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Everything posted by clubbinguy

  1. dude, if youre dancing so close that your crotch is normally grinding against her body, I think you've passed the "will I offend her by being excited" phase. At 17, this surely won't be your final relationship. I say just be natural and if she is so offended by that (which I doubt she would be) that she wants to split up over the fact that you find her attractive, you'll find another that realizes it's a normal, natural part of being male.
  2. Yeah, that's a pretty weak reason from him. You've tested clean, so all he can claim anymore is the mental aspect of it. But c'mon. Other men's penises have been in your mouth (I assume) and he's still willing to kiss you right? He needs to grow up. Being in love means making sacrifices. And if he just did it, I'm sure he would get over this irrational fear he's got going on. Maybe you start denying him oral until he comes around.
  3. Sn0man said it best. It's mostly about cleanliness. I've had good experiences and bad ones. And with one of the bad ones, she tasted just fine after we did it right after she showered.
  4. I don't think it would be a turn off for most guys at all. I think most guys would enjoy thinking that he could "get you that way". And you don't need to worry about low lubrication issues. For me, just hearing a girl say she's so wet drives me crazy.
  5. So my current gf decided to let me take her virginity after we've been messing around for several months. I've had a couple partners but I've never been with a virgin before and while it seemed to go ok, we're both a little confused about what happened. Basically, on penetration she felt a lot of pain and pressure, which you would expect, and then it didn't hurt as bad. But when it was over and I pulled out there was not a drop of blood on the condom or on her. We did it again the next day, and she said the initial penetration was somewhat painful again and then got better again. But again, no blood in the least. How can this be? I'm may not be the biggest guy in the world but it should be enough (about 1/4" shy of 8")..I would think surely enough to tear her hymen. Do some girls just not bleed their first time? And before anyone suggests she was lying, she isn't. I wont go into how I know, but assume she's not and I know that much.
  6. Hmm, when he kisses you, does he forget the other guys' tongues and penises were in there too? He needs to get over it.
  7. My current gf, 21, is a virgin and is very sexually inexperienced, yet a very sexual woman. Before meeting me, she had never even masturbated nor had an orgasm. She let me perform oral sex on her and had a powerful orgasm that filled my mouth with her juices. The same thing happened the 2nd time. But then from the 3rd time on, she gives no physical indication that she's having an orgasm, other than the fact that she announces it. Why would she gush like this only twice and never again? It led me to believe she was faking it, so I asked to please always be honest with me, and if she didn't think it was going to happen, to please just let me know, and I won't feel defeated or like a failure. She swore this is never the case and she would stop me if so (she has stopped me once). She insists she's truly coming each time she says she is. Past girlfriends I've had gave some physical cues of orgasm like the aforementioned "gush" of juices, or swelling and blushing of the lips. But I don't feel, see, or taste any indication that she's really getting off, aside from those first 2 times. How do I know if she really is? Is it possible she thinks she's coming but may not really be? I know many young girls somehow don't know if they are cumming or not. If she had an orgasm the first two times, I would think she would know what it feels lik, though. And if she is getting off and being honest with me, why doesn't she ever gush again, or is there something that would help make this possible again? Thanks for any advice.
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