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Everything posted by dias

  1. I can't agree more. This why i feel scientists and engineers are the "stupid" in this case. Salesmen and managers make the money and the decisions and the workers are mere ... workers....
  2. Meteora, Greece ! [video=youtube;ySUsJuT8F2g] ]
  3. Couldn't agree more. It's even more pleasant spending this time working than driving. So much time wasted without a reason.
  4. You have violent instincts!!! [video=youtube;Asx-sdSI2HU] ]
  5. We have better beaches in North Greece to take photos but I don't have a model to pose lol [video=youtube;0IwXzPdVnhw] ]
  6. ENA opened a department in Southend Kwstas papadopoulos, on Flickr
  7. A Chinese girl told me that I could become a model. It's always nice to hear compliments.
  8. Doing good I've been in the UK for a while. In the south the weather is not that bad as they say, not until now at least. It's the first time in my life seeing an ebb tide. haha
  9. Long time no see Lolita! It's always a joy reading your journal.
  10. I love Portishead too. [video=youtube;S5NPriAa8so] ]
  11. Sure they are. They persuade me. I like getting convinced sometimes. [video=youtube;JA1LylibGss] ]
  12. Sigh......... [video=youtube;knUmgtNh9lM] ]
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