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  1. B/c I don't really know how to work it. I'm not being natural with it. We've been going out 7 months now. Around the end of June she broke up with me (we didn't go out much at all). But since I acted indifferent after the break up (as if I was able to move on), she came back after bout 5 days and we were happy. We started going out more often, if not going out, I'd go to her house. But for some reason it doesn't feel like I'm doing something right. We're great together, it's just... I dunno, we're missing a part in our relationship. Which is probably why our phone conversations are dying... But I dunno... I never seen her friends (we don't go to the same school). Am I suppose to set up dates where we're around people we know? I don't know her friends (I seen em on myspace). Well I did go to the mall with her and one of her friends once but that was the beginnin of this year. We don't have the same group of friends (actually... I don't have a circle of friends really. I just know a decent amount of people). That's about all I am worried about. When we're on the phone, our relationship doesn't seem so top notch because we don't talk THAT much (it should be easy for us to talk, we been together 7 months!). But when we're together, she doesn't wanna go home. Can someone help me fill in the holes of this relationship?
  2. Nonono. If you want to keep the flame burning, see each other 1 (2 MAX) day a week. And me and my girl exchange "I love yous" from time to time (try not to say it to o much or it'll become routine and won't mean much). We still don't see each other more than 1nce a week (maybe twice). We love each other, but you will get tired of someone quick if you spend too much time with them too quickly.
  3. We've only been together since December but were talking since maybe October. We rarely see each other (once again, I get my license this month) but will see each other more often soon. But we talk on the phone mostly everyday (maybe skip a day). Most of the time she's calling me but sometimes I can tell she's waiting for me to call to show that I actually think about her so yeah I call sometimes. Last week we were talking about how our relationship was going. Someone in there she was like "I feel I love you". Then it turned into "I love you". Well I didn't really say it back. Maybe that hurt her, but I dunno. We continued talking. Well this week during a conversation I said "I need you". Unlike all the other different things I've said to her, this one really caught her I guess. She seemed shocked and wanted me to repeat it. I did and kinda elaborated on it. I don't know why I even said that though. *shrugs* And yesterday when we were getting off the phone I said "Love you", and she said "love you too". Pretty sure she caught a smile on her face. Now, is this real? I mean does she really love me? Or is it that we don't see each other often causing her to want me more?
  4. OK thanks for the info so far guys We don't attend the same school. I have thought about that church thing... Maybe I'll try it next Sunday. I don't get any real breaks at where I work (Dominos) cuz people are always calling ordering pizza. If she came in my manager would probably trip seeing me just standing talking. We talk everyday on the phone too. I know fa show that when I get my license next month I'm goin to do a little bit more. Maybe take her out to eat on one of the weekdays off her something. But doing something before work wouldn't work because even though I get out of school at 2:30pm and work 4:00 or 5, she doesn't get out til 3:30. Hmm But maybe pick her up from school and drive her home? That might work
  5. We like each other alot but in these past 2 months (our first 2 months), we've only seen each other 4 times. Or maybe 3... Twice at the movies, once at the mall. I don't have my license (March 18) and we're still in school so yeah... Only on the weekends. And sometimes stuff comes up on the weekends and we (or I) don't have time for each other. It's wack. And now I have a job. I have little time now. This weekend I am off Sunday (today). But now something sprung up (at church today) that we have to go back to church at 5pm for service. So now I'm like "damn, now I gotta tell her this". I'm beginning to see that it's usually me that can't find time for her. We've talked about the "us" a few times. Last week she said that "we were doing good" and I said "we could be doing better by seeing each other more". Well last night she said "we could be doing better if we could see each other more but I know that's hard to do". She's told me that she likes that fact that I make an effort to see her unlike her other bfs. What can I do? I work in the evenings usually. This is aggravating. Our relationship has alot of potential (we haven't fought yet, and I don't see us doing that in the near future). But I'm afraid she is going to give up on me soon. But what am I to do? How do you see your gurl while you're in high school and have a job?
  6. What do you plan on (or already have gotten) getting your s/o? When I get paid Friday (damn I bet it's gonna be crowded out there....), I'm gonna get my gf (been with her only since December, been talkin to her since October) something nice. Sometime during December she told me her nickname was "Lovely". And during our second date we looked at a heart shaped gold dog tag. So I plan on getting one of those with "Lovely" planted in there. Just to show her that I listen And my bestfriend (female)... Well we've been going through a little something. We liked each other alot back in the summer but I didn't act on it so we became best friends. But still have feelings for each other. So now I've started to pay her less attention (so we can kinda lose these strong feelings we have and get to a regular bestfriendship). Haven't talked to her since Sunday. I'm gonna get her a dogtag (woot another one) that says "Bosslady" (it's a inside thing, and it's from back in the summer so this seems perfect to put a smile on her face). Gonna give it to a little girl at our church on Sunday and tell her to give to my best friend and tell her not to open it til Valentine's Day morning (it's not going to have my name on the envelope so she'll be surprised). I'll come up w/ something clever to put on the card. That's it for me. What do you guys think? And again, what are yall getting your s/o?
