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  1. My philosophy is that if it is love, but he/she is with someone else, whats the point of him/her making you wait? Sure, 1 month or 2 months for her to sort out leaving her last relationship... but if she's making you wait longer, it's probably not love, just a fancy or a tease. Take it as a compliment, but move on.
  2. im fine with that. im only conused about her motivation for telling me. i mean, what did she want me to think, by telling me these things out of the blue?
  3. well, i was in a relationship for 3 years, when i broke up, and it took a bit over a year to get over it. but i did get over it. time heals hope this helps
  4. Sorry to say it, but if you ask me, its a guys way of blowing you off gently
  5. Hi, I was wondering if someone might be able to decypher some things my partner has been saying as of lately. I always knew my partner had a liking for other womens looks, but I always thought it was platonic... something as all women have, I suppose. She's on many occasions said little things like women are sexy and such. But lately she's said some quite flat out frank remarks, which struck me at the time and made me think more deeply about, wondering if she is suggesting anything? For example, not too long ago, she said she fantasized about sex with other women and the fantasy of me with another woman was sexy... but then said it wasn't something she'd want to act on, it was just the thought I'm deeply in love with this woman. We've been together for so long and I want and she says she wants to share her life with me. It's a serious relationship. I've always had cautious feelings about threesomes, because I never really thought it was healthy for a relationship, but all guys will have to admit, the idea is a damn turn-on for our imagination. =P~ I'm not asking anything of her or expecting anything to ever happen. I would never want to jeopardize my relationship for something like this in a million years. But her comments were totally out of the blue and I'm just wondering if you think there might be something behind them? Or maybe is it just her being honest feelings, but also saying shes not interested in doing anything about it... or even just flirty or something? im a bit confused
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