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Posts posted by Smarie

  1. Im sorta confused....you dated but your not dating now so you broke up because his parents said you had to and now that youre broken up you dont think he likes you?


    Well, if your broken up I dont see why you would want him to like you still. But I guess your saying it was a forced break up and you guys are still *kinda together* just not really serious because of his parents. You sound kinda young so I would imagine that he is young also. Most adolescent boys try to *show off* to impress their friends/girlfriends. They come up with the stupidest ways to show you that they like you I swear!! lol Its nice to know things havent changed since I was younger!!


    It sounds to me like he does like you, but dont take it like he doesnt like you because he just hasnt really found a way to show it yet. I would guess that his parents are really strict or something along the lines of and that is why you had to break up. Give it time, things will change as you get older.

  2. My boyfriend has a son that is almost 4 years old and still drinks out of a bottle. We argue about this QUITE often, and really has our relationship torn sometimes, only because it leads to other things.


    We are constantly fighting about the bottle because I do not want him to have it. He has it when he goes to bed at night, has it when he takes naps, and sometimes he will say that he is tired so he can get a bottle so he doesnt have to eat dinner. Then after his bottle he gets right back up again.


    My boyfriend and I fight about this because he says it is ok because after he is done with his bottle, he takes it out of his mouth. That way it wont hurt his teeth. He tells me not to tell him how to raise his son and I am not his mother. He chose not to take him off the bottle sooner because his mother let him and his brothers have a bottle until whenever they wanted, and they got rid of it when they wanted to. He keeps telling me that he will get rid of it when he wants too.


    Now maybe I am wrong about this, but my boyfriend constantly tells me that I dont know what I am talking about because I dont have any kids etc. etc.


    Not that I am trying to make this a *whos right* *whos wrong*, but what is the *right* way. I know sometimes a bottle can mess up your teeth, but my boyfriend says that why he pulls it out of his mouth when hes done.


    Can anyone help me?!?! Please?!?!?

  3. Defintitely talk it out!! Most men have a kinky string in them somewhere. You just have to know where to pull it!! lol Tell him what you are interested in and he will probably be really surprised and like it! I find myself thinking about my sex life with my past boyfriends. I think we all do that once in a while. Certain people just do different things. Some are better than others, some have one main specialty, I could go on and on. We just like to relish on the fact that we had that one time and it was good then, but I had to move on. Whatever you are missing though, talk to your boyfriend. You will be surprised what he is willing to do!

  4. Id say your diet has a big part to do with it too. Im not to sure about drinking milk though, if I drink milk before I go to bed, it gives me heartburn. But definitely pizza, tacos, anything with grease, oils, fats, and spicy flavors stay away from. As far as medicine goes try mylanta, tums and pepcid ac. Your family doctor can give you a prescription for Prilosec. It helps heartburn and stomach acid. Fairly cheap too.

  5. Wow, it sounds like you really know how you feel! Excellenet analyzing!! lol Im not sure I can help much because Ive never had this happen though. I have only been in a few long term relationships, and its not that I got/get sick of my boyfriend, I just think after time, you have spent so much time together, that it starts to get *old*. You really love him deep down inside, but you tend to know each others company and be more relaxed. I wouldnt go as far as saying I was disgusted or not even that I was trying to say it didnt matter if we spend any time together. Sometimes after a break from each other, you realize how much you miss that person.


    My boyfriend and I have been together for about 2 years now, and we have been together every day since we MET, not even start dating, since we MET! I would often say how I would like to go spend a little more time with my friends or my family or whatever. Even time alone sometimes. Then not to long ago he had to travel accross state for work for a week and I didnt see him all week...... I was lost without him. I didnt know what to do! When he came home, I was attached to his hip again, which I was before too I guess, but this time I wanted his undevided attention, which I actually got too! This sounds very similar to what happened to you. But now, you have really split up for good, which you could move on.

    Find someone else and remember how this relationship went bad so you dont follow the same path.


