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Posts posted by xblondyx

  1. We won't be jealous. He knows i've got a few dates lined up and I know he slept with another girl a few weeks ago. And if we both find someone else we've both said we will defo stay friends. I've moved on from him emotionally. I won't be that upset.

  2. Well since we split up we haven't fought or argued once. And that's been for over 5 months. We gotton along great. But we both know if we got back together we would both feel claustraphobic again and wanna get out which would hurt us even more. This way we can have sex and be friends but also meet new people.

  3. No 'cos we don't wanna. When we were together we used to fight and argue constantly. We aren't meant to be together. We are too young for commitment. But we wanna be together sexually and go out and have fun, but also be able to meet other people at the same time.

  4. Hey guys. Hope you are all ok on this extremely boring Sunday!

    Just a mini rant here from me. Ok Here goes....


    Ok, there is this guy, he is my very close friend, also an ex boyfriend. We were close before we started going out and still remain very close even after we finished. We talk like, everyday, about everything.


    So, on Friday we went to the cinemas together. I knew something would happen because we are both still attracted to each other but don't want to be anything more than just good friends. So yeah, we kissed a lot and he kept putting his arms round me and just looking into my eyes. We were just so comfortable with each other and it was a good night.


    Last night he came over to mine when my parents were out (they'd go crazy if they knew as my dad hasn't forgiven him for hurting me but that was a long time ago). Anyway we sat and started to watch a film. Of course I knew something would happen. He told me he wanted something to happen.


    It started with a few harmless kissed. Ended up in us both being naked apart from our underwear on the floor, him on top of me dry humping me lol. It then moved up to the bedroom where we just kissed and lay together hugging and talking. It was good I admit. I know it was wrong but I think we are entering into a FWB relationship. And I like it. I want it!


    He knows how to please me sexually and he is an AMAZING friend, I don't wanna be more than just mates but we both wanna be together sexually not emotionally. I've thought a lot about this, spoke to a few friends some of whom are dead set against it but other whom say "go for it, you are young have some fun!". I want to go for it.


    He's invited me over next Sunday for some food and to watch a film. It's totally obvious what will happen 'cos he's already hinted loads.


    I just wanna know what people think. Is this so wrong when we both want it and know it won't affect our friendship and both know it won't go any further? Should I go for it?


    Sorry for post being rather long just a lot to get out of my system. Any input would be greatly appreciated

  5. Everything is going great in my kinda "relationship" with this guy right now. He is wonderful. We had a great time last night. We went to the cinemas, of couse, didn't watch much of the movie lol.


    But we've been talking and want to move our relationship onto the next level. We already tried this once but when he tried to put the condom on i just kept slipping off because he's like...too thick lol. He is a good size but it's really thick.


    So, last time, he finally got it on but went to enter me but it hurt like hell 'cos he was so thick then the stupid condom rolled off.


    What can we do about this? We REALLY wanna have sex. I can't explain how much. But the thought of last time is worrying me 'cos it could happen again.


    Any ideas??

  6. You'll always remember sexual things you did with your ex. Me and my ex split up nearly 5 months ago and I still think about him sexually and he still thinks about me sexually (he feels like he is able to share these things as we are still really good friends)

  7. Hey people. Haven't posted on here for a while but new problems have arisen and I would be grateful for some advice on what to do.


    Ok, this guy I know, he's a really good mate but recently he told me he loved me. Bit of a shock. I knew he used to but I thought he got over that 'cos it was last September/October.


    Anyway, he asked my if I love him. I love him as a friend, I told him this, but I wasn't sure if I loved him as more. Being honest here, I was put off by his weight. He's quite fat (I know I sound harsh but even he says it but apparently he's trying to lose the weight but it's taking a longggg time).


    Am I being pathetic by being put off by this? I don't want to sound mean 'cos I do like him but it's the weight that's putting me off.


    Has anyone ever been in this situation before? Am I being stupid?

  8. Yeyyyy well the title says it all really. Life is good right now for me. The sun is shining and I'm smiling!


    I got the job I wanted no more unemployment for me! My prom went amazing and I go on holiday on Friday could life get any better.


    Only bad thing is I have a bad back and I believe that I am still in love with my ex but we are just friends so I guess I can cope with that.


    I hope everyone else out there are smiling and happy! Much love to you all x x x

  9. Err..umm...aren't you being a bit two faced yourself? Now it's coming back to bite ya in the bum.

    Best not to talk badly about 'friends' unless you are doing it directly to them. I know girls are especially bad for this, but it doesn't have to be that way.


    How would you feel if you lost all these girls as friends?

    Just think about it.

    Maybe you are mad or upset right now. I know it sucks when a friend gets a bf and suddenly forgets about friends.

    Happened to me when my friend got her first bf.


    These things pass. You'll either rise above it or the friendships will disintegrate in gossip and bad talking.


    I can tell you this: in a few years none of this will matter.


