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The Hyralian One

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  1. Approach him and ask him. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Dating is like the lottery, you never know.
  2. You really should listen to these people. You're only hurting yourself. Find a way to slowly detach yourself, or just get the hell outta there. Trust us, its better in the long run. Do it for yourself. Everyone deserves to be happy in a relationship. Do not limit yourself to waiting.
  3. If it happened just this time talk to her about it. If she does this all the time well. . . I shouldn't have to tell you anything else. She'll continue to blow you off. No pun intended.
  4. Its tough, because if you act too "clingy", the relationship will lose it's challenge. I for one don't like easy relationships. lol. I enjoy a good argument here and there. It helps spice things up sometimes. The perfect test is to just chill out and let it flow, hold off on him a bit and see if he comes to you. Really, you guys have to talk about what you guys want in the relationship. You also have to understand that he has priorities. I mean, I'm not saying that it's good that he has you last on his "to-do" list, but college comes first. Also its not really healthy to see the person everyday in the beginning of the relationship. You have to have time to miss each other. He's used to having alot of his own time and being free since he's never been in a serious relationship. All in all, if he loves you like he says all you can really do is trust him. Its up to you whether you can take it. You're better off talking to him about it and being straight up. Then you can figure out if the relationship is really worth it or not. . .
  5. In my case Id have to ask what love means to her. Is she willing to make sacrifices and understand that every couple argues? Also, if she says she loves you, she should be able to tolerate your friends if only for your sake. They are your "misfits" as you say. You feel comfortable around them and enjoy thier company. She has to understand that. It seems to me as if the relationship is one sided if she has you on a leash and she is able to do everything she wants. You both just have to ask each other what you guys want out of each other.
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