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Everything posted by Seraphim

  1. Depressed my arse. She is a selfish evil evil disgusting human being .
  2. Right ? We had given up our old home and the rest of my stuff had to be gone it it must be Bristol shape by the 15th. My mom has to be out of her place by the 20th. She is ready to loose it . oh I am mad for sure . If my husband had to put up with this chaos for too long he would lose his mind.
  3. Right? I currently have no workable kitchen. No counters, no sink and no cupboards so I can’t put anything away. No fridge because it is on order. The only working bathroom is in the basement. And my mom’s room isn’t ready and the basement isn’t ready for my son. I am so beyond irritated.
  4. I finally have some time to get to about our move . The 24th of March we picked up our truck and we loaded for 9 hours that day. The 25th we rolled out and drove up to our new place . Half way up we get a text from hubby’s cousin and she says the place isn’t ready for us to move in. WTH🤬🤬🤬🤬So I tell hubby to rent the truck for a few days longer and park it at his aunt’s farm and we go back home the same day. 15 hours of driving. He told his cousin look our furniture arrives the 27th we don’t give a rat’s ass if the contractor isn’t finished . My son lost it I mean LOST IT . Running down the highway lost it . The 27th the movers collect our furniture and we drive up. It is loaded off on the 28th. We off loaded our boxes on the 29th and returned the truck. Sunday we all drove back down and I collected more stuff and hubby had now moved to his single room on base and we are without him for a year. 😓😓😓 Tomorrow I head down to the first place we were posted to in 2010 so I can go to the dentist . Supposed to be a blizzard and 30 CM tomorrow . Thursday and Sat I go and collect more stuff from the house and will be a 15 hour driving day both days.
  5. I do have a child with a disability that is lifelong and will probably live with me for life. He is 26 now . I was 31 in 5 weeks when my son was born. His dad was 27. Disability can happen at any age of parent but far far more likely with older parents even older dads.
  6. Spread love and accept those who are neurologically different . My son is Autistic. ❤️
  7. Another Gen X . Oh we know trolls. We called them bullies and had fist fights in the school yard. 🤣 Really we do know what is going on we are just doing the eye roll at this end and like the famous hallmark of our generation “ we don’t care.”
  8. She was mean and immature . That’s it. Hot doesn’t mean she is worth the time.
  9. Hahahah reminds me of when a talent agent from Ford Models tried to recruit me when I was 15 but my mom said nope no way. I did do some modelling for a local store back at the place we were for 11 years .
  10. Yup, you ask other ones . My husband asked me out . He was so nervous he could barely get the question out but I said , yes.
  11. No , his sweetness stood out to me the most . Now we are later 50’s and do we look like we did at 20, well, no, but there is an enduring love there .
  12. I met my husband when he was 20. He was truly sweet and humble , intelligent, just incredibly sweet and had gorgeous blue eyes. I could tell he was a good person . Where the outer qualities considered ? Yes. He had to have the inner qualities though.
  13. That is all superficial. What about your personality traits ?
  14. Still no such thing as perfect qualities. What is it you consider a perfect quality .
  15. We are in our new house !! i will give the move story tonight . It is a doozy.
  16. They aren’t rapists they are male employees. Why do you need a warm up period ?
  17. My sister-in-law( hubby’s sister ) has been a princess all her life. She was daddy‘s princess from the second she was born. She was TOTALLY AND UTTERLY enmeshed with her parents . She always felt no man was good enough for her. So where she is now is 53 with no partner never had a partner no children and a 90 year old mother, she has to cater to because she was a princess as well. She is dripped with hate and resentment that her brother has a life . Literally dripping with it and sometimes yells and screams at him and treats him like dirt . Well soon mama won’t be around and she will have alienated the only other family she has. Don’t end up like her.
  18. You don’t “ cause “ someone to kick and slap you .
  19. Once you find your partner your parents and siblings cease to be your primary focus. Please don’t turn out like my SIL.
  20. Want to make an enemy of your brother , start hating on his future wife .
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