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Posts posted by agent1607307371

  1. I think because it's what you do.


    I never held much stock in it, couldn't figure out why people would do it because I don't feel the need to do it socially or religiously. But I found a quote about marriage that read "Your life will not go unnotticed, I will notice. Your life will not go unwitnessed, I will be your witness." And I think the idea of standing up to annouce that to be quite satisfying as a reason.


    I still don't get the wedding madness though.

  2. Something you could try would be him putting his fingers in (covered in a condom or latex gloves) to get you used to the sensation and learn to relax into it without it being a big shock.


    Replenish the lube! The anus does not self-lubricate like the vagina so you have to make sure to reapply to keep everything happy down there.

  3. I think (and I am working on this myself) the first thing you have to do is accept that of course people want to talk to you, because why wouldn't they? You have to focus and believe in the fact that you are awesome with lots of good qualities to share with people. Really focus on your own worth. It won't make you arrogant, but if you don't believe in yourself nobody else will.


    Also, become involved in groups that share your interests. You're lucky you're still in uni so this is much easier than when you get out into the working world. The upside to this is that you all have one shared interest already and have something to talk about without reaching.


    And remember, no one is paying any attention to what you are doing, they're all too busy worrying about what other people are thinking about them.

  4. since flowers don't have sexual preference I doubt they are gay.



    Honestly, I would leave it alone. It's only been two months, and I really don't know if that would be enough time for your ex to calm down sufficiently or for you to have developed new behavioural patterns. If he specifically told you not to contact him, then don't. My ex did that after I told him the same thing and all it did was increase my anger towards him and make me feel incredibly disrespected.


    The best thing you can do is take this as a lesson in jealousy and the consequences of obsession for any new relationships that come into your life.

  5. With regard to two consenting adults, I don't think that can be answered easily. There are men and women in this world who want to and fantasize about living in a situation that involves them being a slave, sexual and otherwise. For most people, someone trying to get them into such relationship would be abuse. For others, it's all they want. It's tough to call something abuse if it is all someone fantasizes about. Although it still might be.


    When people are into that, they draw up agreements and discuss it, finding a way to enjoy a D/s Bd relationship that is fulfilling to them both.


    BDSM is not abuse. It's main caveat is that the activity is Safe Sane and Consensual.


    Any time a partner lashes out at someone in anger is abuse and should never be tolerated or excused as a bdsm relationship.


    To the OP, what you descibe sounds to me like serious child abuse. It could be that your family don't want to face his behaviour, or truly don't know the extent, but I honestly believe that if you wished to, you would be fully justified in taking the matter to the police.

  6. A threesome is not something you should ever ever do for the other person.



    Also, have you raised this with your friend? Because I have to say if a friend asked me to be in a 3some I would be so completely insulted and angry with them...

  7. No matter how much you get compliments, your skills and abilities will never depend on what others think of them. They are a product of your own work.


    Enjoying them and being pleased that others enjoy them isn't pride, it's accepting your skills. Don't bury your talents...


    If you start to feel that you are better than other people and that they should praise you and put you above them, that's pride though, but I think that as long as you watch yourself for it, you can keep pride out of yourself.

  8. You're not stupid for posting here, this is what this place is for, and it's better than worrying about it.


    At your age it could be hormones flexing in a pattern they won't usually (it's not uncommon to have same sex attractions during the teen years) and either it will continue or it won't.


    If you are bisexual, or gay even then how you deal with it is entirely up to you. If you choose to share this information with your parents, a few close friends, everyone you meet, a councillor or nobody, there is no right or wrong way, just don't feel bad or wrong about it because it's not. And it's your business and your business only.


    What are you grieving?

  9. I think the first thing she has to do is work out why she feels this way, maybe her body doesn't look the way she wants it to or she was brought up to regard the naked body as wrong or dirty and then work on changing her attitude to her body. When you love your body and are able to recognise it for the amazing machine it is, you become much more relaxed about your nudity.

  10. Catarina, there was nothing wrong with his gift to her. Women benefit from lingerie as well, makes them feel sexy and fun. Since when is feeling and looking sexy in the bedroom strictly the man's pleasure?


    That tends to be in regards to lingerie the woman has bought herself that reflects her own tastes rather than some theme underwear bought by a bf. That can actually be a very offensive gift. Especially if it's not done with a thought to the woman who has to wear it.


    Frankly, neither of them got what they wanted, rather gifts that were not suitable for the others personality as opposed to who they want the other person to be.

    If you find a puppy gift offensive, work out exactly why it made you react so badly and if that has any application to your relationship.

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  11. Don't say anything. You're not her bf anymore and if she is ignoring you, she's doing it to get a rise from you. Don't be manipulated like that.


    If your friendship is as strong as you say it is, she won't play games like this. My own opinion is that she is keeping you around so she can call someone for lifts late at night without disrupting her bf's time.


    Send her a happy new year text if you want, but don't apologise. You've done nothing wrong.

  12. Calvin5 - are you a woman? Then please stop speaking for us.


    I have hips and thighs and even a bit of belly. And I don't feel unsexy in the least. The media and opinions held by other people have power only when you let them have it.


    I think your main problem is that you make it all about sex (or atleast have been in this post) and not many women want to be with a man who has turned them into a fetish. You only speak about their body shape and have nothing to say about who they are or where they've been and that's hardly ever going to attract someone. If you only want sex then go do a google search for older women seeking younger men. You'll have better luck. Maybe.

  13. Wow, one woman gave you a look! Damn!


    Many women are looking for toyboys. Many women are looking for older men. Many women just don't care. It's called a preference. And not just women have them.



    And please stop with the generalising of women. The double standards are put there by society not by women.

  14. Beause it upsets you and gives him power in the relationship.


    I had a bf who did the same thing with livejournal. Ultimately, I couldn't get over it and he kept using her presense as a way of keeping me off balance.


    It pretty much ended the relationship but we kept it up for six months after that and it was painful and tiring and not something I'd do again.

  15. He could be shy and nervous because you're flirting with him. I'm sure rumours of relationships and being inappropriate with students are not good things for teachers.


    Don't mail him, chances are it'll just make things even more awkward and end up with you feeling embarrassed. I think it's possible that you are feeling this way towards him because he knows about you councelling and because you have been having a hard time with your room mates. Enjoy the fantasy, but don't try to bring it through.

  16. Don't contact him. I don't think he will react well and may make you feel worse. If you need to speak to someone (and I'm going to assume that confession to your spouse is ootq here) then speak to a priest or a councellor.


    Unfortunately, this is the bad outcome that can arise when you seek the "nice" feeling from people other than those we are in a relationship with, so put your energies there and work at getting that back with your husband.

  17. My health teacher kept telling us that you could get pregnant, but he was a really bad liar, and everyone knew it. It's obvious that you can't get pregnant that way. I suppose he just wanted everyone to refrain from any sexual activities.


    There are way too many pregnant girls at my school, anyway.


    With teachers like that, I'm not surprised.

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