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Posts posted by Boughs

  1. But what I hate the most right now is how I feel with my girlfriend. She's a great girl and I love her so much, but she's wild and I'm shy. I'm worried that because of this I'll lose her to some crazy guy. She has a lot of friends and whenever I see her talking to another guy, I get worried. If I lost her I don't think I'd want to live anymore.


    Seriously, I can't stand this anymore. I need some advice


    This mode of thinking is going to get you in serious trouble. In a relationship, remember you are in it for yourself as much as you are in it for your partner. What I'm saying is, you CAN do things without her. Do you remember what it was like to be single? You could just go out to a party and not call anyone and just enjoy yourself... come back at 4, and wake up without any obligations or worries.


    Firstly what you need to do is, become more outgoing. Although you have no motivation, you have to push yourself. Working out helps do a NUMBER of things:


    Builds confidence

    heightens your energy

    keeps you in shape, so you can keep your energy high.


    When you are strong physically, it can affect everything you do mentally. If you build confidence in your look, in yourself, and have the ability to do so, you will notice your social abilities to get better.


    If your GF asks "What are you doing right now" try not to say "nothing". Say "working out in a few minutes". You need to show her you are independent and ambitious. Crazy people end up having crazy ideas (That we all have) but have the motivation and the craziness to perform them. I think you need to simply push yourself into conversations more. Sacrifice some self image to discover social tips... otherwise you'll never progress.

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  2. Do you feel you've become addicted to sex? Just from reading your post that's what it sounds like to me. The women you are sleeping with aren't people to you anymore, they are merely sex partners.


    I wouldn't say that. I don't crave sex, I think I crave the "i did that when I was 20". I guess I don't want to look back and feel I was too goody goody (and I know I am not).


    Now I had been in two relationships for the past 4 years. Since I was 16, I didn't have one Valentine's Day single. In fact I loved being single for it... went out with the guys, drank a little and relaxed.


    Now I do go to a psychiatrist, and was told that perhaps I was more heading towards Alcoholism. So I'm taking a break for 2 weeks and see how I feel... then I'll know whatsup.


    I guess I just haven't really met a girl that has made me go "wow". Actually I did, too bad it was at a gas station... we talked briefly (i'm very flirty I'll talk to anyone... but of course I remain from being intrusive) and thought she was really cute, didn't get her number though. I usually don't ask for it... just in case she had a boyfriend.


    Anyways, I've also decided to stop sleeping around for a bit... I'ma see how I feel too...


    So I've lost intimacy and I'm eager to get it back, but because I haven't been single in a long time, its perhaps something I need to cope with and learn. I miss calling up a girlfriend and just saying "lets go drive somewhere"... can only be spontaneous with a significant other. Everyone else is always busy.

  3. Title says it. I've just been very promiscuous lately. What can i say I'm a horny 20 year old guy. I've slept with friends, with randomers etc.


    I'm just going through a lot of like perplexity lately in respects to my goals in life, what I define happiness as... and if I really want a relationship at this point in my life. considering I'm almost done with college, I'm just concerned you know?


    I miss intimacy. I miss waking up with someone I love. But I don't want to force it. I have a hard time of controlling my hunger lately. I tend to be pretty flirty and get girls not easily... per se... but easier now that I've matured and become more confident.


    But in becoming that, I forget to be considerate. I've lost touch of my kindness to women. I almost have become bitter towards them in a way. I can't seem to get my head around dating someone.... its not that its slow... its that its tough for me to enjoy myself anymore on them. Perhaps its the girls but... it always tends to be a rather 1 sided convo... them bragging about something... like they are trying to sell themselves. I always keep the money I make and the interesting experiences I had to later dates... but some girls just think that showing how rich or how interesting they are... is a way of snagging a guy. Its frusterating, I get tired of dates because of these kinds of people.


    Any suggestions? I enjoy this lifestyle but its eating away at me... and soon I'll probably get stuck in it... and I don't want to.

  4. I expect to get every partner of mine off at some point, so I understand his point of view.


    To be more adventurous takes some interest. You need to see why they are beneficial to achieving orgasm. If you try a position, tell your fiance to hold on a second. Move your hips around and find where it hits you nicely. If its not hitting nicely, change positions.


    In my opinion, the best sex I've had, is when a woman was telling me, "hold on, let me feel it." she moved and said "alright go". Thats hot to me. It is also more beneficial to you.


    Make sure that you say "don't get mad if I don't orgasm, because this is experimenting. I'm tryin to get comfortable myself"


    Not much else you can do. He needs to keep an open mind, and realize that change is hard at first, but can eventually turn into something great.

  5. Best way, is to take something you wouldn't do. A class in expressive art (nude drawings, maybe paint with fingers only. get messy), it could be a drug (weed, ex, shrooms), Clubbing (I mean like a rave, it'll open your eyes perhaps?)


