissful and feels better than a lifestyle that has it without any controls, then perhaps it may really good not to masturbate at all.


I admire your spirit of scientific enquiry, but your experiment is flawed in design in four major ways:


1. You have only set controls for masturbation. But other than that, you have left many other variables for happiness and bliss, while either masturbating or not, undetermined and unaccounted for.


2. You are going into the experiment with a biased objective -- to find that "once I see that a lifestyle without masturbation is happier". True science should remain impartial towards the outcome.


3. Have you defined "vice"? If you have, does the experiment include a test period where you are not going as far as "vice" nor as far on the graph as celibate/abstinate? Is this a midway in the bellcurve?


4. Have you accounted for the fact that if you do not masturbate for several months, and then suddenly allow yourself "carte blanche" again to masturbate, that you will "over-masturbate" from the usual amount you normally would due to extended deprivation, thus skewing the results? Your data after a long period of unnatural and artificial deprivation could seriously create an innaccurate picture of your normative masturbatory instincts (wherein you do not have an official "start" and "stop" constraint). I liken this to a famine where suddenly food relief is brought in to the village, but only for 2 months. Do you think the villagers will eat normally, or start to gorge themselves? You have not designed the expriment to see how you are in stasis. Except if you are calling stasis your "vice", pre-experiment, in which case you already know your normative pattern, and thus could channel this tremendous self-control and will towards....




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  • 3 weeks later...
I admire your spirit of scientific enquiry, but your experiment is flawed in design in four major ways:


1. You have only set controls for masturbation. But other than that, you have left many other variables for happiness and bliss, while either masturbating or not, undetermined and unaccounted for.


However, I'm only concerned with this particular variable. It's not just masturbation by the way, it also includes pornography, either picture or written, acting out any form of lust over the internet or writing about it, etc... In a sense, nullifying any other expressions of lust or sexuality that would be a solitary or internet based.


2. You are going into the experiment with a biased objective -- to find that "once I see that a lifestyle without masturbation is happier". True science should remain impartial towards the outcome.


I am impartial to the outcome. The only other variable if having a relationship or not having a relationship. So far as I'm single, this experient is a fine test of contrast. But if I'm in a relationship, then I'd have to continue the bans that I have since I wouldn't want to risk any relationship on a potential porn/solitary vice problem.



3. Have you defined "vice"? If you have, does the experiment include a test period where you are not going as far as "vice" nor as far on the graph as celibate/abstinate? Is this a midway in the bellcurve?


Well, there are different standards at different times on what I will allow or not allow to occur without sanctions for purposes of the experiment. It's not to say that I'm absolutely not going to masturbate, I may say, I wont masturbate in excess of three times during a specific month between the hours of 7:30 am to 12:00 am without penalizing myself with some sanction (such as trying a libido suppressent)


4. Have you accounted for the fact that if you do not masturbate for several months, and then suddenly allow yourself "carte blanche" again to masturbate, that you will "over-masturbate" from the usual amount you normally would due to extended deprivation, thus skewing the results? Your data after a long period of unnatural and artificial deprivation could seriously create an innaccurate picture of your normative masturbatory instincts (wherein you do not have an official "start" and "stop" constraint). I liken this to a famine where suddenly food relief is brought in to the village, but only for 2 months. Do you think the villagers will eat normally, or start to gorge themselves? You have not designed the expriment to see how you are in stasis. Except if you are calling stasis your "vice", pre-experiment, in which case you already know your normative pattern, and thus could channel this tremendous self-control and will towards....





I dont know. I'll have to see.


Last year you had a point, maybe this year will be different. As I age, my sex drive decreases (?), so maybe it wont be so bad?

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  • 2 months later...

Since September 28th, I've relaxed my own 'rules-order' a bit and allowed myself to look at some limited non-nude photography and softcore porn and relaxing masturbating rules and have noticed the following observations in the experiment.


During the time this stuff was banned (April 15th to September 28th) there was no instance of any fever, flu, or sickness.


Since to a limited extent this type of behaviour started again, I've been feeling sick, and now think I'm coming down with a fever.


thereforeeee, viewing porn or masturbating causes fevers and is bad for health.

Further correlations based on these experiments will also be looked at.

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Wow! I can't believe anyone would think that masturbating every other day is a problem.


I'd argue that masturbating is actually good for you so long as you're not finishing yourself off too quickly. By jerkin' off you're actually keeping your dong in shape. Well, technically you're not keeping your dong in shape but you're working out your PC muscles which is helpful for harder erections and more control.

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skywalker you say you have done these test about masturbation and have found that in the period of doing it you where struck with fever and sickness. While not doing it you where as i'll say fit as a fiddle,


the problems i find with this is you lack of attention to time and detail.


1. you started this on the 28th of September with this in mind the weather gets worse as the seasons change and this effects us all in many ways. as people tend to get sick and have fevers during the autumn and winter months. (i for one suffer bad when the seasons change)


2. sickness is about 80% of the human mind. if you was feeling bad about doing this in the first place the you would start to feel sick and in turn make you sick.


3. your time frame is bad. to do something like this you have to set the same time limits for both experiments, time and place is important, they will have to take place at the same time of the year to make it fair.


your findings lack any foundation and are poor at best. I know you can do better then that.

