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Posts posted by xblondyx

  1. The title say's it all doesn't it. Well yeah, 26th March today, would have been our 4 month anniversary! Oh well.


    I really don't care anymore though! I mean, i've realised just how nasty and petty he can be. He's been slagging me off to people about me and saying crap! Well he's obviously just not worth it.


    I mean, i loved him, gave him EVERYTHING and was ALWAYS there for him. I nearly lost all of my mates because of him. And look what i got in return! Thanks very much (lol)!


    But now, at the moment, i really dislike him and probably won't speak to him ever again lol. I leave school in the middle of May and i won't have to see him again (hopefully). I don't want to leave school on a bad note with anyone so i may ask him to at least be civil with me but i DO NOT want to be his friend. BREAK THROUGH FOR ME!!


    This post is just an update of my feelings. I'm really happy at the moment. I've been getting on much better with 2 of my friends and have become really close to them. And i've been getting on better with my family, seeing them more! So good things do actually come out of break ups.


    I've also learned from mistakes i made in the relationship and when the relationship ended...i now know what to do in the future if i am ever in the same position.


    Thank you to all enotaloners who gave me advice, encouraged me and helped me this past month (yes it's nearly been a month since we split!!!!!!)

  2. Well, he did say he wanted to remain friends then say that he didn't want to see me, speak to me or text me. Then he was b*tching about my friends. So i have every right to be rude! He's said much worse about me, my friends and family!


    And if i'm honest, my mum, friends and family all told me to delete his number so that i wouldn't break NC, so i did delete it, then re-added it as i thought "oh what's the point in being petty".


    Anyway, i really dislike him right now and probably going to feel this way for a while, but at least i'm over him it obviously wasn't really love.....stupid teenage love yes lol

  3. I've had a major break through!!!!


    Well, ex was in school today and when i saw him i felt absolutely nothing! Just thought "oh gosh he's back" and then ignored him all day


    Even laughed along with my friends when we over heard his friends b*tching about him and they left him on his own!!


    Anyway, i just logged onto MSN and he started talking to me telling me that he would prefer it if i didn't text him and i said "oh yea don't worry i have no intention of texting you, that message the other day was meant for someone else, i don't even have your number in my phone anymore my mum told me to delete it so i did"


    So he said "gdgd. hm. i didn't think your mum would be like that, it just goes to show doesn't it! bye"


    That really ANNOYED me!!!! ok maybe i shouldn't have said that my mum told me to. it just slipped out!


    but He has absolutely NO RIGHT to break NC and then say that about my mum! So i blocked him and deleted him and i NEVER want to speak to him EVER again!


    I know i will have to see him in school, but when i leave in May i'm going to keep away from the university he is going to so i won't see him unless i see him when we are clubbing, then i will ignore him.


    This is a major break through for me! I was sooo happy then he went and spoke to me!! After all he said....still wanted to be my friend and sh*t! Oohhhh i HATE him (lol)!!


    Just a rant post x

  4. The thing is..i KNOW your right. It's just hard. I'm going to have to try and pre-occupy myself and it's going to be hard. I know that in a few weeks i won't have to see him again, probably see him around but won't speak to him. I'll just have to get over it....find someone new. But where no-one wants me! Lol.

  5. Cutting straight to the chase...


    Another lonely and depressed day i thought i was doing OK, getting on pretty well with everything without the ex. Then when i slipped up last night and read my MSN conversation history with him, cried (a lot) then went to sleep.


    Wasn't in school again today (slipped in the shower this morning and cut all of my leg and elbow...ouch) so don't know if he was back in. I've not saw or spoken to him for 10 days. It's really strange.


    Normally, i would speak to him everyday, see him everyday at school then a few nights through the week and once at the weekend. So, basically now, i've got nothing to do! I mean, yea i have my friends, going out with one of them tomorrow. But it's not the same. I just want to SEE him, spend time with him, even as friends. But he's made it pretty clear that he can't be my friend even though he said he wanted us to be.


    Why are guys so confusing? How can they forget about you so easily? It's killing me to think he's moved on and forgotton me


    Just a bit of a rant (again...bet your getting sick of me lol) if anyones got anything to say to this then i'm here, waiting x

  6. I know that people who go through break ups have their good days and their bad days.

    This is my first proper bad day in AGES.


    Don't know why, just started thinking about him. Opened my MSN conversation history from him and sat and read it all, cried a lot, then deleted it.


    I hate him for doing this to me i mean he made me fall in love with him, told me he loved me too and wanted to be with me forever and that he would never hurt me or make me cry, then he went and did this.


    It's killing me that i've not saw him since LAST MONDAY. I was off school ill, now he is. I even text him (very weak moment and a mistake) and he didn't even reply. Has he totally forgotton about me? Gosh i feel so crap tonight.


