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Posts posted by Boughs

  1. Merry Christmas.


    Go for the pretty ones, you (and me) are young... being selective at this age without any significant ties to things, allows us to be more "pig-headed".


    Sure can be rude and you of course have to think of your own morales, but its also a learning stage. Those good looking girls tend to be the "non-dateable" girls. (Obviously a personal observation and has little to no truth to it in the general world. Its my observation).


    Take the new year to be a starting point. Don't go back to that girl... explore more, you/me are young... date more

  2. Meh sometimes you gotta screw morales and screw what your "heart tells you". Sometimes you just gotta suck up your gut, and go for it.


    If you think its right, go after her... if you are hesitent and not that kind of guy that she wants (which seems to be a guy who is spontaneous) then you shouldn't.


    Go for her if YOU think so, not what us e-forumers say.


    So I'm saying, don't listen to any of us. In these pre-relationship situations, I'd say it should be 100% ur decision...


    My suggestion which you shouldn't take: don't hold back get messy.

  3. Hah. I'd consider myself pretty boring too. I guess I've wondered this myself. I really don't have an answer...


    DOING things is not easy when you don't have interest in them. Thing I love doing is on the computer... its a 1 man sorta thing. I do create art so that is one thing I do... but again, its not something I can do with someone else... I can only just show them.


    Can you date someone even though you are "boring"? Yeah... you can. Take her to an amusement park for kicks... go to a shooting range and just be curious. Showing her you are curious will maybe lead her into wanting to do something odd and different. Skydive bungie jump (perhaps ur not that adventuresome but ya know Take a drawing class where they make you be messy... like finger painting, or charcoal drawing... get messy, dance with music, act stupid on your own and explore your exciting side of life.


    Throwing yourself into things sometimes makes you more interesting... go travel to another country... semester abroad (ur 21, assuming ur in college... *still*). Just go!


    Drive by a beach, be fully clothed, and jump in! just do it!

  4. Pack his essentials in a few suitcases, then get all his other things (furniture etc) boxed up and ready to move. Call up a moving service (Mayflower is one) and help them get things in the truck. Fly with your father to your place and wait a few days till they arrive.


    Hmm could be expensive, but wouldn't be much stress on your father.

  5. I'm quite confused as to what you are getting at. You started with OA... then didn't explain where the parents are confused/annoyed etc.


    I thought by the way you worded your definition of Objects of Affection, that it was like PDA (Public displays of affection).


    So anyways, you are saying that 2 relationship's parents don't like who the kid is dating. Sure it "doesn't matter" but it does matter for the child-parent relationship. I think that its typical for parents to feel that way. And at that age children are experimenting... so who REALLY cares who they are dating? They need to find their own partner, not parents finding it for them.


    Hope I responded effectively.

  6. frisco is the MAN for advice. Everything he said I agree with 100%


    Cool that you miss her, but honestly, forget even thinkin about contacting her. Let it go, let her think about what she was doing contacting you.


    As far as the job opportunity, would you be willing to have to deal with sexual tension every day of work? You take that job and things mess up, you got a mess to deal with.


    Up for the adventure? perhaps, but personally, I got enough things to deal with.

  7. You sound like you are young, and just getting into the whole girl scene. Even if you are in high school, remember that you are "only young once". Yeah cliche... but cliches are out there because there are truths to them.


    Go for the girl, who cares if you fail miserably... learn from it though. Question yourself AFTER you ask her... I mean this by "was I too direct, was it too fast, was I too slow, was I boring". If you question those types of things you can better prepare yourself for the next battle.

  8. I'm probably a bit more open to the word. I think i've realized its lack of "weight". I think others get a little scared, but I think I tend to show my love through my more humble personality. When I say it, I think people know what I'm talking about through the "love" i send. People know what TYPE of love I'm sending.


    Sure it is great to have loaded words, but sometimes a loaded word turns into something cheesey/commercialized and becomes completely useless to say to anyone without them laughing. As such I think the commonality and loose use of the word is a GOOD thing.


