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Everything posted by dias

  1. I bet you liked True detective season 1. Watched Homefront. Statham rocks as always.
  2. Good "hardcore" movie. Liked it.
  3. Gold. It was,eh, ok. If you don't have anything else to watch...
  4. 10 Cloverfield Lane. It was good if you like this sort of movies but it's not my thing. Cute actress though. Watched Hell or High Water for second time. Best movie of 2016 for me. I am downloading Green Room. It has good reviews. Let's see.
  5. Yeah but this was the best. I've seen the others, they are good but not like hot fuzz.
  6. Yeap, it's a great song indeed. Very sensational, ideal with a glass of wine and a good company... and you know the rest....
  7. [video=youtube;UVv6XNfY8pA] ] One of my favorites
  8. Around 8 in the west part of Switzerland. Very sunny . Love it
  9. How many layers do you wear ? just curious lol . The first year is always difficult .It's the transition period . I knew an English girl that came as an au pair here and she used to complain about the hot winter in Greece. But then she told me that the weather sucks in England because it's too cold and rainy . lol.
  10. Hahaha. Well most Greeks don't get along with heavy winters . I guess it is logical since the transition from +15 to -30 is rather harsh . I have only dealt with -13 and it was ok.I could still go for a stroll but i assume with -30 in Canada that would be a bit difficult . Though the nature of Canada rocks i have heard . . I am going to Switzerland tomorrow , hope i will get some good photos to post
  11. I feel you . Although i deal ok with cold (for a Greek) i am always happy when Spring is close. .
  12. They told me that they would call me for an interview this week but I haven't hear from them yet . Arggggggggggg
  13. [video=youtube;9SXWX6qg0y4] ] Liefde -Liefde means love in Dutch ?Just curious.
  14. Not a film . The mentalist season 7
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