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Okay...NOW it's getting annoying...


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Okay there is this girl who use to like me... She goes to my religious gatherings. Let me make this clear, SHE IS NOT MY TYPE. Originally when I just settled in the congregation, she was VERY friendly towards me. Out of politeness I was friendly towards her (like I am to my friends).


Well anyway, things were going good until one day I was talking to her and my friend. We were talking about school. I was a senior (as was my friend) she was a sophomore. We asked her if she enjoyed highschool which she responded "yes". I said that they were the worst years of my life (over exaggerating obviously). But she didn't get it. She got these HUGE eyes and got this freaky angry teeth grinding look on her face. To this day I still have nightmares about it.


Latter on (another day) I talked to her and I could tell she thought of me as weird. She gave half-baked answers to my questions and it took tons of energy to get her enthused. She told me she didn't know how to draw cartoons. Another day as a joke I gave her this tutorial on how to draw kirby (a simple video game character). She looked at me like I was completely nuts.


It's been a little over a year. Now she can't even stay in the same convo with me. She just stops talking looks around and walks off. I'm getting tired of it. I care about her because she is my spiritual sister. I don't want to have this negative energy between us. I am planning on confronting her about how she treats me. I'm not sure why she avoids talking to me now. Those reasons I posted are just theorys. What should I say?

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I already said why. I don't LIKE her, but I shouldn't be on bad terms with her. I don't want to be on bad terms with her. I'd like to be friends with her atleast, because she use to be really nice... When she wants to be that is....

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Well no. It's not that she use to like me. Now she doesn't even give me decent respect. Seriously, would you like it if someone walked away because you came up into a conversation with them and had no idea if you did something wrong?

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Well no. It's not that she use to like me. Now she doesn't even give me decent respect. Seriously, would you like it if someone walked away because you came up into a conversation with them and had no idea if you did something wrong?


No, but if I didn't feel as if I did anything wrong and they are just overreacting, I wouldn't stress over how to "win them back", so to speak. I would just continue to be myself and if they continued to "shun" me, would consider it their loss.

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maybe just pull her aside and say something like, "what the hell is your problem with me?" of course she will say "what r u talking about? i dont have a problem." in which you will respond by saying "don't play games, y r u so stand offish towards me?" for real, don't back down or try to be kind or subtle about it. find out what her problem is.

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Thanks! I think I'll do that. Strangely you got her strategy dead on!

I saw her today (but today was not a great time to do it as I will confront her Sunday), but she seemed nicer than she normally is to me. She has no idea about what I'm planning though.

I think she's just freaking nuts, ah well I'll find out Sunday...

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