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thereforeeee, viewing porn or masturbating causes fevers and is bad for health.


LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LITERALLY!


Coming to a conclusion like THAT^ is just so hilarious to me...


Anyway... I just wanted to metnion that this thread is so similar to my situation, that i felt as if i had posted it myself. Where i find a problem is, it doesnt matter what im doing, SOMETHING gives me the urge. Random things remind me of women or instances in my past or WHATEVER. All these sexually charged advertisements, and music, and EVERYTHING in today's environments makes it impossible to keep one's mind off sex. ESPECIALLY an 18 year old male (myself). AND...if that person is naturally very sexual (myself. VERY VERY sexual). I associate almost all things with sex. Literally. Im not a pervert, by any means but i find myself thinking about sex a lot, but keeping it to myself. (Really...Im not a pervert....seriously....like......REALLY...lol). At First i chalked it all up to me being a male+virgin, but im quite different from most guys i know on personal levels.


But even playing video games, i just...get hard...and i go at it sometimes, or ignore it. It really all depends. Reading a book. The way my mind works is frustrating. I multitask ALL the time. So if im reading, im READING and THINKING at the same exact time. So the sentence im reading would cause me to stem off into a completely different thought while still reading every word on the page... I used to read Manga's and i can recall a couple times where i would be reading, and i just dropped the book and went at it, and then continued to read..no lie. Its so random. But like it was mentioned in the original post, when im around people, having a good time, im totally fine.


But, i find sex (masturbation) a good way to let out a LOT of frustration. A female did me very wrong in a lot of ways, and to get over those things or atleast temporarily get rid of the thought, i'd whack off...and it worked. Or even if i didnt get rid of the thought itself, i'd feel a whole heck of a lot better about whatever it was. its almost like the orgasm is a hallucinogen or something. I just dont like how i feel dependant on it either, but at the same time i LIKE it. It feels great. I wanna do it right now, for no reason... It just makes me feel weak... or weird, or something.


No one in my life knows about this either. and its not quite because im ashamed of it, but just because...saying "hey...i masturbate a lot" doesn't seem like an ideal conversation.

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Catholic or not, you're normal. The only downside to it is that its true what you say that the more you do it, the more you have intense desires that build up in your mind..thereforeeee acting them out. For example, for those who do not believe in sex before marriage, (like myself), doing it will only stir your desires further, and make you want something you arent ready for...that is, if you arent ready for it. For the religious, (like myself), you know that the wonderful bible mentions that "self control" is apart of the fruitage of the spirit. When you want to develop that quality, and give in, you feel like an idiot. However, if you go up a flight of stairs and trip over one step, are you gonna go back to the beginning and re-climb? Didnt think so. If its bothering your conscience each time, do not numb your conscience to it and keep going, just do exactly what these other *much older than you* posters did and work on keeping yourself busy.


Just my 2 cents.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Wow! I can't believe anyone would think that masturbating every other day is a problem.


I'd argue that masturbating is actually good for you so long as you're not finishing yourself off too quickly. By jerkin' off you're actually keeping your dong in shape. Well, technically you're not keeping your dong in shape but you're working out your PC muscles which is helpful for harder erections and more control.


Well I kind of succumbed to the negative connotations tied to masturbating in society, you know how both sexes will make fun of guys for masturbating, and the idea that doing it is only a means for those who never have been laid etc...


Then there are the females who treat it as if it's the most disgusting thing in the world.


And also I heard that it was bad for your libido before, and causes depression which is why I thought it was a problem.


I do cum quick when I masturbate though, depends on how hard or fast I do it but I've done it really hard and fast before just to experiment and see how quick I cum. I can finish in like 20 seconds if I wanna hump a mattress at maximum exertion. And using the hand takes ALOT longer even if I'm jacking off as hard as I can, always takes at least a few minutes.


Makes me wonder that when I do have sex for the first time how fast I will finish. It's hard to tell and make that comparison when you've never * * * *ed a vagina before, and I guess a woman's size matters too.


How do most people compare in bed time-wise with how they beat off? For example, 15 minutes with the hand = 1 hour with the lady or somethin like that? And how hard do you go in both circumstances?

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One thing that has been left out of this discussion is the myth that you will stop feeling the need to masturbate once you are in a relationship. I have been happily married for almost 18 years and still masturbate at least once a week.
Agree with you here. I've done it inside or outside of relationships. The OP is young and every second dy is hardly an issue. Hell I would every second day or more and I'm 20 yrs older than the OP. Some never get "cured".


Luke Skywalker, you need to play with your light sabre more, not less and chill a bit more. Obsession on either side is hardly healthy. It does no physical harm within reason and indeed there's good evidence it reduces by a significant amount the incidence of prostrate cancer in later years. Either that or I smell troll.

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  • 2 years later...

Hey John. I actually experience the same thing of what you describe. About addicted to masturbation and its been two years now. I'm still working on finding solution to this problem. I'm so glad I'm not alone. Good luck to you.

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Usually it'll be once every 2 days or something like that, but at times I'll do two times in one day. Over the course of over 2 years now that I think of it...that's terrible. And I suppose enough sperm to fill a fish tank.


What you're describing is actually normal, if not lower than the average guy...

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