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Posts posted by xblondyx

  1. Lol, the thing that made us split is that i fancied someone else, so i finished with him and got with this other person who then finished with me 3 months later. I only got with this guy as, i did like him, and, he was here, while the other one was a longdistance relationship and i hadn't seen him for 4 months and was sick of being stuck in the house with nothing to do.


    I have now realised that i do not want to go back to him. I have been leading him on and i'm going to make it clear the next time i speak to him.

  2. Well, the people who gave me advice last night about unblocking my ex were totally right!

    We didn't speak or anything, but his MSN name was suggesting he's looking for someone else to "have fun with".


    At first, i just thought, ignore him, but then i found myself staring at his MSN name and thinking - what a bastard lol.

    I even cried, stupid i know. I was lying in bed and my ex ex was texting me but i was just thinking, wow i miss my baby and was thinking about all of the goods times. I know i'm young and that i'll have much more heart break, but this really does still hurt


    It's been nearly 2 months since he finished with me. Well, 2 months on the 2nd of May. Our 5 month anniversary would be on the 26th of April and i will see him at school on that day.


    I hide my feelings pretty well with my family and friends. Only 2 of my friends know how much i miss him. Everyone else thinks i'm over him. That's why i am on here writing about it, as i feel i have no-one else to talk to. Hmmmm....should i be over him?


    I mean, he treat me well, we did have disagreements but we got over them, we were in love (at least i was and he said he was) and then he goes and treats me like this......guys you suck lol.


    I guess i'm going to remember him forever...he was my first everything...i just want him to remember me forever too....guys who finish with their gfs...do you always remember them?


    Just a rather long venting session there.

  3. I'm not expecting to be friends with him or anything. I just want things like our leavers dinner, our BBQ and our prom to go smoothly with no evil looks or anything lol. I text a friend who i fell out with, with the same message i sent him too! I just don't want anything to be weird or uncomfortable!

  4. I just meant civil as in...we walk past each other and we don't just look down and ignore each other.


    Plus, if i hadn't of texted him, it may have been awkward on our last day. Me being me would go round saying bye to everyone and taking photos and he would ignore me. He wouldn't know that i want to be civil if i hadn't of texted him.

  5. Ok, well, as you may know, nearly two months ago my boyfriend finished with me. Since then we maintained NC even though we saw each other everyday in school.


    So, it's the easter holidays, and when we go back to school we only have 19 days left then we leave forever.

    After a chat with my mum, i decided to text him so i said


    "hey, just wanted to say, we only have 19 days left when we go back to school, and i don't want to leave on a bad note with anyone, so could we at least be civil to each other?"


    He text back (about 4 hours later) saying "yea alright cya round"


    You think it was a good idea to say that?


    Ok, so, what i've done is unblock him on MSN. This mans, if he wants to talk, he can. Even though i know he has me blocked on MSN. I've made the first move so if he wants to stay childish then he can. And oh my, just as i type this he comes online lol. He must have unblocked me. Wow, i feel in control! It means he at least wants to be civil, well at least he's unblocked me! I'm not going to talk to him though, if he wants to speak to me then he can, that's what i have said to him from the beginning.



    Little vent there...anyone think i've done wrong? or have i done a good thing?

  6. Lol sorry!!


    Basically, i finished with this guy and got with someone else who finished with me.

    We are good friends but he still loves me and i'm not sure how i feel but i say things which may lead him on and also i still love my other ex and am not completely over him.

  7. Wasn't sure what topic to put this in, so i thought i'd stick it in relationships as i guess it as a kind of relationship.


    Ok, my ex ex and I are really good friends, we talk practically everyday (on MSN and texting). He lives quite far away from me (It was a longdistance relationship).


    Ok, so when my ex finished with me, my ex ex was there for me, comforted me etc and the other night, he told me he still loved me and wanted me. I do like him, but i'm not sure if i like him as more than a friend. Arghh, i mean, i don't ever see him, i havent seen him since august when we first got together!!


    I think i'm totally leading him on though, i do like him, but i'm still not completely over my ex. I feel like if i start something with this guy, it wouldn't be good as i am still completely in love with my ex.