  7. That sounds cool if she's thinking that way. Maybe she is, it makes sense..
  8. We label our relationship as "best friends".(We'll call her A) I don't know if she uses that just so we can stay close since we're both in a relationship or what. But we know each other inside out, and I still have feelings for her. Yesterday I broke my ankle. I missed church, so I texted one of the girls at church (real pretty one that I was tryna get at) and also told her to tell everyone I said whats good. Well a minute later I get a message from A saying "why didn't you tell me i would have come over, is it ok if I come over today". Needless to say she road back home with my family and was with me all day. She helped me out ALOT. Even when she first came in the room she wanted me to lie my foot on her lap to elevate it. We talked a bit, then turned to a movie. Soon I ended up with my head on her lap. There was alot of contact (wasn't exactly sexual) and she liked to hold my hand. She wouldn't react when I was against her breast and stuff, she acted like it was normal and we were suppose to be that close. So after a while we were faced to face and at first I was just talkin to see if she was wanting me to move away (indicating she didn't want to kiss). Well she didn't respond so I tried to kiss her. Well she tucked her lips in (I kissed around her lips to see if she was going to open up but nothin). She was whisperin "stop" and "this isn't fair" or whatever. After a little bit, she gave be a few pecks on my lips. No real kiss. * * *? So I kinda was lying there with the movie still on her lap w/ the movie still on. But I wasn't watching it, I was just looking down at my foot. I don't know if this made her think I was mad or something but I tried to make it hard to tell if I was mad or just straight faced. Soon after, she decided to get up to go downstairs and treated me like we were lovers (I was tellin her no not to move). She gave me a kiss on the lips then again. Nothin else happened after that, just finished the movie and my mom took her home. But I'm left baffled. I know she loves me, but I'm confused. What is she saying here? She's not trying to cheat on her bf (nor let me cheat on mine)? That seems logical but then I remember something else. She's told me last week that she met this fine light skinned kat that ran mad game on her and they ended up kissing at the movies. She says she still messes with him they just keep it on the down low from her bf. I know this is bad (all this cheating) but we're only 16 so few relationships are that serious. I just wanna know if something could be going on with me and her or was it just me that forced what happened to happen?
  9. My first real relationship where I decided that I wanted to be exclusive with this one girl. And I'm starting to think that I'm not ready for this commitment. We have the most fun when we are together. But on the phone... Blah... That had been our only communication tool for 2 months. I met her at a meeting, but we only talked on the phone for 2 months before we were able to go out on a date(which is when I asked her out). So now, phone conversations are growing kinda stale. When we talk now, I watch the clock so when it hits that 45minute mark, I say I gotta go. And I'm sure this isn't how all relationships go? All these men here are wanting to talk to a girl everyday (being clingy) but I'm the exact opposite. Blah, I guess I'm not the relationshp type of guy. So after I thought about it, I decided to take a lil control and after about 25 minutes (since conversation kinda died, as usual): Me: Well I'll talk to you later. Her: Why? Me: I said, I'll talk to you later (guessing that she missunderstood me) Her: About what, why do you need to talk to me later? Me: Uh because I have to GO, I'll talk to you later Her: Where do you have to go, why can't you talk to me now? Me: B-because i have to go (stuttering a bit) I'll talk to you later OK? Her: *giving up* ok whatever I never get that kind of reaction when I try to get off the phone with a girl (unless they're just playing with me). She was serious. And what really bugging me is that this may be a sign that she expects us to talk for a good amount of time each call. Even after 45 mins sometimes, she'll sound disappointed when I say I gotta go. Which aggravates me because why talk on the phone when there is nothing to talk about? I don't want her to find me uninteresting anymore when conversation has died, I tried to end the phone call. Bad move??? Also, she's really moving pretty fast. She already is trying to get us to use the L word. She started by saying "What if I said I love you". I didn't respond by saying i love her too because she would've asked if I meant it, and right then would've found out if I'm really committed to her. But it's only been a month (if that!)! I'm still trying to dictate the pace of this relationship, but I'm always having to slow her down. We already had an extreme makeout session on the first date. People have told me I need to watch out after I told em what happened on that first date. But maybe she just loves my personality that much? I guess what I am asking here is, should I just go along and try to at her same pace? Next time I get the chance, say I love her (in person)? She already shows that she loves me alot and is committed. And what about the phone conversations? Should I work on keeping up conversation for an hour each day? I like her alot, and I see myself with her for a long time, but I didn't think it was good to move too fast in relationships. BTW, we're 16 (oops), and only get to see each other on the weekends (until I get my license)
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