    Society has changed, I think we have become a lot more loosely tied from our families, due to the internet and ease of movement today. New things bring old goods and new goods to light, while at the same time brings old bads and new bads to the stage.


    With a little pleasure comes a little pain.


    Using it casually can be enjoyable, but of course limit it to a respectable degree. I mean, as a guy, I say it to my family, and to a few of my female friends and to one of my male friends.

  9. Whew. hard one to cap.


    On and of and on and off we went. Finally caught her being devious, although it really was my own fault that put her in the position. We have talked before and laughed at how silly we both were... she is now the overprotective one and I'm the freelancing one. Completely switched our views on how relationships should unfold.


    I find our views on our new relationships to be rather comical because we have switched sides and basically are talking like how each other talked when we dated.

  10. I'm in my early 20s, and I know what its like sometimes to not get hard until a little into the act.


    One girl found it weird and got turned off by me and we ended up just sleeping instead of continuing.


    Other girls enjoy getting me aroused.


    Then other times I'm hard the second I walk into my door with a girl...


    Everytime and everyway I have always wondered what is RIGHT... but I know that sometimes i'm just more int he mood than others. On average I'm hard before my pants are off... but the occasional few times when its not up before, I wig myself out... and usually the girls I've been with did not like that I wasn't hard yet.

  11. Sex is a large part of every relationship. Comfort in partying/drinking is also important in that, you should share similar night activities.


    If a girl didn't have sex to my liking... then I'd think she isn't right for me. Seems shallow but comfort is key in a relationship. Sounds like you have quite a few discomforts. Remember over the years, people grow/get curious.


    I think you are curious, and if I were you, i'd go have more fun. You got a lot of time before marriage should really matter.

  12. They always say "don't date someone you work with".


    I agree with that statement, but if you want to get to know someone, talk to them.


    Plain and simple, approch her... get a few words in and send her one liners when you can (i.e Doin well today? Makin' people beautiful today?). You obviously must watch out for bad signals she sends your way, so don't push too hard unless you know it's safe. Do it kindly, and slowly and perhaps you'll reach a point where you can ask her to get coffee the next morning before work.

  13. Just write her "I gotta stop talking to you so I can move on. We both must move on. No contacting is the best way to begin." Say you'll talk to her again sometime in the future... but don't expect it to be anytime soon.


    Just go for it. People always say "If she abides/respects it, then it means she has respect for you." If she doesn't, then its just evidence. If she continues trying to contact you say "I asked you before to stop calling me." The more you tell her that, she'll eventually get upset/get the picture and move on.


    Good luck

  14. Kisses on first dates are always best at the end. It keeps the uncomfortable factor out of the picture DURING the date.


    I just posted on someone elses post... about a similar situation.


    Go to the mirror, and look at yourself and say "this isn't a date, I'm just going to talk to her and get to know her".


    Thats the best way to approach "first dates". Do your best to regard this as a friendly meeting to SEE if this will turn into anything.


    So if it goes GREAT, then a kiss at the end could be in order. Talk about past relationships during the date, and see who/how she is. The way people deal with that question during my first dates, tends to show their character... and I usually base whether or not to date someone based off that question.


    People go either weird, ecstatic, hatred, laughable, shy. Usually the shy one or the laughable ones are keepers. If they begin to complain or go nuts about it... you know something is wrong.


    Well thats the way I personally judge it.

  15. Like someone said before, don't regard this as a DATE.


    Its you and a girl having fun at laser tag. Don't put your hands in your pockets and be like "yeah I like laser tag". Be like "so how was your day". Ask her what she did. Ask her what she likes to eat etc.




    Be confident that you know what you want. Umm, again don't regard it as a date. You are getting to KNOW her to DECIDE if you want to date. So if you have another gathering after tonight, THEN consider it a date. This is a "hey i was interested so I'm curious". Get to know her, understand her position, see if its what you want.

  16. Usually first time I have sex with a girl I go about 10 min.


    If I have sex with her again, its usually 1-3 minutes.


    I have been teaching myself to not go so early. Usually if I have that mindset however, i can't come entirely... so


    I usually "release the army" before I go out at night. Helps.

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