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  1. dont freaking dump him for that....that would be a real petty thing to do. Take the advice and wait for him to be comfortable with you. If that doesnt work get him drunk..works everytime...ha
  2. yeah..well I got the same from other friends. I dont know.. I guess all I can do is be careful. I know its going to bite me in the arse in the end. thanks. your advice is well noted
  3. well this girl i was seeing in the summer who pretty much dumped me (to get back with her ex) has seemed to come around again..i havent really talked to her for the past two months and then after wishing her a happy birthday she started talking to me, and I know she broke up again with her ex....i assume they got back together. She seems to be interested and telling me we should hang out (with some mutual friends we have). But then sometimes she gives me mixed signals like she wants to be friends, but then im kind of confused because she calls me really late sometimes and she seemed really disappointed when I couldnt go out one time. I do still have feelings for this girl but i dont want to screwed over again. But I want her to know I still see her the same way as I did before. So how do you think I should go about testing the waters out?
  4. It wasnt just a one night stand kind of thing. Are relationship lasted longer a while, and are relations happened more than just one time. I know trying to get a hold of her anymore would be the weird thing to do. Its only that she completely ignored me when are relationship started to get serious. So its kind of unresolved for me. Thanks for the advice, even though it ended up being the same my friends told me. There is to much cute girls out there then to just dwell over one.
  5. Well I had sort of a thing in the summer with a girl I have known for a while. It started by us going to a club together with some friends and we ended just hitting it off. It lasted pretty much a month and a half or so and ending up with her totally and completely ignoring me. I dont know why she would be completely ignoring me, I never really did anything.The last night I really saw her (in the sense that we acted like a couple ) was when she came over my house crying about her friend pissing her off. We ended up having sex that night (sorry to be blunt) and just talking. She had told me before that night that she really liked me, and i told her the same. And that night was the night I truly felt I fell in love with her, but from that day forward she started not to return my calls. After a while she called me and we went out and she explained to me that she was having problems with her parents and she was sick ,thats why she wasnt returning my calls. Well after sees her that night she pretty much just broke any connections between me and her, she blocked my aim name, didnt return any of my phone messages. I sent her an email and told her I missed her and I wanted to see her. And I instant messaged her under another screenname i had, I told her "Hi and that it was me", and she ended up just logging off. Then after all that she added me to her friends list on myspace, i was like "??" She had told me that I was the nicest anybody has ever treated her.I heard before that she has an jerk ex-boyfriend that treated her like crap, and i suspect she is back with him. Does my situation look hopeless? I really do still care for despite her treating me like i never existed. I really dont want her ending up with this jerk boyfriend she has. But what can I do? I mean i dont want her ending up with this guy, even if nothing happens between us again. I still love her, So is there anything I can do to show her i still care for her? Or did I do everything I could in my situation?
  6. I say you answered your own question. I say ask her out at where she works since its probably the only for sure time you will get too see her. Tell her you recognize from the history class. That would just be an ice breaker than you could just ask her general crap like what how did she do in the class, or what subjects is she taking in college, you have alot more to talk about since you go to the same college anyway.
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