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Posts posted by xblondyx

  1. Does anyone else out there use the ProActiv Solution? Does it work?

    I got mine on friday and this is may story so far:


    Used it on friday night, was fine. The next morning i got up and it looked a little better according to my mum although, it was rather dry.


    On sunday morning i got up and it was so unbelievable dry and red around my eyes. I could barely put any make up on because it was so dry.


    So, on sunday night i used it as normal and my face just went very very red and it hurt around my eyes. My mum said i must be putting too much of the cream on and she told me to put moisturisor on top. So i did.


    Ok, this morning i get up, the redness has gone but it is still very dry and it burns a bit around the eyes now and then. On the whole my face looks better but it's just soooo dry i can hardly put any makeup on.


    One problem with this is, i am going away later today to visit friends and i'm worried that i will look like a complete monster, all red and dry and won't be able to put makeup on


    My mum advised me just to use the solution on the nights and only use the face wash and my moisturisor in the morning which may make it easier for me to apply makeup. I can't not wear makeup because my spots look awful I'm really worried i won't be able to do it.


    Is this normal with the ProActiv Solution? Has anyone else experienced this?

  2. Well what happened is, about 3 weeks ago, we saw him and his family in town. The parents all started talking but i was on the telephone to my friend and he was just standing there. They all decided to go for a coffee so of course we were dragged along.

    He sat there and complained saying he broke up with me because he wanted space and our parents being friends does not help the situation.


    I was like...hey it's not my fault! It was your idea to introduce them!! So anyway, he aired his views to both sets of parents and they all had a big chat and decided, until he calmed down they shouldn't meet up as much as they did.


    I thought this was really selfish of him. So his parents hadn't been in contact since then although i have seen his Mum and she gave me a friendly wave.


    Then a few days later he signed onto MSN and just started slagging off my parents and i FLIPPED with him completely and went straight into NC. I don't want to be his friend. Then he told his mum something that he made up about what my mum supposedly said about them and his mum text me asking what was going on but i didn't know.


    I think he did this so that our parents would fall out with each other. I think maybe he's succeeded as yesterday when i saw his mum she just blanked me. She has been in touch with my mum though, saying they should meet up in the easter holidays but in secret so my ex doesn't find out.

  3. It's more complicated than that. Ok, so i'm not completely over him. It's the fact that his family are friends of my family and whenever we see them, he totally blanks me and it's putting pressure on our parents relationship with his parents as they all feel like they can't see each other because he will just sit there being all moody or won't come at all. They've already said it's best if they don't see each other anymore, for a while at least. And we haven't saw them for 3 weeks which is weird.


    If the above situation didn't exist, then if i'm honest, i wouldn't want to be his friend. He hurt me and didn't even care so why should i care. But this situation does exist and it's hard.

  4. You know when your moving on after you've broken up with your bf....do you always find you think about him?


    If i'm honest, i know i'm moving on, even though i do still love him and always will. The thing is, recently, i find that i'm thinking about him a lot more. When we first broke up, he was all i could think about then, a month on i barely thought about him. Now, he's on my mind again. But this time i'm just thinking about the good times. About our first (very bad) date, about our first kiss and just generally the time we spent together. It's amazing how i remember it all.


    These memories are good to have but it makes me feel a bit sad to think about them, knowing we will never have that together again. I know that in time the sadness of the memories will go and i will remember happily but right now it just gets me down a bit.


    I want to be his friend. He's made it clear he DOESN'T want to speak to me. We all leave college in May. I was just wondering, do you think it's a good idea to contact him...say on May 18th (one day before we leave) just saying that I don't want to leave on a bad note with anyone so could we at least be civil with each other? I don't know if it's a good idea...he may just blank me and say no. I don't know, i just know that i don't want to ignore him if I see him around in the future. What do you all think?

  5. You can't just turn off your feelings if you do really love this guy. I know it's hard. My friend is currently going through exactly the same thing. She knows he's wrong for her and treat her badly but she can't help going back to him because he loves him.


    You've just got to think about what you really want. Do you want to be with this guy? No...well end it. I know it is really hard because you love him but he's abusive. You just have to be strong. Go into NC, don't contact him at all. Busy yourself, spend time with family and friends nd on your own. Give yourself time to get over time and get your self esteem back up.


    I know it's easier said than done but you can do soo much better than this guy who hurts you!

  6. Not sure if this should be under personal growth but oh well

    I'm feeling much better now than I have in this past month.


    Some of you may have read posts about me having problems with my friends. Well, they are sorted we all sat down today and had a good long talk and sorted everything out and we had a good gossip! It felt good to get everything out in the open and even though my friend has changed a lot, I can see who she truly is now and we all promised each other to never bottle things up and keep secrets.


    Also, i'm defo. getting over the ex. Saw him LOADS today. Even laughed along when he thought our principal was calling him "giant beast" in assembly! We did catch each others eye once, he was sitting in front of a class room i came out of and he looked up and i looked but we just smiled. So that's sorted

    Spoke to one of our mutual friends who has been ignoring me as he felt like he had to stick up for my ex as he had known him for 14 years. We sorted everything out and had a good chat.


    The third thing is MY SKIN IS CLEARING UP(ISH) AT LAST!!!!!! I have really low self esteem and really bad spots around my time of the most but i have noticed that they are slowly drying up and clearing up! Which makes me feel soo much better.


    I just feel sooo happy and good about myself For anyone out there feeling down, just hang in there, things will get better! x

  7. Sounds like he's pretty confused. Maybe he's just stringing you along by telling your friend something that you will want to hear then he goes off with another girl.


    My advice to you is forget about him and move on. Stick with NC no matter how hard it gets.

  8. Well of course you're still going to love him. You were together for 4 years! But if you weren't happy together then there's no point in being together. Maybe you could just be friends? That's normally very hard so maybe you should do NC and allow yourself to heal, be happy once again then meet new people.


    If you weren't happy then there's no use in getting back together as you will STILL be unhappy.

  9. honstly, i don't think its fair that she's doing this to you... saying she doesn't feel a spark and then still texting/emailing you. i think you should move on. i know its hard, but you shouldn't hold on to this relationship any longer. She made her decision; the relationship ended. She's the one who ended it... if she can't move on, then you must because its just going to drag on and on.


    I completely agree...well said!

  10. Since my break up (exactly a month ago today) i've gone through a lot of emotions.


    At first i hated myself, didn't want to leave the house, blamed myself for everything that had happened....now, i feel so much better i never thought one month down the road that i would feel this good about myself.


    I guess i've learnt lots of lessons and learned from my mistakes


    I also feel like i'm more sociable now. I see a lot more of my friends and family and enjoy spending time with them. Who would have thought one month ago i wanted to spend every moment with one person...it's crazy!!


    I am also starting to feel happier with myself. Ok, i know i have flaws....i know i'm a little bit over weight, i know that i do not have perfect skin....but i'm learning to love myself. It's true what they say, you do have to love yourself before other people can love you.


    Anyway, just thought i'd update you and to other people out there going through a break up or feeling pretty down about themselves. Just wait, you'll feel better soon everything will be fine!

  11. Is it possible he's figured things out and is waitong for me to contact him? He never liked any sort of confrontation. How do I know he's not waiting for me to contact him after feeling badly about how things ended?


    You can never know if he's waiting for you to contact him. If he really had figured himself out and wanted to get back together, he would get in contact i'm sure.


    It really is a toughie. Just go with your heart i guess, but be prepared as it may all end in tears and you may end up getting very hurt.

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