    Or you may get back together still. People arent the same, some are clingy, some are lovey-dovey, some need there space...etc....etc.... Maybe all you needed was some time apart again. But if you do move on, maybe start off limiting your time together so you wont get to *sick* of him to quick. This way, if something happens, since you hardly spend anytime together anyways, it wouldnt be that much of a change. As time goes on, try to work together on things. Let him know things you do or dont agree with. As your relationship goes on, ask yourself if you can picture spending the rest of your life with him.


    Whichever path you choose, I wish the best of luck to you!!!

  6. I think she needs more time to get over her past relationship. Some times that can take a while. Be there for her but dont feel to needy. Talk once in a while, but dont clear your schedule to let her know that you are totally free whenever she wants to do something. Judging by the place and environment you met her in, that might have been just what she was looking for. So dont feel like it was your fault if you get let down. At least she came out and told you the truth, which means she does want to be honest with you, so maybe she is looking for a relationship somewhere down the line. Dont feel to desperate, but still be around once in a while as a close friend for her.

  7. Wish there was an alternative.


    Im on the pill and trust me its a lot better than having to stop so he can out a condom on. But it still doesnt help in the whole std prevention game. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years, so there are no random people in my sex life. I wouldnt suggest sleeping around like that. You could get really sick from that. And like what was said before, her getting pregnant is the least of your worries right now.

  8. I know exactly how you feel, in a way. My boyfriend is the video game type too and he sits at his computer about 3/4 of the day. But if one of us isnt working, we are constantly together. So I have grown quite accustomed to the computer being around as his second girlfriend. The only time that we are not together is when we are working or when I go home to sleep at night and he comes back and picks me up in the morning. And trust me, its not all its cracked out to be. I mean, dont get me wrong, I like to spend time with him. But every single day we are together and in the rare aoccasion that one of has to do something else it feels really weird because it leaves that empty hole.....what do I do now? Alot of times we end up bickering because it makes you ponder....All of a sudden you have this to do?..... I think that you do have a rite to be upset that he can make time to hang out with his friends but cant make time away from the computer to spend a few choice moments with you. Although, dont be mad at him for going out with his friends when you are not allowed to go.

  9. That sounds right to me. I always cum before my boyfriend goes. Sometimes even 2,3, or 4 times, but I do agree that it should be that way. Men need to wait after they cum so theres that long *waiting period* after that. And in that time, anything can happen, I know men are prone to fall asleep. lol Besides taking a breather, trying switching spots around and using different surtfaces in your house. Also try using a fan or having the a.c. on. Switching works for us alot because your catching your breath in the time it takes you to turn over or lay down or walk accross the room or whatever.

  10. Deciding when, who, where....they are all really hard when you think about losing your virgintiy. The only real rule that you need to follow is make sure that YOU are ready for that. No matter what you are going to be nervous because of it being your first time, but you dont want to make a move like that if you are not ready for that. There really is no wrong or right in the bedroom, everyone prefers something different, but all you need to make sure of is that you want to do that and you are comfortable with the situation. If you are not ready then tell her that. Most girls should realize that its your first time and you are not sure of it yet. When you are ready, then let her know. If she has a real problem with it, then that would have been the wrong girl tolose it too. I remember my mom telling me when we had the infamous *sex talk* that if I didnt want to do it and some guy try to pressure me to, and after I said no he left me, then that was the wrong guy. If he leaves you, then he didnt love you, she said, and if he doesnt love you, then that is not someone you want to sleep with.

  11. I am not totally sure, but I believe they make a female version of something like Viagara. Im not sure if it's supposed to help your sex drive or not, but you should look into that. I'm really not to brushed up on my knowledge of anything like that, so dont take that as 100% right, but you should definitely ask a doctor about it.

  12. And if he goes back to the " take it or leave it" attitude then I'd dump him FOR REAL this time and not let him back in for more damage.


