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  1. ok i have a friend her name is adele.... we have known eachother for a while like 2 years. and in thoes two years we have had our fights... but lately she is pissed at me cause i went and saw her EX. boyfriend (jordan).... i dont like Jordan that way i went to say hi... i went to see what was goin on... he was graduating. and i didnt know if i would ever see him again so i went and said hi. i didnt know it was ganna be a crime or anything. but it turned out she found out about it and she cussed me out about it and saying that i was obbsessed with him................ one.. she didnt tell me that i couldnt go and see him... two... i didnt need to ask her permission ... three y does she care so much if i did go and see him... I sat down with her one night and she tried to explain it to me but i wasnt understanding.. she has lied to me in perosn and online about this.... and we have been through this before and we did become friends again... but idk if its ganna happen this time. My ex boyfriend Nick is a good friend of both me and adele... and when me and nick were together he would spend all his time with adele and i got mad and i talked to them both about it and i thought that they liked eachother but they convinced me that they werent ............... I broke up with nick. because he was always with adele and adele yells at me cause i blame her for me and nicks break up. and yes i do... Adele claims that we are friends but is she really... would a friend do that to a true friend..??? please help me
  2. if she is ur friend she wouldnt judge u at all. maybe u should talk to her about how u feel. she may not understand it but at least she knows how u feel and how she is making u feel....
  3. i really enjoyed the poem, i could really relate.... thanks for sharing it with us.. keep writting always, shortieGirl220
  4. maybe u guys are looking but not seeing.... the perfect girl could be right in frount of u... surround ur self with positive, people that have the same interests as u and eventully u will find that one girl for u...... good luck...
  5. hey, thanks so much for the advice.... i will try to not listen to her... and i am starting to surround myself with positive and supportive people... and no i will never forget..... thanks again... shortiegirl220 aka ellie
  6. for every rose there is the thorns.... its the same with love...once u find love... sometimes it may hurt... i am still in love with my ex... he was my first love.. and i will never forget the love we had for each other... but now he is with my best friend and its hard to see them together.... I told jessica ( the new gf) how i still felt about nick ( my ex) and i regret it now... she posted some thing really mean in her xanga page.. about me and how i still love HER bf... she was making fun of me... i cant take it anymore... i hate being in this postion.... she doesnt get that he was my first love and i will never forget my love for him no matter who he is with or who i am with.... it just drives me crazy....
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