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Sorrowful Tears

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Everything posted by Sorrowful Tears

  1. People can be hard to understand sometimes... like how they can just fall out of love with someone all of a sudden... But she did say that she just wants a break right? So that's something... We learn so much about all our mistakes from breakups or separations but sometimes its too late... But sometimes its not. If she's willing maybe you should hang out as just friends once in a while. Dont talk about getting back together and dont pressure her. Just be her friend. Things can develop from there... my ex and I have remained friends since the day we broke up and things seem to be looking up for a possible getting back together... if we hadnt remained friends there most likely wouldnt have been hope for the future. Good luck. Hopefully she will realize how much she will be walking away from if she doesnt get back with you.
  2. Just be greatful that she has said that she wants to give it another try in the future... I wish my ex would say that... its hard now but at least you know that you will most likely get another chance at some point.
  3. I know what you are going thru. My (ex)fiancee broke up with me 3 months ago and I am also severly depressed. I too am told by people that they think my ex and I are meant to be. I still hang out with him as friends. It is painful yes but to me spending most days in pain is worth it if I get to spend a great day every so often with my ex. I also assumed that me and my ex would be together forever cuz thats how he said it would be. I too am in a situation where he knows that Id take him back at any time. Well my advice is to just keep hope for the future. Thats what gets me thru the day.
  4. I dont think you should try to cut off communication to try and get her back. My ex and I still hang out too and are sometimes close. For a while there I had been calling him everyday and I guess making a pest of myself so dont try and make too much communication either. Ive stopped calling my ex all the time and now things seem a little better between us but we do still see each other. I think if you stop seeing each other and you cut off communication then what the hell is the point in trying to get them back? A lot people say try to act like you're not interested and then they'll come running back but there are a lot of people out there that would take that at face value and thereforeeeeeee forget about you but for real. Just go somewhere in between. Communication but not too much. Good luck.
  5. Im going thru almost the exact same thing and I am also 19. My fiancee broke up with me 3 months ago. We were together for a year and a half and planned on spending the rest of our lives together. But my situation is a little different- he just doesnt want to be with ANYONE right now. And we're still good friends and we hang out 1 or 2 times a week. For a while things got distant between us and I know that he became annoyed with me calling him and asking to come over. But over the past couple weeks things have gotten better and we've sorta become close again. Anyways, just so you know, you are definetly not alone. I spend each and every second of my life in tears over him and am going thru the most intense pain anyone could ever feel. I feel like there is nothing left to live for. Deep down I almost know that we're gonna be back together eventally and that is the only thing that keeps me going. I wish I could tell you that things are gonna get easier with time but then I'd be lying. The pain of losing the one you love never goes away. But maybe it'll be different for you. All I know is that for me the pain grows even more intense with time. The only advice that I can give you is that if it's meant to be then it'll be... eventually. Many couples break up (sometimes numerous times) and end up getting back together. Keep hope is all I can tell ya. Most people prolly dont agree with what I said but if you truly love somebody I dont think you should give up.
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