    I am with that 100%!! The reality of your relationship will always come *after the honeymoon is over* He made a big show for you so you would get back together, stuck with it for a while to keep you around, and now he is back to being his old self. Well, this is the way that he is, and the way that he is always going to be. You need to think about this ALOT and recognize that he is damaging you, everyday. The comfort that you are supposed to get when consulting him with a problem is getting blown off and blamed solely on you. Do you really want to deal with that for the rest of your life. The only thing I would suggest is really communicating to him how you feel and telling him how much he hurts you. But since this has already been a step you have taken, the only step left is to break up. I know its going to be hard, but that is not a healthy situation for you to be in. Especially since you 2 are trying to buy a house together too! Thats a big step! Is this really how you want things to be? If you cant talk to him reasonably and tell him this is how I feel, something needs to change or I am leaving....then I would leave him. I wish the best of luck to you on whichever path you take!!!

  13. Just goes to show there are some reall nutters out there. lol Like im a fine one to talk. lol


    Everyone has to be a little nuts once and a while. If not, how boring would that be!! Some people just take it to a different level and start acting nuts ALL the time. The only problem is, they dont know they are WACKO!! lol Theres nothing wrong with being a little outrageous once and a while, its just that most people know how to meet the status quo of *normal*. I would say online stalking is definitely one of the bars on the low LOW end of the totem pole!!


    In telling your friends about it, its kinda funny that they laughed at you in a way, but I am happy that they took you seriously after they realized that it was for real. Maybe they can help you find someone to *kill some time with* and get to know. Someone a little more level headed I hope!! Might I suggest erasing your profile on your dating website? lol Or at least ad a part to warn of all the people who wear straight jackets. And dont think that I am kidding either, they do let some of them out for good behavior on the weekends!! They are more than likely bound to cross a computer somewhere!!! J/K....but good luck keeping her away!!!

  14. Oddly enough, I met my boyfriend at my job...he was one of my customers. He would come there all the time and eventually, we really hit it off. We made small talk at first. He would come there almost every day, I came to know his order and had it ready for him when he came in. (it was a coffee shop so its not exactly the same as a restaurant, but you get the drift) eventually, he came one day and told me to write my phone number on his coffee cup. That was 2 years ago and weve been together ever since.


    The best thing you can do is just make odds and ends meet right now. Strike up a converstion about something happening at that moment. When you go to the restaurant, ask to be sat in her section, make sure you notice her name tag if there is one or a name on the bill. Remember, girls dont really like it when they have to make the first move, they normally wait for guys to make the first move. But dont be to demanding at first. After being waited on by her a couple times mention how every time you come there she is always there and is she alaways working, does she evr get a day off? When she says, yes, of course, ask her if she would like to do something on her day off when ever she says it is.


    Keep in mind that she works in a restaurant and probably would not want to go to another restaurant on her day off. Try telling her something that you are doing this weekend with your friends and you would like for her to come. A situation where she is able to drive herself in a public place is better because she doesnt really know you so probably does not want to jump right in a car with you or be alone already with you like at a movie theater or something.


    Try bowling, karaoke, pool, bbq at a park, or something that is local in your area that is a big hit with people your age range. Make sure you give her all the details of where you would want her to be and times and everything. See if she offers you her number to get ahold of her, if not give her yours in case she has any questions or changes her mind about coming to your event. Hope this helps a little....Good Luck!!

  15. that was perfect......i couldnt have said it better. I think we all realize how hard breaking up is but we dont want to realize that it is happening to us. When it does happen, there is always that small percent that gets back together afterwards and everyone always thinks that is going to be them. It ends up not being what happens to them and they are let down. Its a natural response that everyone will got through, some can handle it, some take longer. Either way...it will happen and everyone makes it through ok. Well said...........

  16. Sounds good, Im a sucker for scary movies. Dare I ask where she lives? You said she wanted to have you come to a conference in the U.S., do you mind me asking where she is from? Im gonna guess and say its down south somewhere. I have my own theory going on........

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