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Everything posted by jumpercrystal3eb

  1. hey there, ok, number one...never try to make a guy like you...it'll never work, trust me i've tried. Number two you're only 15..you've got tons of time ahead of you for dating. theres no set age for anyone to start dating. But if you really want a guy...my advice is just be yourself....when you start talking to guys just be yourself. hope everything works out for you and hope i was a little bit of help. Best of luck to you!
  2. hey there confusia, I know all to well of what you're going through cause it's happening to me as well. I know it doesnt mean much coming from a person who cant follow their own advice, but maybe its time to move on. Dont be like me, move on! You deserve much better than that. You can talk to me anytime you want...maybe we can help each other get though this... AIM: blonddrummer03
  3. i say just open up and e-mail her everything that you're feeling. Dont AIM it though. if you e-mail her you can erase things and read it before you send it. I'm not one for internet relationships but if it makes you happy then go for it. Best of luck to you.
  4. My boyfriend of almost a year broke up with me suddenly because he felt that he didnt have enough time for a serious relationship. A month later when i was just beginning to get over him, he came back and admited that he still had feelings for me and missed kissing me and all that stuff. So we agreed to give it another try. 3 days later he admited that he just wanted to be friends and the only reason he came over that day was cause he missed me physically. He wants to be friends with me, but i still find myself thinking of him all the time and wanting to be with him. Help me either win him back or move on with my life!! Please!!!
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