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  1. dude if you can last 10 min then the chances of lasting longer are good i had that problem once except i might last 10 sec that lasted maybe 3-4 times i think all it is is confidence if you think your gonna blow early chances are that you will if your confident youll last as long as you want i am 18 and the longest i have ever lasted was like 40 min and the girls act like that is amazing most guys cant last 10 min... so you are cool if she is satisfied why worrry about it
  2. man, you cant do anything about it , i dont know how old this chick is but it seems to me this isnt the only mistake she has made she probably never really had any real direction inlife....she hasnt learned and maybe she never will. i hate to say just sit back and watch her get hurt but thats alll you can do......there are people you can get to take care of it though maybe a hit man
  3. she probably wants to be loved and you probably did alot for and she probably took advantage of that. she probably has noone else to call. dont buy into it
  4. Dylan


    i have found that if a girl likes you and i very open and lets you know about it most likely she is very easy. talk to her friends they will tell you
  5. I mean i know all this... the writing is on the wall but it just seems really hard to just walk away you know.... I figure once i leave i probably wont even care any more its just kinda an addiction ... right now it is probably just that she is there and why not be with her for now. because when i dont talk to her or the idea of breaking up arises its all i think about but im sure im just young.The trust will never be there because i honestly believe she has had sex with him and it kills me to think of it. once i go to the navy i will wisen up a little and realize how pathetic of a relationship i thought we had
  6. Alright i have a girlfriend which i do like alot and things havent been going so smooth lately. ill get to that in a minute. we have been together for about 8 mos. she really liked me alot and i kinda used her at the beginning never reallly expecting a relationship we messed around for a bout 5-6 months and she put up with my crap of cheating and just being a dic really.. ex. i really wouldnt talk to her at school ext. i took her virginity about 2 months into the relationship and the next night she goes out gets drunk and has sex with this guy. she told me about it and she cried to me about it and everything.... now i really didnt like her at this point yet so i took her back. she has kissed about 3 other dudes but told me on all occasions she was drunk on all... every time i made her fill like crap about it. she is 16 and i am 18 she always would buy my lunch and do about anything for me. it seems to me about everytime she is around a guy she ends up doing things with him now she stopped going out because of this because she says she doesnt want to mess anything up between us.. she only done things with about 5 guys all being kissing for the exception of that one. she has lied to me about stuff but most of the time i always get it out of her. in about the past month i caught her in a few lies about talking on the phone with this guy and she has even lied to me about her friends and her going out with him. recently a friend told me that that guy said he had sex with her... they both deny it... but one time he even told me he kissed her... since then i have thought that was a cover up to something else, she denies that too i leave for the navy in 1 week what should i do about her i like her and she likes me i think she even has desk top filled with pictures of us and my stuff and she sleeps with one of my sweat shirts but i think she is just a good liar and a manipulator she is smart i am smarter but the thing is i actually fell for her. lately i dont really know what to do it seems like she may not like me as much now that i like her
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