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Everything posted by JohnsburySnipe

  1. Well I'm quite shy, I'm not great at initiating conversation with strangers, and if I do, most of the time it's a guy because like someone said earlier, at least we have something (sex) in common. I would say from being a baby to about 10 years old I was quite outgoing. I was still a little shy but I could make friends easily, I remember always being outspoken and not being afraid to be myself around people, then age started catching up and I started feeling imperfect and insecure, specially around gurls, and when other guys started getting the attention, the likes, and kisses I would cringe in my shell and suffer from the "poor me snydrome" and feel like "why?". To this day I'm still shy around gurls, it's very hard for me to just start talking to them at ease, guys its a little easier but I don't really attempt at making conversation. Keep to myself mostly. I'm an only child, raised by my mother, my father was never around, my mother was raised as an only child also by her father only, her mom was never around, so she and I always seemed like opposites who are the same to me, she's also quite shy, she only has about 3 friends she's able to talk to on the regular, other than that she only talks to people when doing business. I've always thought I inherited her characteristics/personality alot, she's quite possessive in some ways but gives me alot of freedom at the same time. A lot of times she would try to mould me into that perfect little angel that mothers always try to make their sons out to be, but she was conscious of it so she stepped back whenever she felt necessary and gave me my way with things. Also from when I was a baby until even today, she's always encouraged and pretty much dictated to me don't get a gurlfriend till you've graduated college, basically wanting me to "succeed in life" rather then get caught up when I was young and fukk up my life as a stupid teen over some gurl. This, I think, had a terrible impact on me, I felt like if my moms can't trust me enough to try to date girls, then what's the point? And even till now I've never had a girl. The absense of fathers also, I think has a huge effect since there's no emasculating role there to school a man, mothers can only do so much to raise a man, and there are simply certain things that can't do or teach. I think with a father there, keeping in tact a structured family household emphasizes especially the importance of it to the children growing up in it.
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