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Everything posted by Jdoggj22

  1. Thanks agin for the advice. I asked the girl to Homecoming and i got an answer that surprised me. She said yes! Thanks again bye.
  2. well in my opinion, the first guy is either avioding you, or has a serious case of bad luck. And i have just one question about the 2nd guy. Have you ever met him or is it just an internet thing? You should be careful if you are going to meet him. As far as picking one of them, just do what your heart tells you to do. If it feels right, it just could be right.
  3. there's nothing wrong with not looking at porn if you don't want to.
  4. My brother who is now 18 years old, and I have not talked for several months. My brother and I are both adopted. He moved out of my house in June to live on his own. Well live on his own as much as he can with his birth mom. His moving out did not bother me. It was the way he left. He left saying that he was never taken care of and that no one cared about him when that's untrue. I tried writing him an email but, all that did was fuel his nager towards me. I always tried to be nice to him and I'm not sure what I did wrong. If you have had the same thing happen to you, reply or give me some advice.
  5. I've known this one girl since the sixth grade and out of all of our former classmates, I'm the only one that she still talks to. We've been close friends but, whenevr I bring up starting a relationship, it's always no. I'm not really sure the reason why either. If you have advice, please send it.
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