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  1. pleez be careful love dis guy is truble u may fink hes da best guy in da world but hes physically abusing u and its not ryt u need 2 get out of da relationship fast and dnt go runnin bac 2 him fink of little mo on eastenders if u watch dat?? hugs 'n' kisses X X X
  2. thanx 4 da help evry1 im gonna dump da git 2moz
  3. umm r u blind! if i didnt av a dic of a b/frend id go out wit u i used 2 fink and be da da same as u coz im a minger but u av 2 jus try and be confident and start flirtin who cares if it doesnt work its fun and avin a g/b/frend isnt everyfing. and tryna commit suicide is no way of handlin ur probs i ended up on a drip in A AND E coz i downed a bottle of whiskey to try end my probs no way commit suicide it aint worth it i bet u av gr8 frends and u r vvvv fit. hugs 'n' kisses X X X
  4. id give her a quick call coz u knw if u give u receive
  5. R u sure coz last time i tryed doin dat he kept sayin i luv u im really sorry like last nyt i had 2 pretend 2 b drunk 2 get out of avin sex wit him but he stil tryed 2 and den my frend told him dat i didnt want sex and i was only pretendin 2 b drunk and dat he was goin over da top and he kept sayin im really sorry. uuuuuggggghhhhhhh!
  6. About a month ago a boy called cris dumped his current g/frend (emma) 4 me so we started goin out. Da nxt day at skool she started callin me whore n slut and loads of crap like dat den at lunch she tryed 2 beat me up and yelled at a teacher and den got suspend 4 2 days Ive seen her once in da hols wit sum gals and she ced oh look its da ugly 1 i told her 2 f**k o*f and get over herself and we almost started a fyt. Trouble is cris keeps fingerin me! and sayin lets av sex and i dnt want 2 and always make up an excuse not 2 av sex or 2 toss him off but 2 weeks ago he went on holiday and admitted 2 me he got off wit 1 gal and i 4gave him den i found out it was 3! he says a loada crap bout me all da time and tells his frends exactlly wat he does wit me but i like him a little bit and i dnt wnt 2 dump him coz ive bin through so much crap 2 get wit him??? wat do i do pppplllleeeeeeezzzzzzzz help.
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