    Although reckless, I'd say those are immediate solutions to what you are attempting to achieve. Although those aren't going to do it, I think exploration is the primary way you will lighten up. Go to a different country and help people there. Come back, do something wild. Realize the two worlds for yourself.

  6. I think you are looking for that relationship you saw in a movie once and you want it to be glorious/perfect with that epic ending where all works out in the end.


    I think you need to take advice that is already on this site. NC NC NC.


    This girl is doing her own thing, she wants friendship, you can't handle it... so don't give the best of you away. Be strong. Let her go... love will come again.


    "will i ever find true true love?"


    If you ask me, thats the wrong question you're asking yourself. True true love is too glorified.


    Just love and be the best you can be.

  7. Definitely. Remember you are in control of your memory of this event. You can come to terms with the situation. Some people tend to use situations like this to stimulate a sad moment and create depression. "hey I could get depressed about this or, i could stop crying, remember what happened, the guy was a jerk, I made a mistake. Time to move on, and if I ever see this guy again I'll kick him in the nuts"


    Don't lose yourself over this. Remember some people lose themselves to these types of things... do you want to say "yeah this guy took advantage of me but I overcame it" or do you want to be that sad willow at 40 "I was taken advantage of a long time ago, I can never get past it."


    Again, people tend to like the "pity me" attitude. It does get you attention but also remember that attention fades because of it... as it is a loaded situation.

  8. I find someone who is rougher/crazier to be more attractive typically. Not like "LETS GO SMOKE ALL DAY LONG"... but like if ur just hanging around about to go to work, light up and kick it.


    I had another night with her last night. It was nice, nothing much happened, just kissed and talked a bit. She seems adventurous ish (meaning she isn't a prude) which is attractive. Unashamed too... but at the same time kind of worries me. She seems really into me... I'm afraid of extreme attatchment.


    Now I don't know if I should talk to her about what I'm afraid of happening, or just let her figure it out as we go along?

  9. See him in person. Breaking up with someone, you must create finality. By breaking up on the phone or e-mail... you want that "one last visit".


    Go to him, and sit him down and give him the skinny. Tell him you are not going to talk to him at all. I wouldn't do the "You've done this this and this lately". I'd go with "from all I've seen, this is not the type of relationship i wish to be in."


    By breaking up on the phone or e-mail its not serious enough, plus it only leads to more drama and loose ends.

  10. Huh, macho. I don't think I have the macho attitude. But I understand what you are saying. Will I allow her to affect me or will I remain holding onto this image I've created and fell comfortable into. Well, to be honest, I don't consider myself high and mighty. I talk about "taking" their virginity, because well... its just general disdain after a breakup and one girl told me she was ashamed. So... perhaps thats an influence.


    It was very unique for me last night, normally when I am with a girl over night, we end up having sex, but we moved slow... probably because I was not far gone at all. Plus I was into her beforehand.


    I appreciate your words. I like it when someone is harsh and honest. I will consider this "macho" attitude. Figure out if that is what I want to be doing/heading into. I'm more wild than her... and I don't say that to have an "up" on her... its the truth. She is much more conservative all around.

  11. good point on the patronizing part... I think because she is younger than me, I have that view. But I know she is knowledgeable... and extremely intelligent (something I am not).


    I do feel like i "took" those few girls' virginities. If they think i was the one to lose it to... they are crazy. Maybe she is looking for more adventure per-se. I guess that is what she'll end up seeing if that is what she wants. I think it will mellow me out... I'm an appeaser... I will make sure I'm not hurting her. But sometimes that just supresses it, and then later I explode. I suppose self control is something I need to learn.

  12. When i say intoxicating I mean... exposing her to new things.


    Anywho, I just met this girl... we ended up having a crazy night the other night. I mean there was no sex, not even much of anything but just a lot of kissing and talking. Well we lead into the "what are you doing tomorrow" talk. Well, now I think we are headed in a "will we date" situation. Not that it is bad... but that....


    she is innocent. She has never done any drugs, she has not had a boyfriend for longer than 2 months, and is a virgin. I have taken a few girls' virginities and to be honest... its very uncomfortable for me. I'm not so innocent of a guy... but I like this girl... but I don't want to change her.. but at the same time I don't want to change myself.


    Do I tell her I'm a wild guy? or have her figure it out? I'm sure by the way I talk and by the way I've talked about things, she can presume that I'm a bit of a wild guy. she seems free-spirited... but I'm not entirely sure yet. I would date her if the question came up... but I'm afraid of hurting her... I don't know what she can stomach.

  13. Video Games can be addictive to the point where you forget the importance of things... its like a drug in that it alters your state of mind while playing... hard habit to break.


    So what I'm saying is, he is on drugs saying that... walk.

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