    I was being 2 faced yes, but I did tell Sarah to her face that it was sad how she's just forgotton about us after 7 years of being best friends. To be honest, we don't get along anymore so i'm happy she's not in my life. Also Amy is being 2 faced, she was the worst one for slagging Sarah off. I said one little thing which was "i think it's quite sad and pathetic that she's not coming to prom just so she can go out drinking in town".


    It's just the Amy thing that got at me, that's upsetting me. I'm just gonna leave it though, not worth getting worked up over!


    Thanks people

  10. They do. It's true they are all 2 faced and only care about themselves. It's sad to say but I have to face facts. I just don't know what to do though.


    Ok well some of you may have read a previous post about Sarah who has totally sacked us off for her new boyfriend so we've all just been getting on with it, leaving her to it. We've lost her. We've dealt with it.


    But now, Amy (ma best mate) had an exam with Sarah yesterday and this is the first time they seen each other since we left school. They talked obviously....and then Amy went and told her it was me that had been slagging her off to everyone.


    Ok, I did slag her off a bit but Amy slagged her off LOADS and so did everyone else so the blame shouldn't just be given to me. Plus Sarah is the one who cut us out of her life so she shouldn't expect us to not think horrible things about her.


    So now I don't know what to do. Amy doesn't know that I know what she said to Sarah. Should I confront Amy? She's being really 2 faced over this but she's my best mate and I don't want to lose her. I also know I'll NEVER see Sarah again, she may try to confront me on 'bebo' about it but I just can't be bothered to argue about it.


    Arghh sometimes I just wanna cry. It's so unfair. I really don't know what to do! Someone help please....

  11. Think I may have posted once before about my friend Amy...the situation hasn't changed since then.


    Ok, she recently broke up with her on/off long-term boyfriend C. They are still friends and still 'love' each other.


    This guy is sooo wrong for her though. He cheats on her, hits her and is generally aggressive.


    Last night we went to a party but left early because it wasn't too good, then we walked up to the village pubs. C came with us although he wasn't invited. Also, B came aswell, who totally loves Amy and would do anything for her.


    So what happened was C got annoyed 'cos B was there and he completely flipped with Amy for no reason really. He started punching the shutters of the local shop and shouting at her. Then at the end of the night he punched a bus stop and smashed all of the glass in it.


    He is unbelievably awful to her and she knows it. She knows she deserves better. We've all told her MILLIONS of times just to get rid of him but she doesn't listen. Even her mum doesn't know what to do now. She's banned him from the house and everything.


    I just want her to be happy again and the only way this can happen is to get rid of him. But how?? Oh, it's making me so upset for her..and for B 'cos none of this is his fault. Amy totally leads him on


    Also, my dad picked me up and saw C smashing the bus stop up and he was like "you're not going out with this lot if HE is there". But most of the time Amy invites him. So if she does this I can't go which means I'll see less of her.


    Has anyone ever been in this situation? How can I make her see sense?

  12. It did rather strike me how you feel you have to look nice or whatever for other people.


    For one week, even a couple of days, wear bland clothes and no makeup. Don't even brush your hair.


    I did this, and found it liberating.


    2 years on, I still do it. Daily.


    First of all, looking good makes me feel more confident. I have gone 2 weeks with no makeup and it just got me down when I looked in the mirror.


    Second of all, robowarrior, I'm not wanting to look nice for other people really, it's for myself. When i look good, i'm happy and enjoy myself more.


    And I did say that people SHOULDN'T judge you by your looks but they do and that is really sad.

  13. I was in an LDR. The guy was great, I did truly like him but I was bored. Bored being stuck in the house night after night waiting for him to call or come online so we could talk.

    We couldn't even go on a proper date. Basically it felt like an online relationship.


    Then someone I thought was better came along so I finished with the LDR guy...thought it wouldn't affect him as much as we didn't really see each other.


    It depends on the couple if the LDR works though. If they are really committed and can see being together in the future, go for it. If not, don't waste your time.

  14. Right i'm gonna start by telling you my plans for the week then go into the problem.


    This afternoon, I have an interview at a solicitors for a job - I have to make a good impression.


    Tomorrow night I have my friends party to attend - so obviously I have to look pretty.


    Saturday I'm going to a big fun fair with my friend, her sort of boyfriend and a guy who likes me so I need to look nice for this guy.


    Next Monday I have another job interview at a top class law firm who really want me - so once again I have to be smart and make a good impression.


    Next Friday I have another job interview - have to make a good impression.


    Next Sunday I have my prom and obviously need to look drop dead gorgeous lol.




    My face was gradually getting clearer, looked practically clear when I had my makeup on.


    Last night my mum said "why don't you put a bit of tooth paste on your spots to dry them out". So I did. I probably put a bit too much on but I didn't think anything about it.


    I was gonna wash it off before I went to bed but before I knew it, I had fallen asleep and it was morning.


