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Everything posted by AfterThisIsOver

  1. This may sound cruel...but unless he's coming back to your town after basic training, you may want to end the relationship. I grew up in a military family and have several friends who ended up joining the military. Its really hard for relationships with 1 member in the military to last, especially with the two of you being so young. I don't know the details, but its quite possible he's going to be spending a *lot* of time in other states or overseas...
  2. I'd say don't. If its your first date you don't want to scare her off by moving too fast. Anyways, if things work out there will be plenty of time for kissing later...
  3. My best friend (Mark) has been dating this girl named Lauren for the past 5 months. She is kind of weird (on anti-depressants, really clingy, kind of controlling) and imposes all these restrictions on him - he can't see a lot of his female friends, he can't drink, he can't cuss, he can't smoke, etc...she's talked about marriage, moving in with him (after they'd been dating for 2 months), all this other crap. He's totally wrapped around her little finger. He's gotten to where he'll invite us to go out with him, but will drop us as soon as she calls. If she doesn't feel like going out he'll stay in to keep her company. He used to make fun of some of his friends for being whipped, but he's much worse...Its really starting to put a strain on my friendship with him. I wouldn't say that I'm necessarily jealous, but the fact that I can't see him without her being present is *really* starting to annoy me. He claims that he loves her, but every time I talk to him he ends up complaining non-stop about her. I really think they should break up, I don't think the relationship can last and that it'd be better to get it over now and not waste time with it...I really don't know what to tell him, but I'm getting to the point where I don't even want to see either of them. I know it sounds greedy, but if you saw the crap he does you'd understand. Basically I just need some advice. What should I do? He knows he's whipped, but he doesnt care...
  4. A few weeks ago I was much more depressed than I've ever been before. One of my peppier friends eventually called and by the end of the phone call I was feeling great. Ever since then though I've been catching myself trying to force myself back down. Things that would usually set me off aren't, at least not for more than a few minutes. I don't really know how to explain it. I don't know why I'm craving being depressed and I can't seem to get myself down. Anyways, is this normal? Maybe its an attention thing? I do have really low self-esteem...but I end up avoiding everyone when I'm depressed. If anyone asks if somethings wrong I tell them that everythings fine and try to change the subject. And I know that some people are going to think I'm stupid for wanting to be down, but I can't help it. I know its dumb but I think about it all the time. Hrmph...I didn't really want to put this in here, but I it started at about the same time, so I guess I might as well. I've also been thinking of hurting myself a lot. Not killing or anything, I don't want to die, but I'll find myself contemplating grabbing a knife and stabbing myself a few times or something. Sick I know I'd never actually go through with it, I don't want the pain, but I keep thinking about things like that anyways. I'm guessing this isn't normal...or is it? I don't usually talk to my anyone about my feelings, so I don't know whats common and what isn't... I dunno, I guess I just want some input...Thanks...
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