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ladies lover x

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Everything posted by ladies lover x

  1. well do im tell u im 13 and i thought about it and im tellin u it wont do N.E.thing just stick around things will get better take me for instance 7 grade i wans small un noticed had 1 friend no girl liked me couldnt get a GF and people would say hurtful things to me well now im 8th grade i got every girl checkin me out i got a GF i have like 100 friends out of a skool wit 850 im noticed and im the 3 most popular boy in skool now all i get is positive words from people so remember think about it is it worth killing you self when the nex day it could get all better think about it!!!
  2. ur 18 and never kissed i got my 1st kiss when i wuz 3 well that would u like to kiss me stuff doesnt work all the time infact it bearly works wut i saw u should do is one day go to the movies with her and let her choose the movie you pay for her and you then when your watchin the movie if you catch her stearing at you look deep into her eyes and there you go plat a kiss on her(if she pulls back befor you kiss her just laugh and say i wuz only playin) and if she doesnt stear at you when the movies over and she starts 2 get up call her back and stear lovingly into her eyes and kiss her and if u get the kiss u can do a victory dance \ but if not...well good luck
  3. now that u mention it i like her personality too. oh and the fireworks kiss well my kiss my knees got week my heart started beating fast and i sarted to shake quiver like when ur scared but i wasnt scared i felt like i was floating i loved it
  4. ok i got my GF but a first i didnt really like her but on the first day we went out i asked for a good bye hug and instead i got a good bye kiss in the middle of the hallway after that i dont know wut happened i started thinking about her non-stop and now i like her 100% but wut i wanna know is can a kiss change the way you feel about someone
  5. remember when i had that other topic "i like this girl....." well heres wut happened i got to skool and me and my friends where talking and sum how we got to the subject of whos the cutest girl in class i wuz gonna say the girl i like and then i wuz gonna ask her out but it wuz my friend coery's turn hesaid the girl he liked and then he said the girl i liked wasn't ugly sum how the girl i liked friend said "u like her?" and now the girl that i like likes my friend corey(he doesnt like her) but im still not sure if she like me i dont know wut to do should i betray my friend and stop her from liking him so she can like me or get her just to like me or on tue. or wed. tell her how i feel (the girls name is jasmine)
  6. im gonna tel you somethin that sum1 once said "age aint nuthin but a numba" just ask him out because 2 years isnt a thing
  7. well it seems that maybe she doesn't like you any more but do u still have feeling for her? if so just approch her say come out with it "do you still like me"?
  8. does she like me cuz when she gets to classi could be the last person she see and i'll be the only boy she will say "hi" too i really really like her but i guess im afraid of rejection so im afraid to ask P.S. i cought her staring at me several times P.S.S.sometime she tries to touch my hand and she tries to play wit me sumtimes so does she?
  9. i really NEED HELP cuz 2morrow i plan to tell her but i dont know how help me please cuz i really really like this girl but i dont know how i would feel if she doesnt like me
  10. i like this girl but i dont know how to tell her i mean skool just started im prety shy towards her and when eva she passes me i feel quizy i think she likes me to.........cuz her locker is nex to 2 boys she is in the middle of me and my friend and as soon as she gets to it (or class depends where i am)she says hi and i mean even today (9-12-03) im minding my own business and when 7th periode starts she come touchers my hand and tell me hi again! i mean does she like me or not and how do i tell her i like her? please help
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