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Urgent Help Needed : Can i send flowers to my gf`s Office?


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hey i never did this before but i was wondering if i can do or advice from everyone in here actually i and made her really mad coz i lost my temper and i m tryin to make up for that do i was wondering if it is alright i can send her roses to her office coz i cant send to her home coz of the her family issues


just to let you know she is working as a intern with AppleInc


please advice me so that i can make a decision



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yeah i know that it is not a cure but i want to tell her that i am a man enough that i admit my mistake and i will try my best no to do it again


that is totally the right attitude. hopefully she'll forgive you and you two can move on.

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Not only is it appropriate women LOVE this because it is a chance for her to show the flowers off to others around her. Flowers are delivered to offices of all kinds everyday. There is nothing quite like getting a dozen of roses delivered to you at work and you can admire them all day long .... not all women like this, but most do. Even a hard ole person like me LOL


Don't go into it tho thinking it will be a cure all for her anger, but I do think it is a nice gesture.


This is your answer! Go for it!

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This is your answer! Go for it!


so you think i should do this and also i know this it is not a cure for what happened but i want her to feel that listen i know what happened was not right but i am equally effected with it and i care about her and want her to be with me always coz every relationship have days like this if i am not wrong

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hey guys please let me know if what i m doing is right


Why did you lose your temper? I'm not a big fan of "buying" apologies, affection, ect. Lots of if"s?


I would have to base my answer on the question I asked.


Is this what your question is based on, or whether she would get in trouble at work?

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Why did you lose your temper? I'm not a big fan of "buying" apologies, affection, ect. Lots of if"s?


I would have to base my answer on the question I asked.


Is this what your question is based on, or whether she would get in trouble at work?


no not really she will get in trouble coz i seen alot of flowers being delivered in that place on few occasions so .... i love to see a smile on her face and i think roses can make a gal smile and that is that i m doing


i lost my temper coz she said something i really hate and she knows that but that is not a question i believe if you love someone u just loose ur temper on them like this but since i did and i love her


i want to man up and tell her sorry coz i dont have any ego issues saying sorry when i think i am wrong

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There is nothing wrong at all by apologizing.


The point I wanted to make is you dont "reward" bad behaviour from male or female.


Yes, you owe her an apology for losing your temper. It also sounds as if she provoked you into losing it, which still does not justify what you did.


It sounds like she might owe you one too.


As for as sending the flowers, you do what you think is best. I question it? I think a face to face apology and a discussion about what happened would be better.


But, I hope you get my point about "rewarding"

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yeah i did got your point and yes i will have a discussion about this thing when we are both sitting toghter face 2 face and have enough time go over things so what happened dont happen again


and where the flowers are concerned it is just to make her feel that she is special and will always be and it is part of my apology to her

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I don't see why not, seems a nice gesture to give someone to show them you care. I don't know the reason you lost your temper but I get the feeling you have seen you were wrong to, and sending flowers can at least go some way to show you are sorry and want to move past it

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There is nothing wrong at all by apologizing.


The point I wanted to make is you dont "reward" bad behaviour from male or female.


Yes, you owe her an apology for losing your temper. It also sounds as if she provoked you into losing it, which still does not justify what you did.


It sounds like she might owe you one too.


As for as sending the flowers, you do what you think is best. I question it? I think a face to face apology and a discussion about what happened would be better.


But, I hope you get my point about "rewarding"



I totally agree, a good chat would be much better, it seems like it wasn't only your fault...

Maybe when you sort it out the issue you can send the flowers in another occasion, for a good reason.....

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