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Everything posted by crayzee

  1. I've been looking into some resources and such... There is an athletic centre at my university free of charge to students; I a spoke to a very good friend of mine. She goes to a gym and she said that she can bring a "friend" for a week free and to have a personal trainer there is like $60 an hour but if it is two people in an hour then it is like $85, so we agreed to spit... now I just gotta fit it into my schedule ...
  2. If he was low on cash he wouldnt be offering to take her to a $10 movie... I think the guy should pay!!!! It wouldn't really be a "date" otherwise, in my opinion... that is like me and one of my guy friends going out for lunch or something where we each pay for ourselves...
  3. This URL doesnt work That is true. I am more into developmental and abnormal psychology however it is all psychology. I will do a search on eBay since it is often cheaper there. I will also go to the campus bookstore and see what they have in their Psychology section. Perhaps even the "self-help" section at regular bookstores may have quite a few titles.
  4. This is true. Breakfast is the "most important meal of the day" for a reason.
  5. This is the DDR pad right? Do I just hook it up to my computer?
  6. Biologically, you are absolutely right. The mode of action that caffene takes is not a good thing for our bodies. However, psychologically, it is comfort food... That is a good tip and perhaps the toughest of all. I shall give it a shot. Do you recommend some sort of log sheet or is that something I should take upon myself to decide? Unfortunately, I do use good to alter my feelings. And you are right that it isnt rational. Do you have any other ideas of things I could do to "alter my feelings" ...? I want to be healthy and look my best... Thanks for your recommendations. I hope you have some more that you are willing to share
  7. When I was younger, she would "spank" me for "punishment". When I got older, she stopped that...
  8. I agree with robowarrior. Your father does seem racist. I also like the bomb analogy. If your father says that you shouldn't be in a car with a girl of a different race. Try to justify yourself. If he starts to get overly and unnecessarily angry, just count to 10, breathe and walk away... The the situation incubate. I also agree that you should focus on "positive' things with your father right now. For instance, if he likes golf, try to gain some interest in golf. Creating a strong bond might make him more understanding to your personal life ....
  9. What is your ethnicity and what is hers...?
  10. You are right about that. unfortunately the deadline to get into residence for the 2006-2007 school year was in April. However, one of my very close friends will be moving out of residence into his own condo and perhaps I can ask to split with him, this may be tough since his parents are Arabic and may not approve due to their traditions... Thanks for you advice. This "e-not-alone" is a great idea because it often takes insight from others to make sense of some situations... Thanks again
  11. I dunno. I would be the one to pay for it. I guess it is fear... I've spoken about the residence conflict we have to a professor that I have grown to trust. He simply said the most he and the university could do is have my registrar call home and have a conversation with her about residence. However, I am afraid of how she would react if she found I "discussed" the issue with someone.
  12. I pay for EVERYTHING ... my commute, my books, my tuition, my student fees, clothes, gas, EVERTHING!!!!
  13. No I havn't tried to ask her...I feel that I cannot ask her anything about anything. Sometimes there are things that I go through that I KNOW she has insight about but I do not feel comfortable walking up to her and asking. Thanks for the advice, I hope to get some more from here. I know a lot about eating disorders. It is kind of weird. I know a lot about them, their psychology, their biology - after all, I am a Human Biology/Psychology double major. It is one thing to know theory, it is an entirely other to apply it. I've tried lots of things - excercise, diet, etc... - and have been unsuccessful. I have considered joining LAweightloss programs or weightwatchers and such but they are overly expensive and absolutley unaffordable to me, right now.
  14. She is by no means skinny... She has a thyroid problem so she is biologically unable to lose weight. However, i estimate that she weighs somewhere between 170 and 180 lbs... About speaking to my friends ... should I gather them all and kind of tell them that I have a "problem" or should I just consult my closest...
  15. Hi there... I am 18 years old (turning 19 in October) and entering my 2nd year of university in September! I am overweight and my mother uses this fact as a "loaded gun". By that I mean that whenever she wants to put me down she will use that and start rambling on about how no one wants to be friends with "rolls of fat", how I should avoid wearing anything "fashionable" because I will make the designer look bad, how when I walk it seems as though big-foot is coming down the stairs... and so on... During my first year of university, she forbid me from moving into residence because "no one wants to share dorms with a fat one" and because she said that if I were in residence I would do nothing but eat all day and not study and fail and drop out. (Which is not the case since I managed to pull a 3.2 GPA in the life sciences...) When ever I am home, studying, sitting around, or whatever, she barges into my room and yells at me for not being "active" and that I will be lonely for the rest of my life and that she is ashamed to take me anywhere because people might think that she is a bad mother as oppose to me being "fat and stupid"... The thing is, I live very far away from my campus. It takes me 2 hours to get there one-way (I have to take a bus AND the subway...). I am doing a double major in Human biology and Psychology and my classes are stressfull and run (almost) nine-to-nine. By the time I get home it is almost 12 o'clock... she doesn't understand what I go through every single day just to get myself a higher education. In the morning, I have to wake up to her negativity and yelling and screaming. I often cry on the bus because I just cannot take her comments anymore. What hurts even more, is that I have actually tried to lose weight. I have taken a kinesiology/nutrition course so its not like I dont know the "basics". Its just, I guess, I lead a stressfull life and everytime she yells, screams and slams doors I just feel the urge to binge on chocolate and foods that tend to calm people (in general) down... I do not know what to do. I am afraid of speaking to a counsellor because I do not know what my mother would do if she found out. I have several close friends but they all seem to think my mother is an angel and a very loving mother and I don't think any of them would believe me if I shared this with them... Can someone offer me some wisdom?
  16. Hey there... just a thought that I had while reading your thread. I have been single all my life (im only 18)... but, I think that if you continue in a relationship where there is tension and possibly hostility, it will rub off on your daughter in the future. The reason you two are sticking it out, I assume, is to keep a "good environment" for your daughter, however, the tension between you and Brian will create an "uneasy" environment for your daughter as she grows up and becomes more and more mature and aware of her parent's relationship...
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