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Everything posted by alicejlucas

  1. LOL! I didn't know that, but it certainly explains a lot... I once had a bf who had a real problem with oral...he did the, already discribed "random" method, and that was really bad, because I never had enough stimulation on the clit to be able to orgasm, or even enjoy. So I told him to...erm...spell his name with his tongue over my clit The "Sesame Street" method seemed to work for us
  2. Tongue rotation works wonders. Also, my bf is very sensitive on the underside basis of his penis. I rub that part with my fingers while I randomly rotate my tongue around the top of his penis. Sometimes I hit a spot that REALLY does the trick for him (oh, you'll know when you hit one...! ) and I insist in it. That really makes him put a pillow over his mouth
  3. Boys will be boys... 8) This is a LONG shot, but is he on any type of medication? My bf had the same problem when we started having sex. He's 23 but already going bald so he was taking some pills to retard the process - one of the pill's secundary effects was "may cause erectile disfunction"... He's doing FINE now! Still, when he gets tired, and may get limp, I immediately take action. I know how serious guys take their performance so I try to take his mind off it (caress, moan, kiss, talk dirty, etc), get him really turnned on, letting him know that I'm enjoying having sex. At the same time I perform a hand job/blow job while he's lying down. That seems to do the trick! You might want to try this, but take action in a natural way, don't make him feel that you just went into "plan B".
  4. JH, I'm sorry, but a yeast infection is a STD! A yeast infection in women genitalia is usually caused by Candida albicans, a unicelular fungi... Yeast infections or fungal growths usually develop in a moist environment, such as: finger and toe nails folds of skin genitals webs of fingers and toes Take precautions, but don't be too worried... The vagina or urethra can pick up the infection through sexual contact, although sexual contact with an infected partner does not usually spread the fungus.
  5. If she is relaxed and wet, fingering should not be a problem, specially if you're not going deep. Nails do not hurt like that, and they give rashes or small cuts, not 2 day long bleedings. Has your girlfriend gone to the gynecologist? She could have some sort of infection in her vagina and that may be causing the pain (I once had a hard time with chlamidia myself but Trichomonas, Candida and other beauties also may do the trick)
  6. Dedicate some time to it. Explore. I'm sorry, but the way I see it sex is also about self-knowledge and the free exploration of someone's body and libido. don't you want to give it a try, find that out by yourselves? Isn't your problem just lack of time or availability and not the fact that you don't know how to make your boyfriend come? Get intimate and relaxed.
  7. I sometimes have the same problem with my boyfriend. Specially if it's his second erection in a short while or if he's feeling tired. It's not that he can't ejaculate, but sometimes he's just too tired to keep the right movement tempo that it takes for him to ejaculate during intercourse. I talked to him about that (witch I think you should to) and he just say'd that everything was fine, he's just too tired to keep humping so he stops. So...I give him a major blow job! 8) And there, he has his orgasm, and I feel better knowing that he is pleased.
  8. I always try to hide it. I only cut my arms and I'll even wear long sleeves in the summer if I have to, but I never show them. Some 4-5 years ago I showed them to a close friend of mine in some cry for help I can't talk aboput this to anyone else, please understand me but it freaked her out real bad and she drifted away. I just don't want people to think I'm a freak. I'm a preatty sociable person, with a normal life and I don't make a big deal about that thing I do to myself with knives. I don't want other people to make a big deal either.
  9. It goes like this... I don't have a lot of serious sexual experience but I've been with someone for some time now and we have an active (and very pleasing) sexual life. The other day, while doing foreplay, I challenged him to give me 20 orgasms in less than 4hr. It was a joke, but after about 2 1/2 I had already experienced 25, most of them while in normal intercourse. So...I became worried. We're all bombarded with magazines telling you THIS is impossible! The stereotype is that women seldom have orgasms at all, so what's up with me? Was that for real? is it ...normal? I've started searching the web and felt some relief after reading something by Robert W. Birch on this website: And now I'm thinking..."Wow, it's alright, I'm not alone! It can be done!" And there I go exploring http://www.enotalone.com forums, feeling really good about this open-minded place, planning to post something about my experience, get some feedback, when I read this Topic... My boyfriend never lasts less then 1 1/2hr... And I've seen/experienced intercourse (not conting foreplay...) for 3 hr. in a REGULAR basis. What's the matter? Is this so...weird? So unnatural? He only ejaculates at the very end and says he makes no effort in achieving that. Should I be worried with this? I ask him if he doesn't orgasm because he's not having enough pleasure, but he tells me he fells just fine. I've already found myself thinking that he's lying about how much real pleasure he really feels. And he already asked me if I fake my orgasms (I usually have about 5-8 each time we have sex). Or should I just think...hey, we are SO BLESSED!
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