    Another thing is that mutual friends, well, what i thought were friends, don't even speak to me since the split. I know they are his main friends and he's known them for 7 year and i've only known them for 2, but it feels awful when they walk past me and blank me as if they don't know me


    Sorry about this, ANOTHER post about the b*stard of an ex bf lol. It's not really even a proper post...just a way for me to release my emotions. I find it helps me to write about these things.


    Any thoughts, words of encouragement or any other break up stories out there? Anything to cheer me up...

  7. Well, i was doing so well. Managed to keep the ex out of my head for the FULL day and the FULL evening until now.


    Was just browsing through profiles of Bebo of people from school and came accross a friend of my ex. Decided to look at it....and of course my ex and his famous party was mentioned...and a photo of him..looking gorgeous


    Well, that dragged up all of my feelings that i had so carefully buried away in the back of my mind. I was doing so well aswell i guess this is just a little blip in the way of recovering. I just wish these blips would stop. I know that i will have my bad days and my good days and then the bad days will get less and less. So far i've been doing really well, and yet these bad days, well, hours really, keep coming. When will it stop hurting as much?


    I've tried so hard. All of my friends are saying i'm so strong and if it had of been them, they would have cracked. Little do they know how i feel deep down inside only I know this, and of course the whole population of enotalone lol.


    Sorry for going on about this so much i just need to vent and release my emotions....any comments or encouragement would be appriciated. Thanks.

  8. I know, i can't wait to leave! Means i won't have to see some of the people i REALLY dislike or the ex bf! I'm just going to let this thing with "S" ride out and see what happens. All girls are b*tches. She may have just been having one of those days. If not, well, like you said, her loss. I've got better and truer friends than her.

  9. Another problem post from blondy! Not my usual "Healing after a break up" but something that's really getting to me.


    It's kind of a long and confusing story so forgive me if i babble or don't make sense.


    Ok, so problem 1 (i start with this as it's not that bad). Well, me and a friend "C" fell out majorly about 2 months ago and haven't spoken to each other since. I'm fine with not being her friend, but i'm finding it hard as we are in all of the same classes and have the same group of friends so i'm finding it awkard. Like if she's sitting there talking to everyone, i feel like i can't join in. But anyway, that's an insignificant problem as i only have 18 days until i break up for Easter then 20 days until i leave forever so i can get through that!


    Problem 2 is my main problem. Me, "S" and "A" are all best friends. We are ALWAYS together and normally get on really well.

    Well, today (my first day back after being ill) we were together and it all felt strange.


    My friend "S" was acting weird with me and "A". I'll go through the day and write what happened.


    Ok, so, first lesson there was me, "S", "A", "AS" and lots of other girls sitting around the table talking. Kept trying to catch up with "S" but she just ignored me. She kept saying "i can't believe this" and whenever me or "A" asked her what was wrong, she just said nothing.


    About 20 minutes later "S" and "AS" went for a walk to find some computers and when they got back you could see that "S" was annoyed and upset and "AS" kept telling her not to worry.


    It was like this all day. "S" kept ignoring me and "A" and just going off with other people. At one point, i overheard "S" b****ing about me and "A". I didn't say a word. I didn't want to be in an argument.


    I confided in my friend "N" who told me just to talk to her and ask her if me and "A" had done something wrong. But "S" isn't the type of girl who will sit and listen. She would kick off and tell me to leave her alone and then she would go and b**** about me to everyone else (i've had experience of this as i've tried to talk to her before).


    I just don't know what to do, i don't want to break friends with "S" as she is one of my best friends, but i don't want to be pushed out either. Anyone else been in a similar situation? What did you do?


    Once again, sorry about the longness and confusingness of the story. Thank you.

  10. My first thought ALWAYS used to be the ex. What i did, was do something. Keep busy.

    I went out with friends and family. Read books, watch movies. Get out of the house and keep your mind off the ex.


    Also, to keep NC, delete her number from your phone, delete her off instant messenger lists and just don't try and contact her.


    The urges will go, you will feel stronger soon. You'll wake up one morning and your first thought WON'T be her. I promise.


    Stay strong.

  11. Well, as some may know, me and my bf recently split up. After 2 and 1/2 weeks of missing him and being upset and lonely, i'm feeling happier


    Got up this morning and didn't think about him at all. Had a lovely relaxing morning and i just feel like i've found myself again and i love this new found self and i'm so happy


    This may be due to the fact that last night, i sat and wrote out all of my feelings and emotions and wrote down what i'm going to do and where i want to be in a certain amount of time.


    I've wasted months of my life over this guy, i'm now going to make up this time and focus on me and having a good time! Can't dwell over the past, and that's what he is, the past!


    Thank you all who have helped me through this hard time, i think i'm getting over it

  12. Uh-Oh!!! Just made a HUGE mistake! Was meant to text a friend that i've not spoke to for ages and by mistake i sent it to the ex! This means i've broken NC!


    Argh! What am i going to do. I doubt he'll reply...i know he's busy. What if he does, do i reply back?


    Whyyyyyyyyyyyy did i make this stupid mistake!!

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