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Posts posted by xblondyx

  1. I was just reading the website....the cream i have from my doctor is that Benzoyl Peroxide stuff that is in the ProActiv solution. I don't currently use this cream as it makes my skin go red and very dry. If this the same as the ProActiv solution or will it be different?

  2. I showed her (looking good by the way and i also showed her the ProActiv website. The problem is, she doesn't want to buy it online and it's quite expensive.


    I showed her and said "mum please let me get some" and she said OK go ahead. But you have to order it online and i can't do that so i explained this to her and she said no she's got no money.

    I said i'd give her the money tomorrow as i have it, i just don't have a credit card.

  3. Like the title says..acne GRR lol. Yeah you guessed it, i have just had a major break out of spots. I hate them!!!! I get LOADS just before i am due on my period. When i say loads i mean LOADS. All big, white and red


    I have tablets from my doctor for them that i take every morning and ever night and i also have panoxyl cream stuff but nothing seems to work! I drink lots of water and eat sort of healthily...what can i do to get rid of them?


    I have a big time coming up in two weeks....going down to visit some friends and i ALWAYS seem to erupt out in spots before i go down and find it VERY hard to cover them with makeup....my face always ends up dry and lumpy so when i put makeup on it looks like a disaster (my skin is quite sensitive...)!!! I know most teens get spots but i'm just sick to death of it!


    When i look around at the girls in my school, their skins all looks perfect, no seriously, PERFECT! It's so unfair

    I can't go out of the house without wearing makeup as if i do, i look like a complete tramp!


    Anyone else out there having the same problems? Anyone know any quick solutions?

  4. Keep with NC. It was her who broke it off. So it should be her who comes to you first.

    I know it's hard, i've been through it 2 years ago and currently going through it on a smaller scale now. Just stay strong and let her come to you, if she doesn't then move on!

  5. I think you should talk to her about how your feeling. You may not actually be disappointing her, you may just have high expectations of yourself but low self esteem.


    If she's a good thing in your life, don't lose her. Talk to her and let her know what's going on in your head. You two will be able to sort it out that way.


    Good luck in whatever you do

  6. Ooh harsh. Yeah true you shouldn't have snooped around, if she finds out she'll think you don't trust her.


    It may have been a long time ago you can never know unless you tell her about what you did and ask her.


    Is it a good idea to tell her...hmm toughie! If you don't, you'll never know the truth and you'll be lying to her. If you do, she may think you don't trust her, you could get into a big argument and you may hear some things you don't want to hear (e.g. that she is making connections else where). Up to you.

  7. Right well it's getting to that time where i need to decide which university i'm going to go to, or whether i want to go at all.


    I've gotton into one uni (ok, so i don't think it's very good, but it's a uni!) and currently in the process of talking to another one who rejected me but we are trying to come to a compromise lol.


    For everyone out there who went to uni, are you glad you went? if it worth all of the hard work and debt?


    I'm very unsure about going to university. Some of my teachers have said that it wouldn't suit me and that i should go straight into a job. Others have said that it's a great opportunity not to be missed. I just don't know what to do!!!!


    Anyone else felt like this? What did you do?

  8. Gosh that's very confusing. It seems as though she wants the best of both worlds. She's got a boyfriend, seems like she doesn't want you to have a girlfriend and still wants to speak to you. It's not fair on you!


    I say cut all contact with her. If she phone's again just tell her that she's majorly confusing you and that she should leave you alone as she has a boyfriend and you have a girlfriend (ok, so you don't but she thinks you do) and that if she keeps contacting you it will make you both unhappy.


    NC is the best way for you to get over her, also it will let you clear your mind so you won't be confused anymore.

  9. 19/19 for my Boo Boo!


    6. Write little notes.

    [she smiles. They're cute; The end]


    Lol, I woke up last week, went to my mirror, brushed my teeth, then brushed my hair and then noticed the post-it smack dab in the middle of the mirror "Have a Great Day Gorgeous! LOVE YOU"



    You lucky thing!!!!

    I agree that all men should so all of them! Wish i had someone to do them for me...

  10. In my opinion, a healthy relationship is NOT spending too much time with each other. Not forget your friends, go out with them and things that that. Don't cancel on your friends to go out with your partner.

    Don't constantly be with/talk to your partner, give them space --> absense makes the heart grow fonder!

  11. An ex boyfriend of mine made me do things i really wasn't ready to...now i've forgiven him and we are really close took me a long time to get over it...sometimes i'm still uncomfortable doing the things he made me do but it's ok.


    A close friend of the family (girl now aged 17, same as me, was only aged 11 when it happened) was having a fight in front of our primary school with a girl who she had fallen out with. She pushed the girl and the girl went flying onto the road and got knocked over, was very seriously injured. Even though i barely knew this girl, i have NEVER spoken to my close friend again.

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