    So, I went in the shower and washed it off and got out, looked into the mirror and BOOM. My face looks AWFUL. It's all red and bumpy and looks totally bad. I just want to cry. I have all of the above occasions to attend and I need to look good. OK, so it shouldn't matter about my looks but when I know I look like this, I feel horrible. I just want to cry.


    I know when I apply my makeup it will look a little better but right now...ahh...it just looks terrible!!!


    Does anyone know any quick tips to get the redness down for this afternoon and to help clear it up fast for the rest of these 2 weeks.


    I'm gutted

  15. You sound like me after my ex and I broke up. I wanted to do all of them things too, in fact I did show my friends and intimate picture, just to get back at him for showing his friends a picture of me. I shouldn't have done it but yes, you WILL feel like this. I sometimes still do lol.


    But yeah, I agree with AntiLove_SuperStar, you'll become calmer next and accept that it's over.


    Good luck trying to stop yourself doing the above lol!

  16. Well, my ex dumped me at the beginning of March (bad breakup). I went straight into NC for about....a month and a half and now we are good friends (i know i know people who gave me advice on here...im stupid). We get along much better now, have a laugh. So being friends is possible. It did seem weird at first but now i've met someone it's better. We do have the occasional disagreement but we always make up. He's like my brother.


    So yeah, you can be friends with ex's, doesn't always work but i'm proof that SOMETIMES it does. By the sounds of it though, she doesn't want to be friends or she may just be trying to look 'cool' by saying that it was a boring conversation because she DOES want to be your friend but doesn't want to seem to be holding onto the past...if you get me. Kinda confusing.

  17. I've tried to get in touch with her though. I phoned her...she didn't answer so I text her inviting her out this friday...no reply. She's not the kind of person you can have an in depth chat to really, once she has an opinion on you or dislikes you, her feelings don't change.


    The thing is, she was the one in the wrong really. She lied to our friend saying that we hadn't invited her out when 3 of us did.

    The only part I played in this was telling my other friends that she didn't want to come out.


    I believe someone has been telling her lies to make her not want to be friends with us. Oh well...people change it's only expected.

  18. I know i've posted about this before but the situations still going on and causing me stress and i'm annoyed and upset!


    For those who read my other post, this is about Sarah agen.


    I've not spoken to her for a while after the thing that happened for a few reasons, one being that she was being pathetic and another reason is that i've been busy.


    Right, well, i logged onto Bebo (kinda like MySpace) and looked at her profile.

    She's completely changed it with sly digs in meaning to get at me and my friends like - "i know who my friends are now" and "i love my friends [names here - not ours though!]. And she's removed me from her friends list.


    Well, ok, she's annoyed with us for talking about her. Hey, we talk about everyone, we are girls we talk about people ok lol.


    I decided to comment her on bebo. Just said hey sorry for not being in touch for a while cos i had been at the hospital a lot visiting my grandad. and that i hoped her work was going ok and she was good and that i was gutted that she couldn't come to prom.


    She replied (i was surprised) being very formal saying that work was really good she has made some amazing friends and everything is fab.


    So basically, she's hating us lot lol. But yet, she's being all pally pally with the person she HATED a month ago (also the person who sh** stirred about her 2 weeks ago).


    How can someone change sooo much in such a short period of time? She was my best friend for 7 years, only a few minor fall outs and now...nothing. Ahh im soo annoyed. Why is she being like this?


    Rant over lol.

  19. nottoogreen -


    . Quick Attachment and Expression "The Loser" has very shallow emotions and connections with others. One of the things that might attract you to "The Loser" is how quickly he or she says "I Love You" or wants to marry or commit to you. Typically, in less than a few weeks of dating you'll hear that you're the love of their life, they want to be with you forever, and they want to marry you. You'll receive gifts, a variety of promises, and be showered with their attention and nice gestures. This is the "honeymoon phase" - where they catch you and convince you that they are the best thing that ever happened to you. Remember the business saying "If it's too good to be true it probably is (too good to be true)!" You may be so overwhelmed by this display of instant attraction, instant commitment, and instant planning for the future that you'll miss the major point - it doesn't make sense!! Normal, healthy individuals require a long process to develop a relationship because there is so much at stake. Healthy individuals will wait for a lot of information before offering a commitment - not three weeks. It's true that we can become infatuated with others quickly - but not make such unrealistic promises and have the future planned after three dates. The rapid warm-up is always a sign of shallow emotions which later cause "The Loser" to detach from you as quickly as they committed. "The Loser" typically wants to move in with you or marry you in less than four weeks or very early in the relationship.



  20. I would get upset but I would be able to hide it well from him and my family. I always hide it, bottle everything up. But i would stay strong for him, he wouldn't want me to be all depressed and stuff.

  21. Thank you coollady1957. The reason i'm not allowed is because my family think i'm too young and it could really upset me seeing someone i love connected up to monitors with wires everywhere and him with an oxygen mask on. I understand where they are coming from I just really wanna see him.

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