    The thing is though, we've said things to each other and if i tell him to leave me alone, then our friendship would be over. Plus (me being selfish) i like the attention he gives me, i like being told i'm gorgeous and that he loves me. This is sooo bad and sooo selfish! Maybe we could be together? who knos, but i think what i'm doing is unfair i don't know what to do!!!!


    I know there is NO CHANCE of me and my ex getting back together, and i have my ex ex here (who is one of my best guy friends and we get on soo well) who would do anything for me and who i do still like....what should i do????

  8. I've already been to mr Doctors and he prescribed me with some tablets (unsure of their name...they are big and white lol) and they did work in the first couple of months but then they stop working. I've got to take them until June and then i go back to my doctor to see what he can do. Some people have said that the contraceptive pill helps clear up skin. Problem is, if i go on the pill, my mum will find out that i am not a virgin lol.

  9. Oh, forgot to say. For the first 3 days i used it morning and night (which did clear my face up a bit) but it made my skin VERY dry so i started using the facewash morning and night but the toner and cream on the night only. This is when i got more breakouts. I have 2 bit red PAINFUL spots below my left eye and one painful spot beside my nose grr!


    So today, i used the toner and the cream on the morning aswell, thinking about using the face mask to see if that makes any difference.


    And iamteddybearfeelmecuddleme - clearisil (sp) makes my skin even worse, tried it


    I hate my appearance

  10. Some may know that I recently purchased the ProActiv solution which is like a face wash, toner and a cream thing which helps with skin problems.


    I've used it for 1 week and 5 days. At first, I could see the improvement, my face was a little red and dry but the spots were clearing up. Now, I just seem to have LOADS. This solution is expensive and i've heard great things about it so it BETTER work.


    I know not everything works for everyone but it did start to work now it seems like it's going in reverse and getting even worse. It's not the miracle solution that people say it is, it's good, but there will most likely be better.


    Anyone else used it? How long did it take for your skin to clear?




    Just a little rant as i'm annoyed with my appearance at the moment

  11. Title says it all really.

    Ok, so, it's the Easter holidays so i'm off school. I should be happy, going out and having a great time.


    I did have a good beginning of the holidays, went away to visit some friends. When i got back, i was busy with family things for 2 days. Now, i'm just bored and lonely. My friends are all out with their boyfriends all of the time (and if any of you have read my other posts you will see that i am now single). I'm either staying in the house just mooching around, going on the computer, watching tv or sitting in the conservitory OR i'm going to my grandparents house or hanging out with my mum (shopping). I just wish i could see my friends.


    I've tried to organise something. I've called and text my friends, seeing if they want to do something. One of them has replied and ok, we are doing something on friday but that seems like an age away. I just feel so lonely and this makes me miss the ex because if i was still with him i would be with him or be texting him constantly so i would not feel lonely. I wonder if he misses me.... Anyway, enough about him lol.


    Yeah, i guess i feel unloved, i want a boyfriend like my friends all have, they all seem so happy and i seem so unhappy and depressed compared to them life is unfair.

    Anyone out there want to love me?


    Just venting a little here, anyone want to cheer me up?

  12. The title says it all doesn't it. Well, yeah, today, all I seem to have done is eat. I eat because i get bored and cooking/eating gives me something to do.


    Well i'll tell you what i have eaten today


    For breakfast i had 6 mini chocolate fingers, a chocolate biscuit and a cup of coffee.


    For my sunday dinner i had turkey, boiled potatoes & veg (which i guess is good for me) then a fruit salad.


    The problem started after this......about 4 o clock i had a cup of coffee with 5 mini chocolate fingers, a chocolate biscuit and 4 mini chocolate eggs (happy easter by the way!). I then had a bag of crisps and a glass of water. THEN i had 4 pieces of cheese on toast. Not 1, not 2 but 4!! And 3 glasses of water. That is sooooo bad.


    The thing is, i know that i should not eat all of this crap as it is so unbelievably had for me and i will put lots of weight on. It's very unhealthy. But i still eat (even though i made a promise to my mum that i would eat healthily and try to lose a little bit of weight even though i'm not fat).


    I know that i should keep myself busy so that i wont eat, or just have a glass of water but it's SOOO hard!!!


    How does everyone else do it? It's getting me down cos i just eat and eat and eat and i hate it!!

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