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Everything posted by Ontario_Rider

  1. Sort of, things just change. First you do the shock thing, then it's anger or grief, then the 'what-if stage'. I STILL wake up and think it was all a dream! Not sure when that will end, hopefully soon. What I've been doing is when I think of him, I purposefully think of something else and get it out of my head. Try and stay busy, reading I find good, those Dr. Phil books only make sense though a couple weeks into it, LOL You just HAVE to move on, she has. Concentrate on yourself. Do stuff for you, think about YOU, take care of YOU.
  2. Mine too, has a court date, but not til the end of June. The charges are HER problem not yours. I understand you wishing her well, but again it shows her issues not yours. She's dug the hole, let her get out of it. I view it as kind of a tough love. No one wants to 'wish' all the time they are with the person they know as #1. It's not fair to yourself. Someone someday will love you for YOU. And will be YOUR #1. But again, this girl needs to find herself before she can ever look at, or for you.
  3. I'm in a similar situation, except my NC is court ordered. The problem is she's ill, that makes 3 in a relationship. I'm not saying you are doomed, but you need to realize that. It's her and her illness you deal with. It makes it very hard. I would suggest counselling as well for yourself and to see what you are dealing with.
  4. I received another fax from his lawyer stating that he has a list-which he forwarded containing all the items he wants. AND that a retrieval date will be set later. HE's asking for everything of value!! Still no mention of his clothes OR when he's getting them. I'm wondering if he's just retaliating because I said get your stuff out. How do I deal with this? He apparently at this time, does NOT have a family court lawyer. Am I just supposed to sit here and not sell anything when I have no money??
  5. That's the joke of it, I don't qualify for legal aid as I have a house. I've called a number of lawyers yesterday and today to see if I can put a lien on the property. So far, no one has returned calls. AND I get a fax from his lawyer, he has a nice expensive lawyer cuz MOMMMY is paying for him, stating: I have attempted to contact Mr. * * * * Head by telephone with respect to your recent fax, but have not yet been able to speak with him. (my friend JUST called minutes after this fax and his Mommy is answering, he can't be anywhere without his 'surrety') I will continue to do so, and have forwarded him your fax by mail. I would ask that you do not take any further steps until I can get instruction from my client. Yah, whatever.
  6. I faxed the letter SINCE he hadn't picked up his stuff and if he didn't pick it up BEFORE this Sat. it was mine. My lawyer said I shouldn't have to 'store' his belongings in the house. You'd be surprised what isn't available to people. I'm in a rural area and most of the organizations are in the city and all I get is sorry we don't do your area. The best they've come up with is to leave to a shelter, BUT have warned me they will charge me with abandonment of the livestock, IF I leave. So not sure what to do. Most likely will end up surrending thousands of dollars of livestock to the SPCA so at least I don't have to feed them, THEN I'm told hubby can charge me, I have to pay HIM half of fair market value. I've never seen a system like this.
  7. I'm not having a life right now, I'm just existing. Hubby went nuts/drunk, I wouldn't let him in the house, and called police. Police have 8-9 charges, depends on who you talk to and has issued a no-contact order. It's already been to court and remanded once, court is again this Friday and I'm told it will be remanded again. Nothing like a long torture. We've been married for over 12yrs, one child. He's not even calling our child-which he is allowed to do, I'm assuming ole drunken Mother won't allow nut-bar to use the phone. I don't know what info he's getting or not getting, I feel like he isn't asking questions so they aren't telling him. He is able to lift the no-contact order in court, but he's never asked about it, according to his lawyer, and of course they never mentioned it. To top it off, my car's engine fried the week before he had his 'mid-life crisis'. So... that means I can't get to town for legal aid. AND since no contact, I can't sell anything-house, livestock, etc. I'm trying to anyway. What do they think I'm living on? It's been 6 weeks now and I thought it would get easier and it's not. I don't see a future as I feel if he wanted to, he would have called to say sorry or anything. I faxed his lawyer a letter saying since he's had the 6 weeks to get his stuff, he had til this Sat. or it was my property. So far, no calls from lawyer, they'd think they would at least acknowledge I sent a fax. Thanks for listening
  8. Yes I did, thanks, but I still can't find what I'm looking for in that list. They called it 'interim' custody.
  9. The court clerk had told me the forms were online. I already have a couple hours of free legal so will have them look over the forms- once I can find them!lol
  10. he was this summer, which really p-me off. Went to police station and they did nothing, BUT when I called police in Feb. because he was drunk and I wouldn't let him in the house, they THEN lay the charges. Police around here suck. I doubt any of the charges will stick, it's so stupid. The police JUST called me know to say they JUST checked to make sure there are no weapons in the house he's residing in-like thanks.
  11. Hi All, I'm trying to find the paperwork to file for interim custody, I was told it's online but cannot find it. I'm in Ontario. I'm separated nearly 6 weeks now, with a no-contact order. Hubby went 'nuts' or had his mid-life crisis, ending our relationship with criminal charges and no money and he moves in with his parents!
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