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Everything posted by sandyv

  1. Nope not blind Desert, not at all, I deleted that cause don't wanna ruffle anyone's feathers..... lol
  2. Yeah I hear you, and I feel much the same, things are looking pretty bleak basically..... But having said that, you are attractive, and don't give up, theres gotta be someone who'd appreciate someone like you...... no doubt about it Desert.......
  3. I'm sorry Desert, I have been on a rant haven't I?
  4. But Desert, when I saw him last weekend, I was shocked, maybe what comes around, does go round, cause he looks like hell, looks 20 lbs lighter, grayer, like a has been basically.....
  5. Too much, made me a little offside I'm sure.....
  6. And for his friends to call him the "Captain" because of the Captain Morgan gig, he was anything but a captain of anything, not even his own life.....
  7. And because of her calling the Children's Aide Society when I was with him, he lost custody of the kids, (she never had any at all) ........? How in hell could he forgive her for that????
  8. Thats for sure, he said he "would never go back to her" she was bipolar, they were apart for 3 years... so I did believe that, but something sparked the nuttiness in her when he started seeing me...... thats the only thing I believed that he said when I think about it now..... that he never saw anyone in those 3 years because of his situation, and thats probably true..... but what a horrible thing to do to someone.... to involve them in his stupid soap opera life......?
  9. Yep same story here, he told me he was "a one woman man" what a joke, the mother of his children eventually won him back...... and she's a nutcase....... I think he enjoyed having two women wanting him now though....?
  10. Desert, he used to do things like have dinner ready when I came home from work, would have flowers in a vase...... so sweet, then all of a sudden things changed from white to black.......
  11. I hope not either, I feel like I never truly knew my ex now, did I ever?
  12. Yeah I know how you feel there, why people change in a heartbeat I will never, ever understand How old is her daughter?
  13. Desert, do you spend Christmas with family, can't remember you saying what you do?
  14. I hope thats it, that he's doing ok...... Xmas is pretty depressing.........
  15. Yep dead here tonite, did you ever here from John, I haven't gotten around to checking?
  16. Your piece, haha, was that intentional Brit? lol
  17. Yes please Brit, a 6 pack Lucky Lager !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Ram: Welcome to my world, I'm never sure of where I'm at, in a relationship or even out of one nowadays...... and NO YOU DON'T DESERVE it!!!!
  19. The last thing I feel like right now is "an expert" lol
  20. Brit: Do you mean you'll miss the little guy? I guess, I even now worry about where my *baby* is.....
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